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Killzone 2 Discussion

Archive: 406 posts

Do you have it? Do you love it? Tell us?

Personally i don't have it i need my parents to TAKE ME! Curse being one year under the mature rating sale age.
2009-02-27 21:47:00

Posts: 1246

$60 is too rich for my blood, I'm waiting until I can get a second-hand copy.2009-02-27 22:03:00

Posts: 2278

I got it.
I love it.
It wins.
2009-02-27 22:22:00

Unknown User

Yup it`s good. The mp is excellent anyway, I`ve only just played maybe an hour`s worth of the single player.

Controls take a while to get used to though, and prepare to get slaughtered online because by the time you have it, a lot of people will have access to the better gear. And ranking up in KZ2 means you get some game-swaying stuff!
2009-02-27 23:01:00

Matt 82
Posts: 1096

I wants this game!2009-02-27 23:12:00

Posts: 3154

I can't stop playing the demo, it is just so fantastic. I wanna get the game tomorrow (if it isn't sold out.)

Usually a game will have a good story, but not very good online play or, great online play or a rubbish story. The last FPS in my opinion that managed to accomplish nailing both is COD 4. I have a feeling that Killzone 2 will be similar but have a longer story than COD 4.
2009-02-27 23:12:00

Posts: 1341

Note: The reason there aren't many posts on here by people who own it is because those people are PLAYING it.

Yeah, I picked it up this morning, as circumstances played into my hand. Haven't delved into single-player yet, because I'm running off a PS3 that isn't mine, and data isn't copyable. Want to do it all at once, not play catch-up first. Plus, this PS3 is hooked up to a pretty insane internet connection. Incentives: Acquired.

But yeah, multiplayer is pretty incredible. Was able to pretty much leap right in from my CoD4 experience and then tweak and adjust from there to fit this game. So far, I haven't encountered any classes aside from basic trooper, due to my relatively insignificant level. As it stands here, I'm about to break into the Medic class. About fifteen points to go.

Also, apparently I'm pretty good, because I've been consistently leading my team/the round, or top three. Luckily, with rounds as long as they are, it evens out pretty well, so one guy getting a killstreak doesn't sink the lead for the round to him.

But very fun, very addicting. Can't wait to unlock into the rest of it.
2009-02-27 23:22:00

Mark D. Stroyer
Posts: 632

I have to wait another thirty minutes until my dad gets home with it... i can't wait!!!:kz::kz::kz:2009-02-27 23:34:00

Unknown User

I've only played the demo, and wasn't really impressed by it. I'll eventually pick it up and give it a try, but as it is I'm not shelling out for the full price. Simply not that excited for it.2009-02-27 23:42:00

Posts: 493

People seriously need to STOP comparing this to COD4.
HELLO!!!!THEY ARE BOTH DIFFERENT (only same thing is that they are a FPS)
2009-02-27 23:43:00

Unknown User

I played the demo which was better than I expected, but I still don't care for it much, probably because I'm not a big fan of shooters though. I've really only liked two of them--Red Faction from way back, and the first Resistance.2009-02-28 01:49:00

Posts: 103

My dad is suppose to have bought it and will be delivering it to me when he gets home, WHICH IS NEVER WTF WERE IS HE!2009-02-28 01:58:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

Man you guys are lucky >.<2009-02-28 02:41:00

Posts: 3154

Just had my first game freeze which I guess is ok because it was in skirmish mode with just bots, which are masters of throwing granades. So far the things I do not like is that you can shoot clear across the map and get head shoots. That way all you need to look for the glowing part of the guy and aim there and more times than not before your clip runs out you get his head.2009-02-28 04:58:00

Posts: 873

Yeah I've not done anything but killzone; I'm only on here because I've cricked my neck in the shower and I can't do my D.T work in the workshop.

I'm 5 points from medic and I've got the extra grenades and extra ammo medals so far.

So many people complained about the controls and I can see why; whenever I got to shoot someone they seem dazed and so I wipe the floor with them. I have no problems so I'm pwning with my submachinegun (I once killed 3 medics with one spray of fire!).

