Sackboy's Adventure
Archive: 1 post
Bring your sense of adventure to mysterious lands, and help save the world! In this series of levels, you will gain the powers of four heroes, switching between each one to solve puzzles and vanquish your foes. Do you have what it takes to survive the onslaught of your enemies and save the day? Begin Sackboy's Adventure to find out! Ninja Garden In the first stage of Sackboy's Adventure, you will gain the powers of the night, the Ninja! Use the Ninja's shuriken to defeat your foes, or use his stealth to sneak past them! Be aware that not all of your foes will be easily fooled by the Ninja's stealth. Throw shurikens by pressing square button. Become nearly invisible by holding the triangle button. Add intro cutscene and final cutscene Improve final boss fight other adjustments based on feedback Currently the next three stages are in varying degrees of development. Stage 2: Knight and Day Incomplete Gain the power of the Knight, to protect and destroy. Break barriers with your sword, and protect yourself with your shield. Switch between the Knight and the Ninja to defeat your foes and rescue your allies. Can you rescue your friends before their time runs out? Part 3: Wars of Gear Incomplete Add the power of the Engineer to your growing arsenal. Add the ability to use various gadgets and gizmos to traverse a dying space station. Will the power of these three heroes be enough to prevent disaster? Part 4: Finale: Fantasy IV Incomplete The final confrontation. Will you be able to defeat the ultimate evil? http://lbp.me/v/qt5zcf0 | 2014-12-18 01:48:00 Author: Tigerspike ![]() Posts: 14 |
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