How to Make Tweakable LBP1 Lava
Archive: 8 posts
So a bunch of you oldbies on this forum probably remember the secret Lava material from LBP1, also known as the original animated material. You might also remember how it was completely untweakable in LBP2, even in contexts when any material should be tweakable. However, there's a really simple way to make it actually tweakable now! 1. Get out your lava, and make it into whatever shape you want 2. Place a Shardinator on it, and tweak it to have 0 edge shards and 1 face shard, and a lifetime of infinity. 3. Activate the Shardinator And that's it! This method will destroy the invisible animator object attached to the lava and make it tweakable just like any other animatable material! The only drawback is that you'll be unable to edit its shape anymore, but this isn't a problem since you can just shape it how you want before doing this. (EDIT: As GLiTcH2 pointed out below, you can make it editable again. To do so, simply capture it and take it out again.) It's also activatable by logic like all other animated materials, though it's always been like that since LBP2. But now you can set it to Dimmer, which makes that more useful! (If anyone doesn't know what this material is or how to obtain it, just swing by this level (http://lbp.me/v/sm0jx1) to snag some.) | 2014-12-16 04:32:00 Author: Blue Helmet ![]() Posts: 306 |
Nice find. I bet somebody finds a way to make it shape-editable though. Then it'll be perfect. | 2014-12-16 18:50:00 Author: Sehven ![]() Posts: 2188 |
Just figured out how to edit it's shape, Once you follow the steps above simply Capture it and place the captured one down and you will be able to corner edit it or place multiple captured ones together which can form it into a new shape. | 2014-12-16 19:18:00 Author: GLiTcH2 ![]() Posts: 110 |
Ahh, awesome! Nice job! Can't believe it didn't occur to me to just try capturing it. | 2014-12-17 23:07:00 Author: Blue Helmet ![]() Posts: 306 |
I tried it and it worked for me too. Still can't paint with it but I got plenty of stenciling practice with the old unpaintable glitched materials so I'll be fine. Dunno' if I'll ever need tweakable lava, especially now that there's an animated lava material from the DC pack but it's nice to keep my options open. | 2014-12-18 15:21:00 Author: Sehven ![]() Posts: 2188 |
I have played since launch day of LBP1 and don't know about this material. How do you obtain it? | 2015-02-19 04:30:00 Author: THE-73est ![]() Posts: 18 |
You need to do a glitch, here's a tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XrdO-4Avc5Q | 2015-02-19 07:30:00 Author: Pan_Ziemniak ![]() Posts: 40 |
Yes! Thank you very much for sharing this. Me and some friends tried to do this in LBP2 for many hours with no luck. This material looks great in different colors. I wonder if the Shardinator can do other cool things to objects or materials. | 2015-02-22 02:55:00 Author: Monster ![]() Posts: 180 |
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