Dreams - Mm's New Game
Archive: 49 posts
Media Molecule announced their new game Dreams at E3 2015. View the official page for it here: http://dreams.mediamolecule.com/ 2015 E3 trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMWJHMGZjbo 2013 Sony Conference Tech Demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6tgJRRZurk High-res 1080p stills from the trailer: http://i.imgur.com/tS41F0j.jpg Full resolution link (http://i.imgur.com/tS41F0j.jpg) http://i.imgur.com/kTojPqe.jpg Full resolution link (http://i.imgur.com/kTojPqe.jpg) http://i.imgur.com/Eu0l7va.jpg Full resolution link (http://i.imgur.com/Eu0l7va.jpg) http://i.imgur.com/hYFlLO8.jpg Full resolution link (http://i.imgur.com/hYFlLO8.jpg) http://i.imgur.com/rzJIh9Y.jpg Full resolution link (http://i.imgur.com/rzJIh9Y.jpg) http://i.imgur.com/bJC6GVe.jpg Full resolution link (http://i.imgur.com/bJC6GVe.jpg) Release date is TBA. Speculation ahead. Since they haven't announced a release date. I am guessing they will release it in late 2016. Since we didn't see the PS Move get used during this year's E3, I'm guessing they decided it's not a good requirement, as restricting sales of the game to people who also bought PS Move could be really bad for their sales. | 2015-07-27 04:45:00 Author: warlord_evil ![]() Posts: 4193 |
https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=80111-MM-s-Next-Game | 2015-07-27 07:26:00 Author: BasketSnake ![]() Posts: 2391 |
Still unsure what this is. Apparently it'll be at Gamescom though https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=80111-MM-s-Next-Game That was pre reveal, it deserves a new thread now yo g dawg in da hood | 2015-07-27 16:09:00 Author: RockSauron ![]() Posts: 10882 |
Dreams™ is a space where you go to play and experience the dreams of Media Molecule and our community. It’s also a space in which to create your own dreams, whether they’re games, art, films, music or anything in-between and beyond. Alex also went in-depth on how they found this lovely engine for this title recently. (http://media.lolrus.mediamolecule.com/AlexEvans_SIGGRAPH-2015.pdf) Currently the game itself is 'artistically vague' outside of what is assumed in the trailer, but that was the point. Alex says they will show off more at Paris Games Week in October. From what I can tell, it's almost LBP expanded upon in 3D. ( Some extra gifs ) http://i.cubeupload.com/Y6M7N5.gif http://i.cubeupload.com/0pznVM.gif http://i.cubeupload.com/2DpE9G.gif http://i.cubeupload.com/2jptQr.gif http://i.cubeupload.com/hkOKvJ.gif http://i.cubeupload.com/T2csHF.gif http://i.cubeupload.com/GIO3st.gif http://dreams.mediamolecule.com/ | 2015-08-23 09:40:00 Author: Nitranon77 ![]() Posts: 127 |
Hey guys. Alex Evans, one of the main tech minds behind Dreams, had a SIGGRAPH presentation based on the rendering tech behind the game. More information here: http://www.mediamolecule.com/blog/article/siggraph_2015 I pulled some images from the PDF. If you download it, there's lots more, but I selected the ones I found most interesting. A disclaimer for the following images: NB! Pre-production/concept/prototype artwork. Not representative of final game. See dreams.mediamolecule.com for more information. http://i.imgur.com/mMWDsxH.jpg http://i.imgur.com/20BouN0.jpg http://i.imgur.com/pfFiFUj.png http://i.imgur.com/5ZLNHZj.png http://i.imgur.com/QxO2uof.jpg http://i.imgur.com/SO8cMmz.jpg http://i.imgur.com/vCJZbMN.jpg http://i.imgur.com/8xTqEvt.jpg http://i.imgur.com/hDii74y.jpg http://i.imgur.com/qlwkE59.jpg http://i.imgur.com/NTLB5Mo.jpg http://i.imgur.com/ekf3QNX.png http://i.imgur.com/gBna9aE.jpg http://i.imgur.com/03zpmpf.png http://i.imgur.com/NngV5lA.jpg http://i.imgur.com/AyjWDyh.jpg http://i.imgur.com/xG70Qiw.jpg http://i.imgur.com/nGMlQ33.jpg http://i.imgur.com/tK3MtOd.jpg http://i.imgur.com/GrreQ8M.png http://i.imgur.com/gfrBtHb.png http://i.imgur.com/rtfnIvL.jpg http://i.imgur.com/9fl7hn6.jpg http://i.imgur.com/GsBNevU.jpg | 2015-08-24 05:31:00 Author: warlord_evil ![]() Posts: 4193 |
Seems like its just the two of us who have really noticed this game, haha | 2015-08-24 23:48:00 Author: Nitranon77 ![]() Posts: 127 |
Still incredibly vague and unsure of what it is. Will base gameplay be a 3D action platformer? Looks beautiful but still no clue on what it is in practice. and of course, making it easy to use is crucial. Though, since this will more or less "Replace" LBP, maybe it being a ingle thread down here isn't enough. Then again, I doubt LBPC will ever go back to how it was even in 2014 so IDK. I'm just some guy. | 2015-08-25 00:08:00 Author: RockSauron ![]() Posts: 10882 |
