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LBP3 - Dynamic Movie Camera (Open-Source Tool/Engine)

Archive: 8 posts


The Tool is now available to everyone! Open-Source Style!


The Cardboard Box: https://lbp.me/v/qw3hkny/
Autumnal Yosemite Park: https://lbp.me/v/qxy3zbf/ (watch promo video) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JvDoy6Acmw&feature=youtu.be)

Do you ever wanted to create a awesome level trailer but struggle to make complicated wired mess with Movie Cameras?

Well, During the creating of my PlayStation Home Central Plaza Top-Down Tour: Remastered I think about how to properly show off the level with freedom to move with control instead of, again, making quite some mess with Movie Cameras.

I Decided to I created an fully operational, 'easy to use-hard to master' controlinator called "Dynamic Movie Camera", especially designed for #PS4Share LBP Videos just to showcase, for Level Trailers, Demo's, and others.

Logic Interviewish:


?Dynamic Movie Camera? was used to those levels trailers/videos:

-PlayStation?Home's Top-Down Central Plaza Tour: Remastered: https://lbp.me/v/qw0t0mg/

*more coming soon*
2015-08-06 04:26:00

Posts: 20

Looks like a great idea to have a movable came for recordings 2015-08-06 11:19:00

Posts: 1799

This looks very interesting, but your links don't work!2015-08-06 20:38:00

Posts: 928

This looks very interesting, but your links don't work!

the power of CopyPaste really did screw things up for me, just replaced the link with the correct one.
2015-08-06 23:00:00

Posts: 20

hmm, i might have to make something like this for my 3D camera to show some really nice projects that i have off, definatly need to use this great idea for making the trailer for my big project work xD keep up the goo work2015-09-06 16:40:00

Posts: 19

hmm, i might have to make something like this for my 3D camera to show some really nice projects that i have off, definatly need to use this great idea for making the trailer for my big project work xD keep up the goo work

You're always happy to request it by sending the PSN Message to me and I'd add u and send you the Camera.
2015-09-13 04:07:00

Posts: 20


New Tech Demo is out!

2015-10-11 05:13:00

Posts: 20

I should have released it sooner, but Better Late then Ever. The Dynamic Movie Camera Engine has been released to the public, but in Open-Source.

I decided to make it Open-Source because, I felt it could have a lots of potential to LBP Creators to use this tool as a way to create better content, especially aimed at #PS4Share Custom Level Trailers or could've use as a #LBPiCandy showcases, or modified as a in-game asset. It could be anything. thanks to the power of LBP3. the only limit, is the game itself...also your Imagination!

You can get the Engine just by clicking the link: https://lbp.me/v/qy00d7s/activity

additionally, I created a Dynamic Movie Camera Page on my Website. You can always check it out! perhaps, have plans to update the web page to include more stuffs, potentially a tutorial or some sort?


2016-03-21 03:44:00

Posts: 20

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