Bring back the Circuit Node features
Archive: 3 posts
Today I was going to lay out some circuit nodes to test where my logic was breaking (analog addition). So I set one out, hit square on it, and....nothing. I was so disappointed. Being able to have them flash, stop the circuit, or move the camera to them once they exceeded a certain threshold was one of my favorite features. I don't understand why that would be taken out. It was so useful for testing. | 2014-11-22 16:46:00 Author: tdarb ![]() Posts: 689 |
Perhaps the developers didn't understand the usefulness of the node, and thus didn't care to bring it in. | 2014-11-27 22:23:00 Author: f3am4 ![]() Posts: 14 |
Was this an LBP Vita feature, because I'm 99% sure it wasn't in LBP2. Same goes from LBP Vitas Notes actually. From what I could tell they had much more functionality in that one, although I never played the game. | 2014-12-05 21:02:00 Author: keanine ![]() Posts: 114 |
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