I doubt it "replaces" LBP. I see Sumo Digital carrying it on as far as they want. Mm is creating something else and when it comes out, I will make a new section for it. | 2015-08-25 01:02:00 Author: jwwphotos ![]() Posts: 11383 |
not long after the E3 reveal, I asked one of the developers (forgot who.. my buddy tagged him and asked a question so I did to) on twitter whether there would be a way to create music.. he said yes ![]() | 2015-08-25 01:44:00 Author: nerd_dog ![]() Posts: 39 |
(Note: Wild guessing here. I have not worked in the game design industry. I'm probably way off.) The SIGGRAPH PDF stated a team of around 25 people have been working on the game - not consistently, that number may just be a total and not people actively working on it. The rest of Mm has been working on Tearaway and Tearaway Unfolded. The PDF states that about 3-4 programmers have been working on the rendering engine for the past 3-4 years - but I'm sure there's been a lot done in the art department that hasn't been presented yet. When Tearaway Unfolded is complete on September 8th, 2015, the people who worked on it will probably take a month's vacation (I think that's the standard for game design studios). So the full force of Mm should be working on Dreams in October. This has been the release dates for their games and other LBP games: LBP1 - October 27, 2008 [MONDAY] LBP PSP - November 17, 2009 [TUESDAY] LBP2 - January 18, 2011 [TUESDAY] (Delayed from November 16th, 2011) [WEDNESDAY] LBP PS VITA - September 19, 2012 [WEDNESDAY] LBP3 - November 18, 2014 [TUESDAY] Tearaway - November 20, 2013 [WEDNESDAY] Tearaway Unfolded - September 8, 2015 [TUESDAY] Making a wild guess based off this release pattern here... Dreams should release on a Tuesday on either November 15th or 22nd in 2016 or on November 14th or 21st in 2017. If it's delayed...January 17th, 2017 or January 23rd, 2018. | 2015-08-25 02:11:00 Author: warlord_evil ![]() Posts: 4193 |
not long after the E3 reveal, I asked one of the developers (forgot who.. my buddy tagged him and asked a question so I did to) on twitter whether there would be a way to create music.. he said yes ![]() I would be surprised if they didn't, at the very least, take the music logic from LBP2 and LBP3 and porting that over, if not completely revamping the music system. So not surprised ![]() And I'm pretty sure Tearaway was a smaller team within Media Molecule, and all the other devs were working on this since LBP2's release in very early 2012 (all the other LBP game weren't Media Molecule so they don't really factor into their studio's dev cycle) So since most of Media Molecule have been working o this since early 2012, it's obviously big... At the same time, I really can't see it being released any later than the end of 2016. I just don't think Sony would let this game take longer, i think | 2015-08-25 02:23:00 Author: RockSauron ![]() Posts: 10882 |
Despite this page on MM's main site being somewhat of a joke, this ' ? ' page is undoubtedly the placeholder for Dreams (that hasn't been updated) and does have a release date that you guessed basically. https://i.gyazo.com/8ae05379d7c4b2fc45f2f4bf8dcd96a8.png | 2015-08-25 02:50:00 Author: Nitranon77 ![]() Posts: 127 |
Despite this page on MM's main site being somewhat of a joke, this ' ? ' page is undoubtedly the placeholder for Dreams (that hasn't been updated) and does have a release date that you guessed basically. Huh, well, there you go. Kinda weird for them to put that there. | 2015-08-25 06:25:00 Author: warlord_evil ![]() Posts: 4193 |
If you can create any type of gameplay with this, then Im sorry, it kills LBP in every department. The graphics are absurd, the animations seem to be on a whole other level and most of all, its built ground up from the ps4, like we wanted LBP3 to have been. Honestly, if this is a game maker, as much as I love LBP, I dont know if I will come back, unless its to converse with some of you find lads.![]() Notice I used a lot of ifs... | 2015-08-25 19:29:00 Author: Rpg Maker ![]() Posts: 877 |
I was told in the same conversation with the developer that, yes, these creations can be interactive. I think that the potential for fresh gameplay ideas will almost be more than most people will be able to grasp.. which is a good thing because it opens the door for some truly great things | 2015-08-26 00:14:00 Author: nerd_dog ![]() Posts: 39 |
Dreams already has a neat fansite for it, just in case. Happy to see the early ambition, I have high hopes for this title. http://dreambubble.me/forums/index.php | 2015-08-26 03:41:00 Author: Nitranon77 ![]() Posts: 127 |