This is my kinda shooter; the graphics are sweet, the teams work well and every kill has to be earned.
2009-02-28 10:54:00

Posts: 1330

i got it yesterday and Im in love *-*<32009-02-28 16:48:00

Posts: 143

i want it so bad anyone want to pose as an adult for me so i can get it PLEASE!!! i'll be playing this a lot now because i broke my ankle in my indoor soccer game, so bring on killzone!!!2009-02-28 17:07:00

Posts: 1246

Yep yep yep.... it's everything it promised to be and more. Lot's of complaints over at the Sony forum (mostly about controls), but out of the thousands of people actually playing the game... the complainers are definitely in the minority and were clearly expecting it to be similar to their favourite game (insert whatever game title here). Fact is... it never promised to be just like any other game out there.. in fact it was quite the opposite promise. They delivered very successfully on the game, and the few issues they are having (which is natural for any new game) are being looked into by the Dev team to see what can be done about them.

I highly recommend it.. just don't expect it to be like any other game you've played. It's uniquely distinct.
2009-02-28 19:30:00

Posts: 1737

*Needs this game*

Yeah, basically, I have to wait till someone's foolish enough to give it back so that I can get a pre-owned copy.
2009-02-28 19:35:00

Posts: 2079

I'm already annoyed at this game, it keeps syncing with the *** gameserver when I join a game.2009-02-28 19:41:00

Unknown User

I'm already annoyed at this game, it keeps syncing with the *** gameserver when I join a game.

Sounds to me like it's a problem with your internet. Router or something, perhaps. Never hard that problem.

And before anyone asks, patch 1.11 disables online bots. People were abusing them to raise their ranks fast.
2009-02-28 20:12:00

Posts: 1603

I'm already annoyed at this game, it keeps syncing with the *** gameserver when I join a game.

Mine always does that, I thought it was normal? Sometimes it takes 2 secs sometimes more.
2009-02-28 20:22:00

Posts: 1330

I'm 13 and I bought it too.. but, I'm dutch, so..
but it's so beautiful! it's, it's GREAAAAAATTT!!
I own at MultiPlayer by the way just kidding, but I do own everybody of the same ranking as I am.
2009-02-28 20:24:00

Posts: 29

Mine always does that, I thought it was normal? Sometimes it takes 2 secs sometimes more.

It always does, but mine freezes there....

2009-02-28 20:26:00

Unknown User

oh my god i need to play this2009-02-28 21:06:00

Posts: 1246

For those that have got it, what is your favourite badge ability?2009-02-28 21:13:00

Posts: 1341

kmills buddy, my bro is two years under the limit, and he just walked into real canadian superstore and bought it.2009-02-28 21:53:00

Posts: 431

yeah ive been asking alot of people that payed this game, and so far they love it... unfortunately im building a level, which could very take me another if i concenetrate, but instead im psting here in the boards lol..makes me wonder how im gonna split my time between lbp and killzone 2...

2009-02-28 22:01:00

Posts: 371

Yeah, I'm worried that if I buy this game all my activity on little big planet and these forums will stop .2009-02-28 22:04:00

Posts: 1341

I'm worried if I buy this game I'll go hungry for a week 2009-02-28 22:12:00

Posts: 2278

Sounds to me like it's a problem with your internet. Router or something, perhaps. Never hard that problem.

And before anyone asks, patch 1.11 disables online bots. People were abusing them to raise their ranks fast.

Yeah the patch helps a little but what I noticed was that when I looked up the top rated clans they seem to be cheating still. When you use the replay feature or whatever its called I saw 2 people from the top rated clans taking turns doing the objectives to raise in rank.

Still my one biggest problem with the game is the way head shoots are made, I mean nothing like respawning and getting killed by a random stray bullet from across the map. Or aiming at someones head and emptying a clip on him only to have him turn in a panic fire a shoot at you and pop you in the head real fast, only to die seconds later because he forgot about the grenade that he tried to throw but forgot to let go of R2. (the last part was pretty funny but the first part was the real problem I have)

And yes I am one of those people having a hard time with the controls but I am trying to learn them.
2009-02-28 22:16:00

Posts: 873

Dangit, won't connect to game server because I'm in the clan...

