Lampoon Cave by EaziG
Archive: 5 posts
I just played this level after randomly searching LBP vids on Youtube, and I just don't understand why this only has 50 plays! The mechanics and level design are just awesome. The lampoons you use to access higher areas and cross hazards are almost perfectly designed. I gave this level 5 stars and a heart. You guys should play this level and give it a higher play count. | 2009-02-28 15:43:00 Author: Entity ![]() Posts: 274 |
I love that level! It is really fun and really creative! The creator definitely spent a lot of time building this beautiful level and he/she definitely deserves more plays out of this level! | 2009-06-08 20:29:00 Author: GrahamLif3 ![]() Posts: 386 |
What? It only had 50 plays? When I played it it had a lot of plays (I think). Well, it really is a great level. Those lampoons are awesome and he made a lot of great obstacles to use them on. | 2009-06-08 21:22:00 Author: brnxblze ![]() Posts: 1318 |
Yep, a very original way to traverse a level. The first two thirds were great, but gave way to more traditional platforming in the last stage, i wanted more lampoon! Definitely worth playing. | 2009-06-11 09:50:00 Author: julesyjules ![]() Posts: 1156 |
Yeah, something must have happened because I've played it at least three times myself, and it's had a lot a plays. | 2009-06-12 17:48:00 Author: Trevor ![]() Posts: 78 |
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