Despite this page on MM's main site being somewhat of a joke, this ' ? ' page is undoubtedly the placeholder for Dreams (that hasn't been updated) and does have a release date that you guessed basically. https://i.gyazo.com/8ae05379d7c4b2fc45f2f4bf8dcd96a8.png You know, since that release date isn't 'officially' attached to Dreams (as the page makes no reference to Dreams), there's a chance that Dreams release date could still be pulled back to a closer date. | 2015-08-29 00:20:00 Author: warlord_evil ![]() Posts: 4193 |
You know, since that release date isn't 'officially' attached to Dreams (as the page makes no reference to Dreams), there's a chance that Dreams release date could still be pulled back to a closer date. Certainly, but it's basically all we got for now. I mean, MM was on the down-low with Dreams, even now with it's somewhat vague E3 trailer, so it probably -was- that 'mystery'; though I hope it comes out earlier. It shouldn't take them four whole years to finish this, but who am I to judge, haha, as long as it comes out as awesome as I hope it to be. | 2015-08-29 00:32:00 Author: Nitranon77 ![]() Posts: 127 |
Certainly, but it's basically all we got for now. I mean, MM was on the down-low with Dreams, even now with it's somewhat vague E3 trailer, so it probably -was- that 'mystery'; though I hope it comes out earlier. It shouldn't take them four whole years to finish this, but who am I to judge, haha, as long as it comes out as awesome as I hope it to be. Its a small team making something new and different I don't think we can say how long the dev cycle should be. | 2015-08-29 08:58:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
Some dev diary thing. http://www.twitch.tv/media_molecule/v/18775559 | 2015-10-02 17:49:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
Sony's Paris Game Conference is on the 27th, and they already announced they'll explain what Dreams is there. So get excited. Maybe this will bring LBPC back to its former glory! ;o | 2015-10-15 21:42:00 Author: RockSauron ![]() Posts: 10882 |
Glory is fun! Gory... not so much. lol | 2015-10-15 22:29:00 Author: jwwphotos ![]() Posts: 11383 |
Glory is fun! Gory... not so much. lol *insert tired evil warlord gag here* | 2015-10-15 23:01:00 Author: RockSauron ![]() Posts: 10882 |
During the Q&A Session at the end of a livestream focusing on Tearaway Unfolded, Media Molecule Creative Director Mark Healey gave more information on the upcoming and still rather mysterious Dreams. Below you can read a summary of what he shared: - Haley realized that it was time to move on from LittleBigPlanet and to a new project jusut after LittleBigPlanet 2, but Dreams is like the spiritual successor of LBP; and embraces a lot of the same key ideas. - The ?main character? used by the player is referred to internally as ?imp.? It's going to be customizable, of course. - The engine is incredibly versatile. The obvious and strong visual it can offer is the ?kind of loose and impressionistic? style, but you can also do an ?incredibly tight and crisp? style. You also have control over shiny or metallic materials, glow effect, and recently they added a subsurface scattering shader that allows you to make things waxy and really lush [Editor?s note: subsurface scattering is normally used for translucency effects, especially on human skin]. - The ambition with the engine is to let you create your own art style, even if there?s still a visual thumbprint, as you?re still using the same engine. - Media Molecule is trying to makethe game very non-technical, so everyone can pick it up easily and understand it. You don't need to be an artist to use it, but it has a lot of depth and it can allow you to use and improve your skills. As an analogy, a child can use a pen, but if you practice and use different techniques you can do amazing things with it. - You will be able to create music in Dreams. One of the key guiding philosophies of Dreams is embracing the idea of a ?performance.? The puppeteering scene from the PlayStation 4 debut conference is an example of how this idea applies to animation. It's not about editing curves and moving keyframes. It's about performing with the virtual puppets. That means that you can do it very quickly, but also that you can put a lot of emotion into it while you capture your performance. - Music is a very obvious element to apply this idea of performance to. The developer in charge has come up with ?genius ideas? so that anyone can do amazing things with the game. - Media Molecule is going to make some initial content, that can be played out of the box, using exactly the same tools that will be available to everyone. - Asked whether other Sony first party studios provided some helpful tips