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Bug: Small movements are not detected by controlinator w/Tags

Archive: 4 posts

This happens in both LBP2 and LBP3. Was hoping they would fix this issue.

Hook up a tag to any direction (controlinator) on either control stick the tag should go off when pressing that direction. It does unless you barley press the control stick that direction. The tag will not go off if you press slow enough. Now I know it is receiving the signal since if you hook a mover to the same direction the object moves no matter the speed you press the control stick.

This is annoying if you want a tag to active when the user is not pressing the control stick. They can still barley press the control stick making your logic not work correctly.
2014-12-04 01:07:00

Posts: 262

Moved to Everything Else.2014-12-04 01:10:00

Posts: 3458

Yeah I always hated that....2014-12-04 01:27:00

Posts: 641

So testing almost every chip and finding the same problem I finally found something that worked:

This fix only works if you are working with moving objects. In my example I am trying to tell when a playing has stopped moving an object they are controlling with a controlinator that is placed on the object. On the object I placed a "Speed Sensor" and set the maximum speed to 0.0. Now even the slightest movement sets off my tag.
2014-12-04 14:54:00

Posts: 262

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