Want to help me with with my research paper?
Archive: 7 posts
Hi, LBPC...dang, it's been a while. How have you been? I know that this type of post will likely come off as spammy (for which I apologize; mods, lock it up if I'm breaking any rules). I promise I love you, really.You guys helped me out quite a bit last time I did one of these, so I thought it was worth asking for your help once again. I'm writing a research project in the area of music psychology and I'd love if you guys could possibly help me out with some primary data? The research paper is on music and emotions and if they're linked through culture or psychology. -Surveys are now closed, thank you so much to all who participated!- There's really not a whole lot to them, and apologies if it all feels a little vague/obvious. These were just minor points that I made in my paper that I felt could benefit from some primary research. If you're interested to know how, check out the spoiler below, I won't bore you with the details unless you feel like it. So, the three scales in the first link are F Major, F Major Lydian and F Minor. There's a lot of evidence that the ancient Greeks found the Lydian scale to represent sadness, which is odd for us, because our modern day society usually perceives major as happy sounding (in most contexts...I won't go into the REALLY deep details about that...). So, has the perception of this scale changed through the ages with our cultures? If yes, this will support the theory that music and emotions are linked through cultures. The second one is to do with the relation between speech and music being linked in some way for emotional response. Subdued human speech often shows sadness, relaxation, sorrow and loud speech can mean aggressive behavior, brash, elation ect. If music played at different velocities (volume) with the same notes can yield the same results, it supports evidence that the learning of emotions related to music has a relation to speech. Thanks everyone for checking this out, I really do appreciate it and probably don't really deserve anything since it's been forever since I've posted here...I really do miss those LBP days... Anyway, thanks! <3 EDIT: Phew! One month of writing and this thing is finally done! End result was a whopping total of 33 pages! Sincere thanks to all who took part in the survey, it really helped. Now, if you don't mind I'm going to sleep... | 2014-12-07 20:00:00 Author: Mr_T-Shirt ![]() Posts: 1477 |
I filled out both surveys ![]() My knowledge on music theory is pretty solid, but I never really thought about how it applies to society and psychology in the way you are. Hope the essay goes well ![]() PS your signature made me laugh for a good two minutes | 2014-12-09 02:41:00 Author: ShadowArcticWolf ![]() Posts: 131 |
MUSIC THEORY!?!?! http://38.media.tumblr.com/15071cddbf31cbf3a3fa26828ca25809/tumblr_ngbyobEx9v1qlk4meo3_250.gif http://33.media.tumblr.com/2ae343f4467834e1527026cd62148776/tumblr_ngbyobEx9v1qlk4meo4_250.gif Noooooooo!!! | 2014-12-09 20:49:00 Author: FreeAim ![]() Posts: 2462 |
I did both. Too bad there wasn't a way to put the sound files directly into the quiz though | 2014-12-11 12:45:00 Author: Mighty Mac ![]() Posts: 45 |
Thanks to all who filled out the survey! Bremnen's post You're right, it's likely a mix of both culture and psychology. Historical evidence would suggest culture, whereas science suggests psychology. Check out this study (http://stefan-koelsch.de/papers/Fritz_2009_CurrBiol.pdf) where a team of scientists went to a remote village in extreme northern Cameroon to play the people, whom have never been exposed to western music, three pieces that represented "happiness, fear, and sadness", to see if they perceived it in the same way western listeners do. Turns out they did! My sample size was relatively small, but the results gathered were pretty conclusive. Hopefully the margin between the answers will give some solid supporting evidence. Too bad there wasn't a way to put the sound files directly into the quiz though Yeah, survey monkey doesn't host audio, but hopefully the soundcloud link worked out. | 2014-12-12 17:05:00 Author: Mr_T-Shirt ![]() Posts: 1477 |
I don't even know why i clicked this but i filled both in. Yeah, survey monkey doesn't host audio, but hopefully the soundcloud link worked out. The only problem i had is that after the first sound clip SoundCloud skipped to a random rap song and now it's recommending me rap songs which i'm not interested in. ![]() | 2014-12-12 23:43:00 Author: Woutery ![]() Posts: 793 |
The only problem i had is that after the first sound clip SoundCloud skipped to a random rap song and now it's recommending me rap songs which i'm not interested in. ![]() I think that's something to do with souncloud linking my accounts "likes" as recommended tracks. Kinda annoying that it autoplays, but I've hopefully made it so that only the other listening test will play after. P.S. To anyone still reading this, the survey will be closed by tomorrow. Thanks to all who participated! | 2014-12-13 05:35:00 Author: Mr_T-Shirt ![]() Posts: 1477 |
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