on development, Healey confirmed, and mentioned that at GDC there?s a ?Creative Director therapy session? he goes to, where they sit in a room and moan about the pain of being a Creative Director. - Asked whether the studio is aiming for 60 frames per second, he mentioned that it's user created content, so they can?t stop people from making games that run slow, as it depends on what you put into your level. At the moment the creations they have been working on are ?looking more like 30 frames per second,? but engine always get optimized towards the end, so they?re going to make it as efficient as possible. - Healey agrees that the game is perfect for VR, and the idea of having a virtual dream that you can explore seems like the ultimate Grail, but for now the studio is focusing on the standard PS4 experience, but it's ?a no brainer? that they will explore VR afterwards. According to previous mentions, we?re going to learn a lot more about Dreams at Paris Games Week. We?re getting close, and personally I can?t wait to see more of what Media Molecule is cooking up for us. Source. (http://www.dualshockers.com/2015/10/17/ps4-exclusive-dreams-media-molecule-gives-new-info-on-engine-tech-frame-rate-music-and-creativity/) While waiting for Paris Games Week! | 2015-10-17 22:49:00 Author: Oddmania ![]() Posts: 1305 |
Interesting. Wonder if we'll have basic templates instead of the base game being a specific genre like LBP. Like some computer engines, you could select 3D platformer, action adventure, and build from there. Needs to be intuitive but also complex. Hard I'm sure, but the logic system from LBP2 will help | 2015-10-17 23:04:00 Author: RockSauron ![]() Posts: 10882 |
More dev diary stuff http://www.twitch.tv/media_molecule/v/22031008 | 2015-10-23 22:56:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
This game looks pretty neat. Extremely neat. I haven't really been this excited for a game/work-of-art/some fantastical Mm creation since LBP2 -- the reason I'm here for the first time in, well... a while. Anyway, there was an interview posted with some devs about the gameplay from the Paris Game Conference that gives some additional information about the game. It made me even more excited/intrigued, but I still want to see more create mode gameplay and details. Whether it is new information to any of you or not, I embedded it below. https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=PLTWPlPKBVcWMkEaqkcPUVHv6gEd8uQDu4&v=hNSH1vKOK9o ![]() | 2015-10-27 20:41:00 Author: piggabling ![]() Posts: 2979 |
I hate to be that guy that worries over things but something is bothering me about this. 1. This seems undeniably complicated when I think about it even though they said you can easily get into it. 2. I have a few friends that love making pixel art related content but it doesn't seem possible in here 3. If there is going to be a community, I hope Dreams can't let you copy entire levels and republish them as in LittleBigPlanet I might be just overthinking it but I can't help it with the way games are coming out these days. | 2015-10-27 21:29:00 Author: Vervesack ![]() Posts: 74 |
Where Dreams forum section? ![]() | 2015-10-28 03:28:00 Author: Shadowriver ![]() Posts: 3991 |
Looks like we're getting a beta in 2016! Anyone think it could be during the summer? This game may be coming sooner than I thought. Where Dreams forum section? We'll probably get one when the beta is about ready to come out. | 2015-10-28 03:40:00 Author: warlord_evil ![]() Posts: 4193 |
Okay, I was a little skeptical when I first saw this announced, but after seeing that demonstration, this looks amazing. | 2015-10-28 20:59:00 Author: Robo4900 ![]() Posts: 409 |
Where Dreams forum section? ![]() I haven't made it yet. ![]() | 2015-10-29 02:12:00 Author: jwwphotos ![]() Posts: 11383 |
Okay, sorry to be moaning here, buuut.... If it is a game engine (Tool) then it would be kind of silly to make it ps4 exclusive. That was the thing that went wrong with RPG MAKER; VX:ACE (Link: http://store.steampowered.com/app/220700/ in tis engine you could only create games that are only windows compatible. Besides, for engines it is much more easier to use than a gamepad. But, then again, Media molecule has always made games for one platform only, witch doesn't make any sense. Just look at Tearaway: unfolded for example; it was ps4 only, when the original was made for psvita. Link: http://www.mediamolecule.com/games | 2015-11-11 13:49:00 Author: Sir monacle ![]() Posts: 4155 |
The thing is... Mm being a Sony company, probably isn't going to want to make a game engine for any other platform than their own. :bigToggle: | 2015-11-11 14:23:00 Author: jwwphotos ![]() Posts: 11383 |