I think oldage gave me leadership so I will hold that position till someone else would since I wouldn't be a good clan leader, but i will hold it till they fix the clan connection problem so we keep our name and focus on single player
2009-02-28 22:20:00

Posts: 10882

Wait, you guys are in a KZ2 clan? ...
... :3

By the way, don't be emptying bullets on enemies. The more you fire (in rapid succession), the more inaccurate the shots get. I recommend you shoot in bursts of three (when using the first two starting rifles, at least.)
2009-02-28 23:41:00

Posts: 1603

Campaign is great, but there are still several flaws. On a review, a guy said that the gameplay never was so long that it got repetetive. Well... I have gotten to Visari's Palace, and in there you have an army of Helghast swarming you, after a while, of shooting with different guns, and restarting, I finally got past the first several waves. THEN 2 Rocket Launcherers, and many more Helghast swarm in. I am stuck at the best spot in the whole Palace, and the Rocketeers shoot the wall behind me, and kill me. I finally gave up, and started to play Multiplayer, which was awesome, and addictive.

I may go back to the Campaign soon, but it's so annoying. Anyone have any tips? They would really help me. A lot.
2009-03-01 00:04:00

Posts: 2358

The temporary leader is RockSauron5, my EU account. Nnce they fix the bug, I will transfer leadership to someone who is not me. Any takers and whatnot?2009-03-01 00:06:00

Posts: 10882

I have played about an hour of the story and four hours of the multiplayer. I have to tell you, it took me a good two hours to start getting kills on the multiplayer. For some reason, the game seems different; not different bad, different good. The graphics are amazing and the overall game is great. Anyone who can't decide whether to get it or not, get it. Go out now and buy it.2009-03-01 00:39:00

Unknown User

Gee, waiting two hours for a two minute demo sure was fun!2009-03-01 01:09:00

Posts: 73

And yes I am one of those people having a hard time with the controls but I am trying to learn them.

Well! I have to commend you. It's so very refreshing to see someone who's frustrated with the controls showing some patience and trying to adapt. Kudo's to you! I mean that sincerely. It will take some time to get used to, but once it clicks... it's pure magic.

As for the grenade thing I'm guessing you never played the first Killzone? It was something that you could do on purpose if you were fast enough when you were dying. You could pull a grenade before hitting the floor and when the person walked over top of you to pick up your ammo or gun... KA-BLOOEY!! It was annoying at first, but once you realized how to deal with it by waiting a few seconds before grabbing for your victims goodies, it actually became quite hilarious to do or watch others become victim of.
2009-03-01 01:24:00

Posts: 1737

Dangit, won't connect to game server because I'm in the clan...

I think oldage gave me leadership so I will hold that position till someone else would since I wouldn't be a good clan leader, but i will hold it till they fix the clan connection problem so we keep our name and focus on single player

wait im in the SackGhast clan, and after i joined it stopped letting me play, it would stop on the game syncing screen, is this because im in the clan?
2009-03-01 01:39:00

Posts: 1082

wait im in the SackGhast clan, and after i joined it stopped letting me play, it would stop on the game syncing screen, is this because im in the clan?

yes it is leave the clan until they fix this.

So yeah anyone wanna nominate someone for clan leader ?
2009-03-01 01:41:00

Posts: 10882

Also, apparently I'm pretty good, because I've been consistently leading my team/the round, or top three. Luckily, with rounds as long as they are, it evens out pretty well, so one guy getting a killstreak doesn't sink the lead for the round to him.

Just couldn't resist sneaking in a bit of boasting

@RockSauron we should make 2 or 3 clan leaders.. can we? Then it's more likely one will be on How does the KZ clan system work? Can anybody give a basic rundown?

You can shoot while you're holding a grenade??
2009-03-01 01:53:00

Posts: 805

From what I have seen, there is one leader btjt they can appoint officials2009-03-01 02:10:00

Posts: 10882

From what I have seen, there is one leader btjt they can appoint officials

What are officials?
People with the same power?
2009-03-01 02:11:00

Posts: 805

What are officials?
People with the same power?

They can invite but not disband the clan

dont know the details behind clan tournaments and other stuff...
2009-03-01 02:13:00

Posts: 10882

They can invite but not disband the clan

dont know the details behind clan tournaments and other stuff...

Hmm.. well we make a temp leader for now, then make a vote once we've got some solid members imo
2009-03-01 02:14:00

Posts: 805

Y'all upload your stats to Killzone.com yet?

ME! (http://killzone.com/kz/mykillzone.psml?kz_user_id=LightGrenades120)

Do it and post it here. I wanna see what you've done. Mine's not up to date, I have at least 700 kills.
2009-03-01 04:19:00

Posts: 218

...Can I join the clan? It gets kinda lonely. Well, not really, but being in a clan with other LBPC member would be cool.

