Five Nights at Freddy's
Archive: 6 posts
Now, you might think: "Oh well, this isn't something new" Yes i know, there already are thousands of FNaF levels, But this one's different. I'm gonna try to put as much Gameplay experience from the actual game Into this level. Functioning Doors and doorlights, power usage showing, Power System, the complete map with all camera's, Scary looking animatronics, camera's not functioning whenever an animatronic Moves, etc. | 2014-12-01 20:47:00 Author: ItzDennisz ![]() Posts: 26 |
Don't want to be a bummer, However why should anyone play this idea over the real game? At least from the sounds of it you are not offering anything new or different or any new twists to it. You are just wanting to minic the real game as much as you can. I never found the reason why people want to perfectly remake a whole game in LBP. especially when they are not adding or changing anything, Why play a watered down version of something when i could go play the real full deal? Now don't get me wrong, i'm not telling you that you should not try. just saying you really should try to put more of your own ideas into it for it to be meaningful imo. *mew | 2014-12-01 20:56:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
To add to the above comment about adapting the level to be more original you can create your own characters, different map. Don't recreate the level, be inspired by it to create one. Identically crafting the game as said is somewhat pointless, but having a level with similar mechanics would be a good idea and make the level worth playing. | 2014-12-02 16:58:00 Author: SEWO97 ![]() Posts: 637 |
Don't want to be a bummer, However why should anyone play this idea over the real game? At least from the sounds of it you are not offering anything new or different or any new twists to it. You are just wanting to minic the real game as much as you can. I never found the reason why people want to perfectly remake a whole game in LBP. especially when they are not adding or changing anything, Why play a watered down version of something when i could go play the real full deal? Now don't get me wrong, i'm not telling you that you should not try. just saying you really should try to put more of your own ideas into it for it to be meaningful imo. *mew It is a great way to learn the tools. However I do believe you are right, unless you change the gameplay to fit LBP it won't be as fun. | 2014-12-05 16:14:00 Author: koltonaugust ![]() Posts: 1382 |
None of the things you mentioned are new ideas, either. Are you actually good enough at logic to make the game that close to the original, or are you just snowballing here? | 2014-12-05 23:46:00 Author: Tyler ![]() Posts: 663 |
None of the things you mentioned are new ideas, either. Are you actually good enough at logic to make the game that close to the original, or are you just snowballing here? But that's kind of the way people learn logic, by snowballing. That's what I did at least. | 2014-12-06 00:42:00 Author: koltonaugust ![]() Posts: 1382 |
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