The thing is... Mm being a Sony company, probably isn't going to want to make a game engine for any other platform than their own. :bigToggle: Good point.... ![]() | 2015-11-11 16:15:00 Author: Sir monacle ![]() Posts: 4155 |
Okay, sorry to be moaning here, buuut.... If it is a game engine (Tool) then it would be kind of silly to make it ps4 exclusive. That was the thing that went wrong with RPG MAKER; VX:ACE (Link: http://store.steampowered.com/app/220700/ in tis engine you could only create games that are only windows compatible. Besides, for engines it is much more easier to use than a gamepad. But, then again, Media molecule has always made games for one platform only, witch doesn't make any sense. Just look at Tearaway: unfolded for example; it was ps4 only, when the original was made for psvita. Link: http://www.mediamolecule.com/games The thing is... Mm being a Sony company, probably isn't going to want to make a game engine for any other platform than their own. :bigToggle: Oh, how I wish they could make this across all platforms and increase the community base three-fold... However, jww's right, and this way they'll (hopefully) get more out of the console than any cross-platform version would. | 2015-11-16 02:31:00 Author: piggabling ![]() Posts: 2979 |
This game is LBP3 imo. The current LBP3 is an excellent addition to LBP2; it extends the range of what LBP2 depicted so well. But was hardly a full-fledged sequel. 3D, improved logic, studio/user premade assets, undoubtedly music creation... You could make LBP with Dreams for gods sake! They probably thought that the concept of Dreams was too radical to be a sequel... due to the game likely being judged by comparison, rather than its mere self. So yeah... they essentially shat all over Sumo Digitals LBP3. | 2015-12-05 08:52:00 Author: Bonnell7 ![]() Posts: 100 |
https://twitter.com/DoubleFine/status/672152911212777472 Media Molecule will be streaming Dreams with Double Fine on Monday 10am PT 6pm GMT | 2015-12-05 18:31:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
https://twitter.com/DoubleFine/status/672152911212777472 Media Molecule will be streaming Dreams with Double Fine on Monday 10am PT 6pm GMT Sweet mother of Philip J Fry. | 2015-12-05 18:45:00 Author: Bonnell7 ![]() Posts: 100 |
Great streams of the Playstation Experience 2015... ![]() https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfu3kLKT0mk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SnexovHOuUM And the newest dev diary... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vSyESdeCkpQ | 2015-12-07 21:21:00 Author: Hanfi1311 ![]() Posts: 776 |
This looks incredible! I think this is most definitely not LBP; this is something that can be way beyond it. The way you create, the many tweak options you have, the way it looks, and every question they answered made me more excited. I can't wait to see what this turns out to be and get my hands on it. When Mm pushes boundaries, great things happen. Hopefully, it only gets better than what it looks like now. | 2015-12-08 16:14:00 Author: piggabling ![]() Posts: 2979 |
Hi piggabling, I totally understand your excitement, I'm excited too! Watching all the demo videos and listenenig to the interviews...it seems really incredible! I'm definitely looking forward to next year though its not clear when we can expect the finished game! If you want to get more information or discuss with other excited gamers, then you can also visit the http://dreambubble.me/ Many greetings, Jürgen^^ | 2015-12-09 08:20:00 Author: CuriousSack ![]() Posts: 3981 |
Things are starting to look really interesting now, I think a lot of PS4 players will struggle to get their head around this until they see an actual single player experience away from create mode. A lot of people just want to play, so they will need to cater to them at some point with a trailer focused on that. But I can see this has some incredible potential and I'm pretty sure I'll be getting this game on day one. Looking forward to it! | 2015-12-13 19:18:00 Author: LieutenantFatman ![]() Posts: 465 |
