How does creature brains and paintinator switches work together?
Archive: 14 posts
So, I got a creature brain. It is protected. And a paintinator switch. I place them on the same object. The brain is on top of the object, and the switch is in the center. The object is shaped like a box. I link the switch to the brain. However, when I shoot the object with the gun, when it runs out of health, nothing happens at all. It's linked to the creature brain and everything... isn't the brain supposed to get killed when the switch reaches 0? I also used an unprotected brain, and it didn't do anything with that one as well. I stomped it, and it did kill it, but most of all, I'm trying to get the paintinator gun to kill it by hitting the switch. What am I doing wrong? | 2009-02-28 02:39:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Hi, Well i'm no expert. I'm still learning and having trouble with these sort of things myself but there are that many bugs in the game it could be anything. First off however I would check the paint switch is set to one shot and attached to the brain directly. If it is then check the creature isnt stuck to the floor. If none of those are the problem I would suspect the bugs which exist i.e. I have had switches , brains and emitters all stop working for no reason and all you can do is just swap them for new ones and try again until you get one that works and then leave well alone. If none of that works then i'm afraid someone cleverer than me will have to help you, but don't worry there are plenty of guys on here that fit that description so someone will help if you still have trouble. I hope you get it sorted soon anyway.Good luck. | 2009-02-28 02:52:00 Author: mistervista ![]() Posts: 2210 |
Pretty sure that the paint switch has to also be connected to the material that the brain is attached to as well in order to make themboth dissolve. | 2009-02-28 03:24:00 Author: FabbieSack ![]() Posts: 88 |
Pretty sure that the paint switch has to also be connected to the material that the brain is attached to as well in order to make themboth dissolve. Which is what I'm doing. | 2009-02-28 03:51:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Is your paint switch connected to all the materials and the brain as well? | 2009-02-28 04:21:00 Author: FabbieSack ![]() Posts: 88 |
Is your paint switch connected to all the materials and the brain as well? I believe so. | 2009-02-28 04:28:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
You might want to make sure lol. Try starting over .. make your creature, connect the brain, then connect the paint switch to the creature and the brain. Does your creature move? If not .. then why have a brain. | 2009-02-28 05:04:00 Author: FabbieSack ![]() Posts: 88 |
The main problem that most people seems to miss that the Paint Switch (or any switch connected to a brain, for that matter) must be set to One Shot. I forget it about 75% of the time myself, and have to go back and tweak them. Otherwise I would check the other points made by mistervista. Does your creature move? If not .. then why have a brain. So you can destroy it without it having to be made of dissolve material. I put hidden, unprotected brains on stuff all the time, then just attach a One Shot switch to it and voile! it magically disappears! Good luck! I hope you're able to solve it. | 2009-02-28 05:27:00 Author: v0rtex ![]() Posts: 1878 |
So you can destroy it without it having to be made of dissolve material. I put hidden, unprotected brains on stuff all the time, then just attach a One Shot switch to it and voile! it magically disappears! But if you are using a paint switch to kill something .. a brain isn't really needed .. that's what the paint switch is for, is it not? | 2009-02-28 05:44:00 Author: FabbieSack ![]() Posts: 88 |
But if you are using a paint switch to kill something .. a brain isn't really needed .. that's what the paint switch is for, is it not? No a paint switch is just a switch like any other. It is "switched" by reaching the number of shots set in its tweak screen. In my current level (not yet published) I use them as switches to open doors, operate elevators, etc. To "kill" something, you need either a brain (protected or not) triggered by a One Shot switch, or an unprotected brain (which can then be "jumped on" or shot with a paintinator), or make it from dissolve and attach a switch. | 2009-02-28 06:08:00 Author: v0rtex ![]() Posts: 1878 |
hmm .. I'm going to have to go check my switch now lol .. because I could have sworn I made it without a brain and only a paint switch and it goes away. Maybe I made it out of dissolve and stickered it, been so long I can't remember now lol. | 2009-02-28 06:11:00 Author: FabbieSack ![]() Posts: 88 |
hmm .. I'm going to have to go check my switch now lol .. because I could have sworn I made it without a brain and only a paint switch and it goes away. Maybe I made it out of dissolve and stickered it, been so long I can't remember now lol. Unless there's a setting in the paint switch tweak that I don't know about. In which case, I've been doing things the hard way. LOL | 2009-02-28 06:14:00 Author: v0rtex ![]() Posts: 1878 |
Yeah, I fixed it. It was the One-Shot switch thing. Now I feel stupid... I was using the "box" as an example. Really, the true thing was a beast coming to kill you, like all other beasts... Thanks guys. | 2009-02-28 19:48:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
No problem - glad you got it working! | 2009-03-01 06:08:00 Author: v0rtex ![]() Posts: 1878 |
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