Need specific LBP image *URGANT*
Archive: 4 posts
I need a high quality image of sackboy pushing against an object (where he sorta crouches down and pushes with his shoulder). I cant find one anywhere and I need it within the next week for a project I am doing. The image can't be too small and it needs to be fairly high quality. If you are magic and can get me 2 sackboys pushing then I will love you forever! Please PM me if you find an image! Thanks! | 2009-03-02 18:44:00 Author: Leather-Monkey ![]() Posts: 2266 |
Just google it? ![]() | 2009-03-03 00:20:00 Author: 01philip01 ![]() Posts: 545 |
I tried to make one for you, but I'm no too happy with my results. I don't have video capture (DVR, etc) so I took a still with my camera. You're welcome to it if you like though... http://i168.photobucket.com/albums/u180/v0rtex2002/lbp_sackboy-push.jpg | 2009-03-03 06:12:00 Author: v0rtex ![]() Posts: 1878 |
Hey not bad! The quality isn't the best but at least it gives me an idea of the shape, thanks! | 2009-03-03 16:19:00 Author: Leather-Monkey ![]() Posts: 2266 |
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