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Dlc you want to see in lbp3!

Archive: 11 posts

Portal Pack:
Chell costume ( with portal gun in hand section)
Vocaloid Pack 1:
Every single girl vocaloid
Vocaloid pack 2: every single boy vocaloid
They also need a headset for it that says V for vocaloid

I know each pack will probably be $30 - $40 but I would pay that just so I can stop using stickers :3

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Also a general decorations pack
A school pack with a bookbag and cheerleader costume ( no pigtails! )
A general costume pack with normal eyes and stuff
And... For the portal pack a portal gun in hand section as I said and a portal gun powerup

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A mario pack with mario, luigi, princess peach, princess daisy, and princess Rosalina would be cool. so would a legend of zelda pack with zelda, and link, etc

Also a tmnt pack with the tmnt, April, karai, shredder and baddies.
Also a menu for the mini sackboy so it can look like you! So if your dressed as princess peach you can go into the mini sackboy menu and it's the same as the normal menu. Also multiple minecraft packs and a wreck it ralph pack and a rise of the guardians pack. Also disney things like Minnie Mouse and frozen. Whew! I wish I could work with them to make these costumes

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Also a glee pack with all charachters and a microphone

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There is a frozen pack!
2014-12-17 00:36:00

Posts: 6

I would like to see a Star Wars level pack with a lightsaber powerup. Yeah, I know: big surprise coming from me.

I was playing the cross controller pack (don't get excited: I was replaying it in LBP2 because reasons) and I realized I really enjoyed it. Not for the cross controller gimmick (it's kinda' meh, really) but I just really liked the theme. I would like to see more DLC like that: new themes but actual LBP themes rather than Muppets, Toy Story, etc. along with new materials, decos, gadgets, etc. Also, no more weird gimmicks that require special peripherals like the Move and Vita; just pure LBP. Yes, I know it's a Sony owned game and they want to shill Sony's products but just gimme more LBP!
2014-12-17 04:54:00

Posts: 2188

i want to see more new costumes packs or story packs with the new characters2014-12-17 04:59:00

Posts: 26

i agree a portal DLC LEVEL SET would be epic. in story mode quality.

also i want the story levels they did for an other LBP3's story mode befor it was cut to 16 layers. (sure they need to be rebuild, but they are amazing looking, and the fox/squirrel!):
you can see them in the link's video.
2014-12-17 11:47:00

Posts: 475

Also a gamer pack with a headset that says lbp,and different game controllers for everyone ( ps3/4, Xbox360/one, wii/wii u, 3ds/3dsxl)
Also a pajama pack with footie pajamas
2014-12-17 20:24:00

Posts: 6

I want the ones I already own..2014-12-17 22:23:00

Posts: 170

The Hobbit/Lord Of The Rings, preferably as a level kit with MGS pack quality levels. New Decorations and materials included would be nice too. Don't care if there are no stickers at all as I already have thousands of useless stickers I'll never use.2014-12-18 00:17:00

Posts: 2210

I would want a kingdom heart or borderlands theme. What I would really want more than anything is characters from starcraft or League of Legends but they aren't PS games :/2014-12-18 01:08:00

Mighty Mac
Posts: 45

I wouldn't mind a DLC for Secret Ponchos. It's got some pretty nice character designs that I think would translate well to LBP. Plus it was one of December's free PS+ games on PS4. It seems realistic enough.2014-12-18 05:20:00

Posts: 355

I would love a Lego Movie Level Pack with an interactive version of 'Everything is Awesome!'.2014-12-18 07:57:00

Posts: 147

I would love it if we could actually have a Terminator pack. I've always wanted that T-800 endo as my sackboy. 2014-12-18 09:28:00

Posts: 100

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