Free Roam Quest Based Level; Assassins Creed or Far Cry 4 Style
Archive: 6 posts
Hey guys! Recently I had a awesome idea about making an open world level such as Far Cry 4, where the player can walk around and do quests around the world. In LBP2 this would be a MAJOR project, but now with the 16 layers, Quest System and the Tool Creator, this is not AS hard( I still know this would be hard ). Here are the major ideas i had: Ideas: Located in the Andes Mountains (Like Far Cry 4) Guns, Bows, Grenades, Molotov, Mines, Swords, Maces, Throwing Knives, Crossbows... I think you get the idea Quests and Missions with new Quest System Shops, Crafting Places, Hotels, Money System, ETC. Wildlife, Bait, Hunting Missions, etc Enemy Bases or Assigned targets to kill Possibly Co-op Health Bars Cars, Motorcycles, Ziplines, Glide Suits, etc Ok, now you may be asking yourself, I HIGHLY DOUBT anyone in the world could do this. Now thats exactly why i posted this. I need ideas and help on how to do these things!!! I would like if you guys posted down below some tips but i would also like if anyone would want to join me in the moon to create this! Thanks! View my last post: https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=93591-League-of-Legends-LBP3-Project | 2014-12-07 02:28:00 Author: Nova_ventus02 ![]() Posts: 5 |
This is doable. Hard but doable. I've created elements of what you've proposed as game elements. It comes down to making all the pieces work together. Hardest part is enemy AI. | 2014-12-07 10:00:00 Author: bmoney2310 ![]() Posts: 187 |
I'm sort of attempting to develop a free roam project in my spare time too. However it's not even close to being as ambitious and I'm focusing it on mechanics already existing within LittleBigPlanet rather than developing them from the ground up, thereby my attention can go more towards game and level design. Best of luck though, it sounds interesting. One point of critique before I leave though, I would find this far more interesting if the locale wasn't derived from an existing game. You can always invent a location, or use somewhere lesser popularized, and I think that would make for a more entertaining experience. | 2014-12-08 18:36:00 Author: ChronoJoe ![]() Posts: 20 |
Thanks for the opinion ![]() | 2014-12-08 20:06:00 Author: Nova_ventus02 ![]() Posts: 5 |
Sounds like quite an interesting idea, most are definitely achievable. I'm on most nights on the PS3, be happy to help out where possible. Just invite me over ![]() | 2014-12-09 00:13:00 Author: Sean88 ![]() Posts: 662 |
Hey guys! Recently I had a awesome idea about making an open world level such as Far Cry 4, where the player can walk around and do quests around the world. In LBP2 this would be a MAJOR project, but now with the 16 layers, Quest System and the Tool Creator, this is not AS hard( I still know this would be hard ). Here are the major ideas i had: Ideas: Located in the Andes Mountains (Like Far Cry 4) Guns, Bows, Grenades, Molotov, Mines, Swords, Maces, Throwing Knives, Crossbows... I think you get the idea Quests and Missions with new Quest System Shops, Crafting Places, Hotels, Money System, ETC. Wildlife, Bait, Hunting Missions, etc Enemy Bases or Assigned targets to kill Possibly Co-op Health Bars Cars, Motorcycles, Ziplines, Glide Suits, etc Ok, now you may be asking yourself, I HIGHLY DOUBT anyone in the world could do this. Now thats exactly why i posted this. I need ideas and help on how to do these things!!! I would like if you guys posted down below some tips but i would also like if anyone would want to join me in the moon to create this! Thanks! View my last post: https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=93591-League-of-Legends-LBP3-Project Anyone can do it. It just takes a lot of will my friend. A lot of will. I wouldnt neccesarily say its that much different than LBP2. For one, the thermometer is not much greater. The quest tweaker is a good starter tool for new creators, but more inventive creators would create a quest system without the quest tool since it can go against a theme very easily( a few LBP2 levels already did this actually.) That said, I like the idea. My best advise to you is to become a student of logic and eventually master it. Logic is what builds games in LBP. Every leader of a project needs to know how to build their own logic. It will keep the project alive when others lose interest or grow tired of the large ambitious ideas. Start Small and with the gameplay. While its great to generate ideas, I think particularly in the beginning of design, you will want to focus on just creating the gameplay. All those other elements are meaningless, unless the core game is designed. I have seen tons of large projects crash and burn, and I personally found myself overwhelmed trying to do things like this. You see, what you are listing here are features. Random elements that have nothing to do with how the game will be ran or function. Its not that these are bad ideas, but they can be counter productive to think of too early and more, elements that should be in the back of your mind as you create the most important elements of any game, gameplay and story. Not only can it become overwhelming for the developer, but players can also get overwhelmed from being presented with too many features. Its an interesting paradox: too little is usually bad and too much isnt good either. Become a student and eventual master of logic, build your gameplay, then the story and then everything else becomes very easy. Remember, you dont necessarily have to begin with a large profile release. You could do small beta or test levels and get feedback from the community before venturing into something bigger. When you have your gameplay idea, present it to the community in an interesting way. What you will find is that people will be more inclined to join a project that has a clear vision. Hope that helps and good luck ![]() | 2014-12-09 00:25:00 Author: Rpg Maker ![]() Posts: 877 |
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