League of Legends; LBP3 Project
Archive: 7 posts
Hello! I have a really AWESOME idea about how to remake the LoL game in LBP3. This is probably going to be one of my biggest projects but i wanted to see if any of you guys have suggestions. Ideas: Use the new "Top Down" Gameplay feature Create controllable Sackbots as champions Health bars Useable abilities A Shop like in the game (or something with a related purpose) The New Summoners Rift (Beta) Map Turrets, Inhibitors, and Nexus Jungle Monsters, Baron, Dragon, Minions, etc And MUCH MUCH MORE These are the ideas that initially came to mind when i thought of making this project. To start off, I would say that with the new Top Down gameplay feature thats available, the point of view is not going to be as hard; although i still don't fully understand how to make a top down level. The things that I still need to work on are costumes and creating the monster/champions will health bars. That is probably going to be the hardest part ![]() | 2014-12-06 03:48:00 Author: Nova_ventus02 ![]() Posts: 5 |
Seems doable xD Definitely seems doable, logically. Now lets see if you got the consistency to finish it! ![]() | 2014-12-06 05:55:00 Author: AxisTheLegend ![]() Posts: 59 |
The health bars should be timers and not counters so that you can implement a level up system and varying damage depending on attack etc, the only way to implement that that i can think of is to set a timer to something like 0.3s(because of 30 fps) and set it to speed scale, that way you can deal damage in a single frame and you can make that damage anywhere between 10% and 0% of the health by giving an analog signal to the timer for a single frame, so for example if you want the champion to lose 5% of his health then you send a signal of 50% to the timer for 1 tick, and the timer will exactly change from 100% to 95%. | 2014-12-06 07:53:00 Author: master3243 ![]() Posts: 8 |
The health bars should be timers and not counters so that you can implement a level up system and varying damage depending on attack etc, the only way to implement that that i can think of is to set a timer to something like 0.3s(because of 30 fps) and set it to speed scale, that way you can deal damage in a single frame and you can make that damage anywhere between 10% and 0% of the health by giving an analog signal to the timer for a single frame, so for example if you want the champion to lose 5% of his health then you send a signal of 50% to the timer for 1 tick, and the timer will exactly change from 100% to 95%. Just use feedback loop. | 2014-12-06 08:34:00 Author: Willman4 ![]() Posts: 170 |
Thanks, totally seems legit!![]() | 2014-12-07 02:35:00 Author: Nova_ventus02 ![]() Posts: 5 |
Hello! I have a really AWESOME idea about how to remake the LoL game in LBP3. This is probably going to be one of my biggest projects but i wanted to see if any of you guys have suggestions. Ideas: Use the new "Top Down" Gameplay feature Create controllable Sackbots as champions Health bars Useable abilities A Shop like in the game (or something with a related purpose) The New Summoners Rift (Beta) Map Turrets, Inhibitors, and Nexus Jungle Monsters, Baron, Dragon, Minions, etc And MUCH MUCH MORE These are the ideas that initially came to mind when i thought of making this project. To start off, I would say that with the new Top Down gameplay feature thats available, the point of view is not going to be as hard; although i still don't fully understand how to make a top down level. The things that I still need to work on are costumes and creating the monster/champions will health bars. That is probably going to be the hardest part ![]() Why do you say "Top down feature" as if that's a new thing? Is there something I'm missing? From what I've seen in the create mode, there's no new "top-down" mode to switch your game to. There's just more layers to access meaning you can make deeper top down experiences. LBP2 already had a bunch of great top down levels. | 2014-12-08 03:51:00 Author: Nick930930 ![]() Posts: 878 |
It's neat and all to be making the game in LBP3, but I really think you should make something a bit more original. Since LoL is already a Free-to-play game, you're essentially downgrading it to LBP3. | 2014-12-08 04:10:00 Author: Devious_Oatmeal ![]() Posts: 1799 |
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