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Ruffed_Up's Car Gallery + Free Collectables

Archive: 8 posts

Hi, this is a couple of links to levels I've made, as well as a showcase of the cars in them. Enjoy.

Links to Levels:





Links to Pictures:

http://www.littlebigforum.net/file.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Ffiles.homepagemodules.de %2Fb583187%2Ff118t4041p29802n9_eQRhyuIa.jpg&r=1&content=Free_Car_Collectables

http://www.littlebigforum.net/file.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Ffiles.homepagemodules.de %2Fb583187%2Ff118t4041p29802n10_TlazdiXj.jpg&r=1&content=Free_Car_Collectables

http://www.littlebigforum.net/file.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Ffiles.homepagemodules.de %2Fb583187%2Ff118t4041p29802n11_RepVlndF.jpg&r=1&content=Free_Car_Collectables

http://www.littlebigforum.net/file.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Ffiles.homepagemodules.de %2Fb583187%2Ff118t4041p29802n13_COYaScXP.jpg&r=1&content=Free_Car_Collectables

http://www.littlebigforum.net/file.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Ffiles.homepagemodules.de %2Fb583187%2Ff118t4041p29802n14_ZQfSEriv.jpg&r=1&content=Free_Car_Collectables

http://www.littlebigforum.net/file.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Ffiles.homepagemodules.de %2Fb583187%2Ff118t4041p29802n3_DIzehvcb.jpg&r=1&content=Free_Car_Collectables

http://www.littlebigforum.net/file.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Ffiles.homepagemodules.de %2Fb583187%2Ff118t4041p29802n4_NLBpFPOs.jpg&r=1&content=Free_Car_Collectables

http://www.littlebigforum.net/file.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Ffiles.homepagemodules.de %2Fb583187%2Ff118t4041p29802n5_aoOQelkD.jpg&r=1&content=Free_Car_Collectables

http://www.littlebigforum.net/file.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Ffiles.homepagemodules.de %2Fb583187%2Ff118t4041p29802n6_UPNJcbTp.jpg&r=1&content=Free_Car_Collectables

http://www.littlebigforum.net/file.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Ffiles.homepagemodules.de %2Fb583187%2Ff118t4041p29802n12_BwfemLHs.jpg&r=1&content=Free_Car_Collectables
2015-02-16 05:17:00

Posts: 12

Wow, these are really fantastic cars, I'm deeply impressed! Thanks a lot and many greetings, Jürgen^^

EDIT: Its a pity that only few people have visited your levels, so I've queued them all!
A little hint: If you edit your post and put the URL's of your pictures between URL then everybody can see the pictures without having to click the links!
2015-02-22 09:45:00

Posts: 3981

Thanks! I appreciate the feedback.

Yeah, thanks for the hint. I tried it, but the default resolution is too big and they won't display :/ I could fix it, but another time.
2015-02-23 03:56:00

Posts: 12

Hi Ruffed_up, I've now played three of your levels, I really like your cars, they are great, but I think you could improve the way how to present them to the community! Level design isn't so difficult, not for someone who can create such wonderful cars! Maybe you should add some music to the levels, or you let sackboy present the cars like a car salesman, praising each car. Or you let the cars have a little race, whatever! When I started to play LBP first I had only the interest to compose music for te musicsequencer! I didn't care about level design, but whats the use of composing great music when there is no audience to listen to it. Today I do both, composing and designing levels to present it as good as I can! And its both fun!

Many greetings, Jürgen^^
2015-02-25 16:59:00

Posts: 3981

Just finished this Miura the other day; a bit more interactive than previous vehicles.

2016-12-15 07:50:00

Posts: 12

Wow, again fine stuff! Thats a Lamborghini, isn't it?2016-12-15 13:46:00

Posts: 3981

Just finished this Miura the other day; a bit more interactive than previous vehicles.


These look great! I'm sure you could create wonderful levels!

You're on ps3 right? I could help you if have any fears/questions about level design, or logic.
Although I must warn you, my methods are kind-of strange.
2016-12-30 06:37:00

Sir monacle
Posts: 4155

Omg! Sir Monacle, now I'm in fear cause of your warning and mentioning your "kind-of-strange" methods! 2016-12-30 11:30:00

Posts: 3981

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