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Torture Chamber Puzzles (Vol.1)

Archive: 2 posts

Just published a puzzle challenge where you must race against time to solve a puzzle and escape the chamber before it claims your life as it has to many before you. This is partially inspired by "God of War" (the actual game) and was made for advanced players who are fast and skilled at grabbing. If you aren't that good of a player check it out anyway to see my unique puzzle box. Beat the level to get the puzzle box and the switch for it. Are you up to the challenge?

PSN: Jre
Level: "Torture Chamber Puzzles (Vol.1)
Location: Russia

I have some more ideas for puzzles like this where you must solve in time before you die that I will be making, especially if the response is good.
2009-02-28 23:40:00

Posts: 43

ooh sounds interesting, I'll check it out when I get home!2009-06-19 19:31:00

Unknown User

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