sticker mover
Archive: 4 posts
a tool that lets you select and move stickers BUT here comes the idea, don't removes it first. so if you placed down a sticker on an object but is just an inch wrong rotated or to much on the left, you can move it with that tool until it fits perfect. why? because currently you have to take (which removes the sticker) and place it again. but often it depends on luck where it places itself down exactly. that would help A LOT with stickers on sackboy skin. and complex forms. it would also help if you use the color to transparence stickers so you can move them without deforming the little material first. | 2014-11-27 20:09:00 Author: ForcesWerwolf ![]() Posts: 475 |
so a ui tool for stickers? sounds like good idea to me | 2014-11-28 23:39:00 Author: Razortehkill ![]() Posts: 173 |
That's the sticker and decoration tool almost exactly I believe | 2014-12-15 16:17:00 Author: AlekkusuFuyu ![]() Posts: 69 |
That's the sticker and decoration tool almost exactly I believe try to sticker anything on a sackboy skin. and you will see for what i want that. a tool to move stickers around without picking them up first | 2014-12-17 05:58:00 Author: ForcesWerwolf ![]() Posts: 475 |
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