2009-03-01 04:23:00

Posts: 1603

...Can I join the clan? It gets kinda lonely. Well, not really, but being in a clan with other LBPC member would be cool.


sure, course you can. but the clan is on hold till they fix that bug
2009-03-01 04:28:00

Posts: 10882

What glitch? Man this game is awesome! I haven't touched the single player, mainly because I never played the first one and it wouldn't make much sense to me, so far I've only put in about 2 hours into the game and I'm doing fairly well.

I believe the highest points I got in one game was 74? 70-something. Anyways, whoever wants to play, add me. Let's see how the squads work, and yeah. How will clan tournaments work in this game?
2009-03-01 04:54:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

What glitch? Man this game is awesome! I haven't touched the single player, mainly because I never played the first one and it wouldn't make much sense to me, so far I've only put in about 2 hours into the game and I'm doing fairly well.

I believe the highest points I got in one game was 74? 70-something. Anyways, whoever wants to play, add me. Let's see how the squads work, and yeah. How will clan tournaments work in this game?

You don't need to have played the first one. I haven't. But I did watch these:

YouTube - KILLZONE (story) Part 1 - "Scolar Visari's Dream of Destiny"

Killzone 1 in videos. ( I dunno if it'll go to the next video in the playlist through here)

Squads work awesome. You spawn to the squad leader (or whomever is left alive if all but one die) so you're not always having to start at the base.
2009-03-01 05:01:00

Posts: 218

What glitch? Man this game is awesome! I haven't touched the single player, mainly because I never played the first one and it wouldn't make much sense to me, so far I've only put in about 2 hours into the game and I'm doing fairly well.

I believe the highest points I got in one game was 74? 70-something. Anyways, whoever wants to play, add me. Let's see how the squads work, and yeah. How will clan tournaments work in this game?

I'll play with you fo' sho'. I don't get as many points, but I still have loads of fun sniping with my standard rifle. d:
2009-03-01 05:14:00

Posts: 1603

Can I join the Sackghast clan? Also, how do you aim well? I was doing great the second hour or so I had the game then I just went downhill. It's annoying getting only fifteen kills a match... Pleas help...:kz:2009-03-01 05:54:00

Unknown User

I was halfway through the campaign the **** thing goes and crashes. Worse still, all my save data was corrupted. Having to start the whole thing again. Sick as a parrot.2009-03-01 09:06:00

Posts: 38

Omg, I've played this game for a total of 4 hours, and I'm already a Luitenant, and I got 103 points in one SINGLE MATCH!

Wow... Who wants to play with me I'm getting bored...

And wtf why isn't killzone.com working, everyone got on and it just exploded. Or in their words "We might of had a Helghast attack."
2009-03-01 09:42:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

What are the other weapons like? :O2009-03-01 11:18:00

Posts: 3701

I was wondering why I couldn't play.

Anyway I might not be able to log online any more; I'm formatting my PS3 to get rid of this **** disc reading problem and depending on whether or not my account details are kept I might have to sheepishly phone up Sony and say that I lied about my age to make a master account
2009-03-01 11:29:00

Posts: 1330

What glitch? Man this game is awesome! I haven't touched the single player, mainly because I never played the first one and it wouldn't make much sense to me, so far I've only put in about 2 hours into the game and I'm doing fairly well.

I believe the highest points I got in one game was 74? 70-something. Anyways, whoever wants to play, add me. Let's see how the squads work, and yeah. How will clan tournaments work in this game?

There is a glitch that doesn't allows you to join matches when in a clan (I just had, and when I join a clan I can't play matches)
2009-03-01 12:09:00

Unknown User

For those who have the weapons in MP and those who've played the single player:

Can we agree that the Sniper rifle and the Shotgun are the best ever in a game?

Holy crap.
2009-03-01 16:38:00

Posts: 218

I was wondering why I couldn't play.

