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Prince "Opossum" Noire's Level Reviews!

Archive: 9 posts

Welcome, welcome fellow sackthings! It's Prince here, not sure if any of you actually know me, but that doesn't matter because, boy do I know levels. Working with some actual game designers as a music producer, I've seen them try and figure out level designs and more, definitely giving me a hands-on experience about level design. Of course, I've also played many levels in all of the main LBP games, and I can certainly say without a doubt that I know good LBP level design as well.

Either way, I'm sure you're just simply wanting me to get on with what was promised in this topic's title.
So, without further adieu, here's the format to sign up for a level review!

Name of Level: Pretty self explanatory.
Which Game?: Which game was it made on? This will help me score you fairly.
LBP.me Link: This isn't required, but it makes it much easier to find your level.
How would you rate your level on a 1-10 scale?: Just give me an estimate! It doesn't affect your scoring.
Why should I review your level?: Also self explanatory.

And of course, below is the critique format for my reviews.

Introduction [1-10]: How well does your level draw a player in?
Basic Level Design [1-10]: How well does your level play?
Difficulty [1-10]: Is your level too easy or difficult for your level in particular?
WOW Factor [1-10]: Does your level have stunning visuals and a great atmosphere?
Level Appropriateness [1-5]: Does your level feel like the level's description or title?
Enjoyability [1-5]: Is this level fun? Could most, if not all, players enjoy it?
Overall Score [_/50]: How well did your level score overall?

Thanks for reading! Here's to all of the creativity present in not only LBPCentral, but LBP as a whole!
2015-02-19 21:51:00

Posts: 7

Name of Level: Bad House Survival
Which Game?: LBP2 (Preferably on PS3)
LBP.me Link: https://lbp.me/v/qs677tc/
How would you rate your level on a 1-10 scale?: Uh... 6-7? I don't normally rate numerically.
Why should I review your level?: Because I would like to get others' opinions to identify what people like and don't like, so I can improve for the future. : D
2015-02-19 22:18:00

Posts: 732


Introduction [6]: I liked the beginning, though it almost seemed a bit... I guess, short? Though, this isn't a particularly bad thing. The title and the design do make me want to just run in the house ASAP. Maybe make it flashier? Bolts of lightning or something perhaps? Also, there seems to be an issue with the camera, as the title doesn't appear unless you run the wrong way. Dunno if that's just on my side though.

Basic Level Design [8]: Definitely an exciting experience. I loved how the house changed as time passed, making any room completely different the second time you enter it. However, it seems a lot of the stuff cannot be avoided, which gives it an awkward learning curve. Which brings me to my next point.

Difficulty [5]: I understand that it's a survival level, where the goal is to survive as long as possible, but the second time around (I died by a spider the first playthrough) I witnessed the changing of the house, which was interesting and surprising at first, but slowly began to become unmanageable as things became harder to avoid. This makes it more the levels fault than the player's for getting caught, which can become pretty rage-quit inducing.

WOW Factor [9]: I have to admit, the atmosphere and design of the house and even the garden outside was super appealing. I constantly said to myself 'What a beautiful house', and honestly, for a house that's being possessed by ghosts, is something I thought would come to my mind last. Though, I had to remove a point for the somewhat lacking gameplay. If it becomes rage-quitty, I can definitely see myself not even caring for the level and giving up immediately, which definitely ruins the atmosphere.

Level Appropriateness [4.5]: It fits the theme perfectly! Nice work! Though, the description could be written out a bit longer. Maybe give us some backstory on the house and the ghosts in it?

Enjoyability [5]: Most players can have fun with this level. I think with a few difficulty tweaks you'd have a really good level that all players can enjoy, and simply love running around inside the house with a good demonic or ghostly scare every once in awhile.

Overall Score [37.5/50]: This level is way above average. While I had to remove a lot of points for difficulty and slight unfairness; as I said above, this can be a spectacular level with a few tweaks here and there. Nice work, again! And this level definitely inspired me to check out some of your other levels!
2015-02-20 00:05:00

Posts: 7

Thanks! Incidentally I do agree with some of the points about difficulty. Most of the trouble comes because the house changes phases while you're in the middle of a room! Yikes! Particularly bad if you're trying to cross the dining room when the whole floor becomes deadly.

Spiders are definitely a pain since they're hard to see, but the absolute WORST danger is the Gardener Ghost. Ol' Auburn Oakley kills me every time I set foot into the greenhouse while he's there.

I definitely wouldn't mind adding a bit more animation to the intro area, if the thermometer would allow it. The camera glitch seems to only happen if you're playing through LBP3 though, so I'm not sure how to fix that without being a developer.

Thanks for the review!

I wouldn't put too much stock into my other levels though. This is the only one that's any good. XD
2015-02-20 00:28:00

Posts: 732

Do you review movies?2015-02-21 17:03:00

Posts: 928

Do you review movies?
I definitely can try! Might need to make a new review format for them, though!
2015-02-23 17:44:00

Posts: 7

Okay then. If you can, please review this:

Name of Level: The Happening World (Funny Film)
Which Game?: LBP 2
LBP.me Link: https://lbp.me/v/me118c/
How would you rate your level on a 1-10 scale?: 7-8 out of 10
Why should I review your level?: Because it's the best thing I've put out that happens to be highly accessible.
2015-02-24 03:45:00

Posts: 928

Name of Level: LBP3 How To Be Awesome
Which Game?: Which game was it made on? LBP3
LBP.me Link: https://lbp.me/v/qvg7fx4/
How would you rate your level on a 1-10 scale?: 10.
Why should I review your level?: Because you have to.
2015-02-26 21:08:00

Posts: 38

Apologies for being away for awhile! Had to go to the hospital. I'll be back to rating your levels soon! Gimme a bit to recover first.2015-03-06 01:22:00

Posts: 7

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