a story set within a the Grand theft auto universe
Archive: 19 posts
So basically it's what the titles says. I'm going to attempt to make a story that's set with in the gta universe. The story takes you from north yankton to liberty city, vice city and San Andreas. I was wondering if anyone would like to contribute to my story with level design and logic? Much appreciated ![]() | 2014-12-05 20:58:00 Author: Mark3y_man ![]() Posts: 94 |
So basically it's what the titles says. I'm going to attempt to make a story that's set with in the gta universe. The story takes you from north yankton to liberty city, vice city and San Andreas. I was wondering if anyone would like to contribute to my story with level design and logic? Much appreciated ![]() Are you going to add the characters from the GTA in the story so the players can play as them or are you just gonna let the people customize their character from sackboy or in game. Over all it's gonna take a lot of work and I suggest you show us a layout of what you're doing like a video or a preview of the level to show us what it could look like. Also is it going to be top-down or a side scroller. I'm really interested in this and if you need anyone to help, I can help but i'm only on PS4. If you're not on PS4, then I can't wait to see how this level will turn out. https://lbp.me/v/qrvqq07 https://lbp.me/u/NightHaze_Burger/levels | 2014-12-05 21:43:00 Author: NightHaze_Burger ![]() Posts: 3 |
I'm on ps4 I've made a short video of the first level. I'm going to upload it to YouTube tomorrow | 2014-12-05 21:59:00 Author: Mark3y_man ![]() Posts: 94 |
I'm on ps4 I've made a short video of the first level. I'm going to upload it to YouTube tomorrow Thanks and I can't wait to see the video! ![]() | 2014-12-05 22:23:00 Author: NightHaze_Burger ![]() Posts: 3 |
I wouldt get too excited about the vid , I'm not that good at creating | 2014-12-05 22:45:00 Author: Mark3y_man ![]() Posts: 94 |
That's the exciting bit for me! Seeing new people create ambitious levels! Because the exciting part for me about that, is that you can watch there levels get much better over time! You should make a Grand Theft Auto Universe 2 after this one! | 2014-12-06 05:52:00 Author: AxisTheLegend ![]() Posts: 59 |
Here's the test for the first level http://youtu.be/8bkb5_bQjYY | 2014-12-06 09:18:00 Author: Mark3y_man ![]() Posts: 94 |
Lol I was actually enjoying watching that. Looks like it's got good potential! I really do hope you stay with it, but make sure you give it your best with everything on the level! Pretend your Rockstar making the new GTA. Your fans are expecting top notch quality! ![]() But seriously, do your best with it!! It's always really rewarding when you try your best. So far looks great! I can't contribute with sack person being there to the story or the design, but I can from here. I can message you about ideas, and give you constructive criticism if you want. ![]() And Marky, just some free criticism, nothing that SHOULD upset you xD But see those trees at the beginning of the level, when you're outside in the snow. Now I'm just going to say, I know you can make better trees than that! Remember the corner editor in the tools section! They looked like they took you 1 minute to create. Trees usually take me 30 minutes to one hour to create I'm guessing, reason I add on guessing; is because it's probably more time. So I know it won't upset you, cause it was obvious sign that you weren't giving everything the attention it needs. Remember also, even the littlest things make a BIG difference in your levels. ![]() | 2014-12-06 09:32:00 Author: AxisTheLegend ![]() Posts: 59 |
Trees are my weakness but I'll remake them | 2014-12-06 10:08:00 Author: Mark3y_man ![]() Posts: 94 |
Wicked! And weaknesses D: Hate them. xD My weakness is making a decent platformer :L With trees, they are actually heaps fun to play around with, really easy once you got the foundation of making a tree down. ![]() Use this photo as a template to copy from, 49646 see how all the branches scatter of in every single direction but also aim up, giving it an electrocuted look. Just use the corner editor and shape the branches with that, it gets pretty easy once you got the hang of it. Basically you're just doing a bunch of veins connected to one big vein. 49647 I suggest looking at both those images I sent you; they're pretty good to copy for a tree. | 2014-12-06 10:30:00 Author: AxisTheLegend ![]() Posts: 59 |
Here's the level badge http://i4.lbp.me/img/ft/be46ad6fc522c928a946d491246174c80dd21fbf.jpg | 2014-12-07 12:24:00 Author: Mark3y_man ![]() Posts: 94 |
Looks good ![]() When do you think the level will be complete? | 2014-12-09 06:26:00 Author: AxisTheLegend ![]() Posts: 59 |
Well I've just finished the prologue it's not very long but it's something | 2014-12-09 10:01:00 Author: Mark3y_man ![]() Posts: 94 |
Great! So it's definitely deep in progress ![]() And I personally always think quality is better than length; so it should be good! As long as it's something. I'm really looking forward to it, you've done well with productivity I think - with a trailer, a short gameplay video (I think it is you who did a short gameplay video; but can't find it anywhere on here lol), active updates on your progress, and showcasing the level badge. Also since your first post said you wanted helpers with logic and/or game design - I'm just going to put my two cents in then xD I reckon you should put top down shooter and side scrolling elements with it together. So for an idea; maybe make it that when driving cars; it turns a whole new way of playing - in a top down shooter theme, and the side scrolling is by foot. Also, put in a big music radio when you drive the cars! ![]() | 2014-12-09 11:54:00 Author: AxisTheLegend ![]() Posts: 59 |
I've already made sleepwalking by the chaingang of 1974 for the radio | 2014-12-09 19:14:00 Author: Mark3y_man ![]() Posts: 94 |
I'm building maisonette 9 for the liberty city level | 2014-12-10 19:43:00 Author: Mark3y_man ![]() Posts: 94 |
That should look great then! A lot of lights, to create a beautiful atmosphere; with dimmed lighting too; should look really great if you can pull it off! God this level is going to be massive O_O So is it Vice City, Liberty City, and Los Santos? | 2014-12-11 01:07:00 Author: AxisTheLegend ![]() Posts: 59 |
It's an adventure where you go to all them | 2014-12-11 09:53:00 Author: Mark3y_man ![]() Posts: 94 |
That sounds really cool! And it looks really cool too! | 2014-12-17 19:04:00 Author: NightHaze_Burger ![]() Posts: 3 |
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