Anyway I might not be able to log online any more; I'm formatting my PS3 to get rid of this **** disc reading problem and depending on whether or not my account details are kept I might have to sheepishly phone up Sony and say that I lied about my age to make a master account

i know alot of people who lied about their age, but i dont think it matters.

i don't even know which one is the master account
they all look the same.
theres just mine and my dads. but he doesnt use his for now cuz he wants to buy some blu-ray discs to put pictures on
2009-03-01 16:43:00

Posts: 545

Well I'm fully enjoying this game. I love it more and more everytime I go back to it. Im completely addicted to the multiplayer now. I feel like it was made for my playing style, unlike Cod 4 and 5, which I felt like it was always punishing me.

Sadly, I cant play all week, my dad is punishing me for B in spanish, which is crazy, oh well, Ill probably be completely out of practice by the time I play again, sigh....

anyways Killzone completely owns
2009-03-01 23:51:00

Posts: 1082

agree i got it, i love it amazing game2009-03-02 01:18:00

Posts: 1246

How do you call in the sentry bots? The one that you get when you are a tactician. I got all the ribbons for it, I just don't know how to call the flying things in...

2009-03-02 03:20:00

Unknown User

Saboteur makes me so very happy. I change into them, follow them, then massacre them. All the while listening to them cry on their chat.2009-03-02 07:39:00

Posts: 380

Haha, I'm not that far into it yet, only put in 7 hours and I just unlocked the rocket launcher, sooo I'm a Captain. But for 7 hours, I have 700 kills with 300 deaths. So I have a fairly good K/D Ratio going, I guess...

Anyways, is that clan glitch still happening? I don't get how clan tournaments work, I go to the tournaments section, and all of them say "Not Scheduled" though when I go through the rounds and stuff, half the rounds have already been completely... I don't get it? Can we randomly join in the middle of a tournament? How do you find one that hasn't started yet?
2009-03-02 09:02:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

I got it saturday and played it quite a bit over the weekend. It's very good Single player is good the AI is sneeky and trying to stab/pistol whip you whnever they can. The heavies are good fun to kill.

Multiplayer is very slick good selection of maps and nicely drip fed upgrades as you progress, I now start with extra grenade and ammo and get higher score for kills in bodycount. I just started playing with people of a rank that can use the disguise badge thing that makes them look like their on your side. Which takes a bit to getting used to. Their name flashes from green to red which is the give away.

On the controls I came from Bad company which is very diffrent. I've got the controls set up similiar and I'm starting to get the feel for it.
2009-03-02 16:14:00

Posts: 119

My K/D is suffering. I suppose being a die-hard medic I don't get kills and instead I just heal so I'm still ranking quickly. I'm amazed at you K/D ratio Wha<>le, kudos for you. Hopefully you aren't rocket spamming.

When I get tactician I'll be sticking with that; in wolfenstein I was always either a covert ops (identical to the saboteur, even the weapons are sub machineguns) or a field ops, basically a tactician that calls in uber air strikes instead of spawns.

When I get sniper I'll have to struggle and get the scan players badge so my tactician can scan the area then lay down a reliable spawn.

Then again the robot is pretty sweet, shame it can't kill a stationary rabbit though...
2009-03-02 16:24:00

Posts: 1330

My K/D is suffering. I suppose being a die-hard medic I don't get kills and instead I just heal so I'm still ranking quickly. I'm amazed at you K/D ratio Wha<>le, kudos for you. Hopefully you aren't rocket spamming.

When I get tactician I'll be sticking with that; in wolfenstein I was always either a covert ops (identical to the saboteur, even the weapons are sub machineguns) or a field ops, basically a tactician that calls in uber air strikes instead of spawns.

When I get sniper I'll have to struggle and get the scan players badge so my tactician can scan the area then lay down a reliable spawn.

Then again the robot is pretty sweet, shame it can't kill a stationary rabbit though...

I love die hard medics. never change . Also Sniper is so broken, as it can kill in one hit with a shot anywhere, but i'm invisible or disguised most of the time anyways so good luck finding me :hero:

Anyone get valor ranks for last weeks tally? I got the top 3% one.
2009-03-02 16:29:00

Posts: 380

I'm in love with this game its awesome!2009-03-02 17:45:00

Posts: 143

KDR killed FPS games, only geeks care about it seriously.
sorry, but it is.
2009-03-02 17:53:00

Unknown User

I take my hat off to you guys here. I play resistance 2 alot, and never slip from the top 1/4 of players. I'm finding things far tougher in KZ. Only had time to play 3 matches and my best score was 22 in one. I died so many times it was sorrowful. Still, things can only get better...I hope2009-03-02 18:53:00

Posts: 38

On my comment on rocket spamming, having just unlocked the lesser rocket launcher I think it's only really the other one that must be the OP one. My friend who decided to spectate called me a noob for using one but in my defence the blast radius and the incredible recoil makes it very hard to use at long ranged shots.

