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Question about transfering profiles lbp1/2

Archive: 6 posts

If you didnt find every item / ace all levels do you still get 100% of the items from both games on lbp3?2014-11-30 07:35:00

Posts: 7

In short yes, once the patches arrives.2014-11-30 08:13:00

Posts: 234

Where can I find this?!2014-11-30 08:24:00

Posts: 7

It seems I am missing LBP 2 content, especially in terms of music, clothing and music sequencers. Is this a known issue that's being worked on or am I the only one with this? (I have the PS4 version by the way)

However, I do remember pressing 'cancel' during the import process, as I thought it was transferring LBP 1 content again for some reason. I've tried to re-import the stuff, but to no avail... I really hope they fix this...
2014-11-30 22:15:00

Posts: 7

On PS3 I imported my lbp2 profile. It imported the whole profile pretty much but now the issue is that I don't have any LBP3 tools or starting collectables. Anyone else have this issue? Other than that everything I collected in both lbp1 and 2 transferred just fine (I think)2014-12-01 01:23:00

Posts: 348

Moved to Everything Else.2014-12-01 14:42:00

Posts: 3458

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