Realm of Shadows
Archive: 8 posts
Realm of Shadows https://lbp.me/v/qvpjen8 http://i7.lbp.me/img/bl/187ceb29126ae8ead857045b066cd4fd08566461.png Since I still cant import all my stuff in LBP3 I decided to end my last LBP 2 Level. Here are some screenshots: http://i8.lbp.me/img/ft/2f8047e33a4627ea69453e79c301bf6d7dc46242.jpg http://if.lbp.me/img/ft/d6f4a72435b697fe7d78a88854153e3e8295ba8f.jpg http://i1.lbp.me/img/ft/681ea478dd6ced577914247b552b80278b98b2ff.jpg http://i0.lbp.me/img/ft/df0d25e50e4cf0b94522d36406bc2fcaba57a64b.jpg http://lbp.me/v/qvpjen8 | 2015-02-18 18:46:00 Author: elekro ![]() Posts: 10 |
I do have this one in my queue along with a couple other of your levels that looked neat! Question: Do these still function properly in LBP3? If not, I'll need to hook up my PS3 again this weekend. | 2015-02-18 19:08:00 Author: Kato ![]() Posts: 732 |
I played this the other day and wow! This is some great level! I love the visuals and the gameplay is good too. I did run into trouble though and was not able to finish the level. I was on part 2 and at a spot where there is a checkpoint on top of a fire box (a box that shoots fireballs out both sides). To the right is a box that is kind of leaning to the right and it has spikes on top. I can see that I need to get below this but I can not figure out how. I tried shooting the box with spikes on it, I tried shooting the spikes, I even tried shooting the branch above it but nothing would bust. I had to quit it at that point. But it is a beautiful level and very well done. pic of the spot I had trouble with http://ie.lbp.me/img/ft/04e01dc288dd25d1cfce33598d4851b7ea230d1a.jpg | 2015-02-18 20:22:00 Author: biorogue ![]() Posts: 8424 |
Looks neat, got it queue'd | 2015-02-20 07:08:00 Author: neuropuff ![]() Posts: 25 |
@biorogue You should be able to destroy it with some hits (Press O). ^^ | 2015-02-20 17:45:00 Author: elekro ![]() Posts: 10 |
*Pling* ![]() | 2015-02-21 16:27:00 Author: TenebrisNemo ![]() Posts: 11336 |
I played this and Black Carbon City last night. The visuals were very good, and the level was fun, but I got the feeling you really don't like players. I had to walk on black platforms against black backgrounds, and it was super hard to navigate. I honestly would have preferred if the level had been in full-light. The double jump was not always responsive, but there weren't too many tricky jumps. I felt the camera was pulled back just a hair too much on this, but I was still able to make it all the way to the end. Black Carbon City was the same way. Very fun, but really hard to see where you were supposed to go. | 2015-02-25 14:37:00 Author: Kato ![]() Posts: 732 |
It was fun, but the fights between enemies were pretty much *a hit and run away*. It was also dark so you couldn't recognize the area where you are standing. But still pretty fun and epic. I made it to the end and died 8 times probably. If I looked carefully then I knew what to do. ![]() | 2015-03-03 20:41:00 Author: TenebrisNemo ![]() Posts: 11336 |
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