I used it one time on S+R and picked up the objective and as I mowed my way down past the tightly clumped enemies one missile seemed to suddenly smoke up in midair and it crashed into the ground. I think the rumour about missiles being hit and changing course may be correct; in which case it's even harder.

The only place it is really bad is indoors but then again everyone has nades so it isn't anything new.

Really want my assault class now just so I can try out the other launcher as the first time I ever picked one up I didn't realise the missile went down a bit when you fired so it just blew up in my face
2009-03-02 18:58:00

Posts: 1330

I have enough points on my company site to get one more $60 game....Killzone 2 is on there. I love COD WAW right now...It has a level up system and perks. (And kill spree bonus's) These are the most fun aspects of the game for me.

It seems KZ2 has a similar level up / reward / perk system. Am I correct in saying so? I read a review and it sounds like it. Also it seems like they have some disguise thing? And unique game modes. It seems like its a lot more realistic than COD even, which I thought was pretty realistic.

But what's your guys's opinion on this VS COD, I think i'm going to get it but some reassurance would be nice
2009-03-02 18:59:00

Posts: 2551

I have enough points on my company site to get one more $60 game....Killzone 2 is on there. I love COD WAW right now...It has a level up system and perks. (And kill spree bonus's) These are the most fun aspects of the game for me.

It seems KZ2 has a similar level up / reward / perk system. Am I correct in saying so? I read a review and it sounds like it. Also it seems like they have some disguise thing? And unique game modes. It seems like its a lot more realistic than COD even, which I thought was pretty realistic.

But what's your guys's opinion on this VS COD, I think i'm going to get it but some reassurance would be nice

Download the demo and see if you like the controls. If you do then by all means buy it; if you find them so terrible you have to spam the PS3 forums with non-stop threads about it then don't, and tell everyone who's spamming else not to either.

It's an amazing game but it seems people who like cod always hate it. (Just a warning, I'm sure you're not a complete 'fool' like the rest of those people :kz: )
2009-03-02 19:04:00

Posts: 1330

on one of the reviews i heard one guy say they tried to make it more realistic i guess w/ your character being weigthed down instead of ultra fast turning apparently that COD has.. (which i didn't really think it does )

but in COD you can crank the turn speed up....if thats the only gripe people have im going to assume you can't turn the turn speed up in KZ2? IDK it sounds like an awesome game I doubt the controls will mess me up that much but i'll get the demo.

I was just hoping to skip the demo and go straight to buying it if the reccommendations were that good.

but also i don't think i've posted on the PS3 forums yet. and wouldn't really intend on complaining there about the controls lol.
2009-03-02 19:16:00

Posts: 2551

My K/D is suffering. I suppose being a die-hard medic I don't get kills and instead I just heal so I'm still ranking quickly. I'm amazed at you K/D ratio Wha<>le, kudos for you. Hopefully you aren't rocket spamming.

Actually, haven't even used the rocket yet, Only weapons I've used so far are the assault rifle, and shotgun. I just recently started using the tactician as I'm usually always a medic, haha last night, I set up a bot on the stairs of that one level ( it seems to be on an island, theres 2 narrow paths that seem like piers on both sides, hope i'm making sense here, the whole level is surrounded by water. ) so anyways. I set up a bot, and for the very first time, the bot honestly got me about 9 kills. I don't know if that's a lot or anything, but I thought the bots were useless as I was always able to take them down, seems like you just need to put them in the right place at the right time.

When I get tactician I'll be sticking with that; in wolfenstein I was always either a covert ops (identical to the saboteur, even the weapons are sub machineguns) or a field ops, basically a tactician that calls in uber air strikes instead of spawns.

Ah man, I love tacticians, they seem to always be the start of the chaos ( ie: having two spawn points next to each other, one from both teams ) man... that gets crazy, especially when your all in one room and as soon as you spawn you try to book it to a safe location and chuck nades in the room only to hope you get like 5 kills, yes I know i'm going way out there right now but I don't care because I love this game.

