"The 2nd Amendment" PLEASE READ
Archive: 4 posts
The year is 2030. After a long day at work, you finally sit down and relax on your couch. The sun creeps through the blinds and paints stripes across your PS6 and your television as you kick your shoes off. You painstakingly search for your remote and turn your television on. You flip through a few channels, knowing that inevitably you'll change your video input to "Playstation 6". As you're browsing through channels, you come across a funny show that you and your friends used to watch back in high school. You get lost in it for a few moments when your broadcast is interrupted. The President appears on your television screen behind his big brown desk, surrounded by outstanding displays of patriotism, including American flags and a big metal Bald Eagle. He starts with, "My fellow Americans, it is my responsibility to regretfully inform you that, under some new circumstances, I have declared Martial Law." He goes on to explain the meaning of Martial Law and in which way he plans to use it. He talks of our current civil unrest and how unruly our protesting has become, along with internal terrorism threats in our country. He then goes on to demand that every citizen hand over their firearms and be taken in to temporary custody at a few hundred designated "safety camps" around the United States. You continue to listen in shock of what this will mean, how long this will last, and when it will start. Anticipating an uprising, the President had taken initiative and as you see him start to end his speech, the tops of helmets bob up and down on the other side of your window, as the front door is approached by soldiers. Your entire life changes. 15 years later, 2045. Martial Law still rules the land as a democracy turned in to an indisputable dictatorship. Freedom is history and it's getting harder and harder for people to recollect memories of taking walks, celebrating holidays, cuddling up with a loved one, or playing video games. The "safety camps" were never safe. Just the contrary, the camps were secret prisons where citizens were taken to work, without pay, or die. With the prisons filling up, more prisons were being built every day. The United Kingdom was in shock. Fearing the outbreak of nuclear war, they did not provide any civil justice or aid a rebellion. Russia took a much different stance however. They invaded our country in hopes of freeing the people from tyranny and the prisons that enslaved them. With state-of-the-art technology, paralleled by only a few, the Russians made a valiant effort to take back land for our citizens. With the battle against drones and humans raging on in the northeast, New York City and Washington D.C. became smoldering chaos. Super-heated lasers cut through the stone walls of the White House and bombs leveled miles of New York City. After three years of war, the Russians push the American forces back and secure a few, truly safe states of refuge. They are able to capture a few prisons and free a few thousand citizens. Most women and all of the children are taken overseas and kept safely in undisclosed locations. As the battle front nears your prison, you are scheduled to be transferred to a new prison, a mobile prison. Flying high above the Earth's surface, at the edge of our atmosphere, a few prisons are suspended in very limited gravity. These new prisons are highly advanced, excelling in the ability to be virtually undetectable by radar. As you leave the few friends you've made over the past several years, you are ushered away to a transport ship bound for the floating prison. Word spreads that the reason for your relocation is imposing Russian forces, and everyone is a little more lively on this day. No one has said anything, but everyone is thinking one thing. Rebellion. My name is Cy and I am Cydaddy on the PS4. I didn't realize the potential to create in LBP2 until years after the game was released and I just started playing it in 2010-11. I luckily found a few brilliant people and we started creating some great stuff. We all had watched all of the LBP2torials on YouTube and I believe that is a great start for any beginning creator. We all became pretty fluent in advanced logic and had some groundbreaking gameplay underway. Sadly, we never ended up publishing anything because of our different schedules/time zones along with me being a perfectionist and not wanting to put anything out there that was unfinished. We started a project to recreate playable episodes of The Walking Dead, starting at the first episode. This was even before they made a game that was pretty dang similar!! Still waiting on my royalty check.. Hah. Now that I have LBP3, I have sought out my old creators and realized they aren't online anymore.. Maybe they haven't moved up to the PS4, maybe they bought an XBOX1!!! God I hope not! I am definitely looking for some smart people to create with, I am a great problem solver and I'd love to meet some people who share my determination to receive an Mm Team Pick, and more than one. I know that in a month or two (if I'm working alone) when I publish this game, that a few of you are going to be sad that you weren't involved. I implore you to add me and us bounce some ideas off each other. I'd love to hear feedback on what I've currently made and feedback on the storyline. I will keep checking this forum as well but the easiest way to contact me is through PSN. Thanks for listening! -Cydaddy | 2014-12-12 01:47:00 Author: Cydaddy ![]() Posts: 24 |
This sounds cool. I'm curious as to how this will turn out. I would gladly offer some assistance. I have a project I'm working on ATM but helping in a side project would be a nicer counter to do when I take breaks from working on mine. I could always use a few more create buddies. | 2014-12-13 07:10:00 Author: bmoney2310 ![]() Posts: 187 |
"YAYY, Cant wait, what features will the new playstation 6 have? will it be backwards compatible?? Will it feature Sony's new share teleporter function...joke lol' Hi Cydaddy. I hope your well. I love your idea man, alas, I cant help as till on the humble PS3 version. But can always help with ideas | 2014-12-14 12:45:00 Author: Sean88 ![]() Posts: 662 |
Sean!! Haha. You were the first guy I thought of when I got back on lbp. I mentioned you indirectly in this post with "I sought out my old creators" I meant you and CaptainWaffle and LilMorta. I've been good tho man and on LBP every day workin on this thing. I wish I could start a fund for you so you could get a PS4. I love mine, it's pretty much a powerhouse that likes to crash every once in a while lol. I will keep you updated on the project though and if you think of any ideas for me then I'm all ears! | 2014-12-14 14:49:00 Author: Cydaddy ![]() Posts: 24 |
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