Here's a post I made on the Dreams fan site regarding the new electronics system: Mm's Dreams has been imbued with a completely renewed logic/"electronic" system relative to the system in place with LBP2 & LBP3. Alex Evans mentioned that the system is "very easy to get into." Yet in a stream from one of the most recent occasions in which dreams was shown off, Anton of Mm mentioned that the kit was still far from completed. And that the current version is designed not for retail, but for developer use. I have no doubt that a structure has been set, and that they're working to update builds with the new UI (possibly separate from the development [main item/dream creation] version for continued developer ease of use) soon, if not already achieved. The individual tools themselves are probably still in the trial-and-error stage, where some make the cut, and some don't. In light of that possibility, I feel it is within the realm of reason that Mm might be at least somewhat willing to receive reasonable recommendations: ? Analogue precision and accuracy: Many users of analogue logic back in LBP2 and LBP3 were stricken with the low precision and accuracy of the signals interpreted and outputted by logic. An improvement would be much appreciated. ? Purposeful Digital-Analogue cohesion. A horrible trait of LBP2 and LBP3 was the lack of cohesion between digital and analogue signals. If through an analogue system, the digital information was lost, it couldn't be regained, even if the analogue signal was 100%. This was because there was no protocol to activate the digital signal when an unspecified, analogue threshold was met. Adding such a protocol would mean no loss of information throughout a large, hybrid circuit. ? Mathematical Implementation: I was a personal stickler of mathematics chips in LBP2. I thrived in the creation of functions. But I was very... very limited in ability. Expansion Series' took far too much thermo for decent accuracy. And other odd functions had equalities that only broke down into further difficult sub-functions. The creation of Trigonometric and Calculus functions would allow for advanced manipulation of environments/objects/characters. Ugh... I've probably got more... but meh. | 2015-12-15 08:23:00 Author: Bonnell7 ![]() Posts: 100 |
Seems they plan on maybe even letting you sell the games/creations you make from Dreams if you want to. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2015-12-18-only-in-dreams-turning-players-into-developers Hope that part works out. It's something that LBP was really lacking and made you sometimes question why you are putting so much work into it. | 2015-12-18 20:34:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
Apparently there's no forum for Dreams so I'll just post this here...went to see Dreams the other day and it's looking pretty cool. Jenny wrote about it on the Mm blog, which I guess doesn't automatically post to the new forum any more ![]() http://www.mediamolecule.com/blog/article/dreams_at_playstation_uk_event | 2016-02-28 15:19:00 Author: ARD ![]() Posts: 4291 |
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVj9UngaJXc | 2016-03-18 18:50:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
Dreams seems nice, but I haven't seen anything really substantial being built with it yet. Hopefully, Media Molecule will eventually show off the true creative features of the game ![]() | 2016-04-13 00:47:00 Author: gurren009 ![]() Posts: 2592 |
I made a post over here (http://sackinima.com/forums/index.php?/topic/2036-dreams-general-chat/?p=26654) about my latest thoughts on and experiences with Dreams and I'll copy it here because whatever So a couple of days ago myself and Moley visited Media Molecule's studio (https://twitter.com/mediamolecule/status/721046587137503233). We spent a good few hours there, saw some cool stuff, spoke to some cool people and had some really great sausages at the BBQ they had in the evening. When Dreams was first announced I was feeling the way I think a lot of people are feeling about Dreams - I don't want to say "sceptical" but it seemed more like a concept for a game engine than an actual game. It wasn't like LBP where they showed off gameplay, creation, characters etc all in one go. But now after all the livestreams and my experiences of seeing Dreams for myself and talking to the molecules about it I am super excited for this game. Not just like "I can't wait to get this game" but "I can't wait for everyone to get this game". I really want to see what people do with these tools and Mm are really excited about that too - Kareem, the main art guy at Mm who is very very passionate about Dreams, was telling us that one of the things that sets Dream apart from LBP is the idea that something made in Dreams, a game or whatever, could become bigger than Dreams itself. That's pretty exciting. I think I can safely say now that I'm more excited about Dreams than I was about LBP2 or LBP3, and I can see why Mm decided to do this instead of another LBP game. If I had to pick between Dreams and an LBP4 then I'd be Team Dreams | 2016-04-18 01:39:00 Author: ARD ![]() Posts: 4291 |
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