When I get sniper I'll have to struggle and get the scan players badge so my tactician can scan the area then lay down a reliable spawn.

Then again the robot is pretty sweet, shame it can't kill a stationary rabbit though...

Friend also told me that you have to earn your x5 zoom for your scope. Kind of weird but at least your earning something right?

KDR killed FPS games, only geeks care about it seriously.
sorry, but it is.

I disagree, 100%. Seems like your just mad or something. I play the game for fun, but I would still like to know were I stand with others in the game. And so far my K/D Ratio is way higher than anyone on my friends list, and that keeps me on my toes, and actually makes me want to stay consisten. I'd like to keep my K/D Ratio at a 2:1 for as long as I can, and hopefully higher than that.

on one of the reviews i heard one guy say they tried to make it more realistic i guess w/ your character being weigthed down instead of ultra fast turning apparently that COD has.. (which i didn't really think it does )

but in COD you can crank the turn speed up....if thats the only gripe people have im going to assume you can't turn the turn speed up in KZ2? IDK it sounds like an awesome game I doubt the controls will mess me up that much but i'll get the demo.

I was just hoping to skip the demo and go straight to buying it if the reccommendations were that good.

but also i don't think i've posted on the PS3 forums yet. and wouldn't really intend on complaining there about the controls lol.

Honestly, the controls aren't even that hard to get used to, the controls are a bit weird at first, but it took me only about 2 hours to master them, I know what each button does and how to use them. As for the game itself, I haven't touched the single player, that's because I'm hooked on the MP. It's amazing... Warzone is so fun, because you are never playing the same thing, first your playing Bodycount, then all of a sudden it tells you to protect someone, then bam, your defending your base, then all of a sudden you have to blow up their base or whatever. What I'm trying to say is, your game will always be different from your previous one, it always keeps you on your toes, waiting for your next objective.

Also, umm wtf? Has anyone noticed ANY lag at all? I was playing on Saturday on that one level ( lol I'm not good with names, but it has the mask statues in the middle ) and there was seriously, an all out 16 vs 16 battle going on out there in the courtyard, debree falling off the pillars, rockets flying back and forth, gernades being thrown in every direction, bullets just ricocheting of every wall, it was ridiculous. And there was not one second of lag, it truly is amazing how they could get all this packed into one game with no lag at all.

So my answer, yes get it, especially since you get your games for free. I recommend this to ANYONE, who cares if the controls are new, developers aren't going to hold your hand for ever, you'll get used to the controls trust me, it's only been out for 4 days, and I'm addicted... Lol.
2009-03-02 21:23:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

ya i didnt think the controls would be a prob. land thanks whaaale! you just sold me on it, im going to order it right now....it sound REALLY fun...man i want it bad now lol.

[Edit]: Just ordered now!
2009-03-02 21:36:00

Posts: 2551

ya i didnt think the controls would be a prob. land thanks whaaale! you just sold me on it, im going to order it right now....it sound REALLY fun...man i want it bad now lol.

[Edit]: Just ordered now!

Good move land buddy, I'll see you online then. Though I'll probably have to add you first hmm...
2009-03-02 22:06:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

ya deffineately, I'm pretty good at FPS's too. I can whop on all my friends except ones a pretty good match. Sounds like your pretty good so we shoudl make a pretty good team. I'd deffineately be down for gaming w/ you.

just have to wait about 5 business days or so =[
2009-03-02 22:08:00

Posts: 2551

ya deffineately, I'm pretty good at FPS's too. I can whop on all my friends except ones a pretty good match. Sounds like your pretty good so we shoudl make a pretty good team. I'd deffineately be down for gaming w/ you.

Yeah, definately, tell me when you get it.
2009-03-02 22:09:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

I love rocket spamming with the guy who runs really fast...2009-03-03 01:25:00

Unknown User

I've really been thinking about getting this, and I heard there were "character classes" in online multiplayer. Is there a class similar to the Spy in Team Fortress 2?

Because I love a good stealth game.
2009-03-03 02:38:00

Posts: 1153

Well im ranking up pretty steadily, I almost have the tactition unlocked, Im completely addicted to the game, The multiplayer is insane, and There are so many incredible moments when im playing. once I took a spinning missle right to the face, which obviously killed me but it was hilarious.

When Im in Visaris Hammer I love going to that little room that has a small window, where the two teams hallways are connected. in that little cramped area there is so much action its insane how many sparks are flying. I go in there with my trusty shot gun and usually get in 2 or three kills everytime, Its crazy, cramped, suicidal, and freaking epic.

I doubt my KDR ratio is good at all, I expirement way too much (mostly fail) xD

Idc though, I enjoy the multiplayer so thouroughly, and I have so much more fun with it than Cod online, I dont know why.

EDIT: yes jake, there is a spy-like class in the game, its called a Sabotuer, and they can disguide as an enemy player, but cant turn invisible like a TF2 spy, thats for Scouts, who snipe
2009-03-03 02:38:00

Posts: 1082

Maxed out me rank today. Time to go for badges I suppose.2009-03-03 02:45:00

Posts: 380

I've really been thinking about getting this, and I heard there were "character classes" in online multiplayer. Is there a class similar to the Spy in Team Fortress 2?

Because I love a good stealth game.

Yeah, there is a class like that. I forget what it is called but you can change into a character looking like the other teams players. It's funny to watch people start freaking out when you are shooting them. There was a guy of the same class and I started shooting at him and he turned around and was like, "who's shooting at me..." and... Yeah....
2009-03-03 05:29:00

Unknown User

I had the round(s) of my life tonight so I felt the need to stroll over here and brag.

First round I went 105 kills and 40 deaths and the second round I went 97 kills and 34 deaths.

If anyone ever needs a saboteur call me
2009-03-03 07:25:00

Posts: 380

I had the round(s) of my life tonight so I felt the need to stroll over here and brag.

First round I went 105 kills and 40 deaths and the second round I went 97 kills and 34 deaths.

If anyone ever needs a saboteur call me

Woah wait, 105 kills!? Or 105 points? Cuz if you get 105 kills, I don't what you did or what you played for that long...
2009-03-03 07:45:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

is online not working for anyone right now? It wont connect to warzone for me, it says Network Error Code 10002

2009-03-03 12:11:00

Posts: 1082

Just finished the campaign yesterday and gave online a go after that. The game lives up to the hype; nothing more to say...2009-03-03 13:02:00

Posts: 1366

is online not working for anyone right now? It wont connect to warzone for me, it says Network Error Code 10002


Check the official PS killzone boards
specifically this thread:

look trought the answer and hope seb answered one
2009-03-03 15:08:00

Unknown User

is online not working for anyone right now? It wont connect to warzone for me, it says Network Error Code 10002


Last night, warzone was working for me but I would get that code error like 8001 and I would then be signed out....:kz:
2009-03-03 15:18:00

Unknown User

Last night, warzone was working for me but I would get that code error like 8001 and I would then be signed out....:kz:
look trought the replies in the topic I gave you, I'm sure that error code has been posted.
2009-03-03 15:25:00

Unknown User

Yep I'm definitely a tactician!

Normally with my medic 30-40 points.

Tactician is now 70-80 points.

I love it because I have the whole team in my hand and I am the one who decides whether we take a flank, if we go head on. It really is a tactician class which I'm amazed actually works (So long as the person isn't a 'fool' and throws spawns into enemy spawns). When I get my robot I might stick with it but then again being able to repair ammo boxes etc. is looking even better especially on Phdahgasadg Rise where there are lots of minibases to exploit.
2009-03-03 17:43:00

Posts: 1330

i got tempted to play online without finishing my campaign (i normally dont) but ive only played 2 games online... and after that, i didnt wanna let go of the controller. lol now, im only wishig that i should have chosen normal mode instead of veteran when i first started... (but even tho its taking me longer, veteran gets crazy) enemy AI is awesome... tey actually try and run from you, when their by them selves but when their in groups, youre in big trouble.. they actually rush you and push you back like there's nno tomorrow. LOL.

just 1 question tho.. this is about online play. i find it hard to find ammo sometimes, arent there any ammo supllying stations or ammo spots? i only get extra ammo when ive killed an enemy.

in my first game i didnt realize this and so i ran out, i was forced to use my pistol.
2009-03-03 19:18:00

Posts: 371

There are ammo depots which give you both full ammo and grenades, but sadly they are pretty scarce and they all need to be "repaired" by an engineer with the repair tool.
But after you have played a little while ammo stops being a problem as you pretty easily get a medal which gives you almost double ammo to start with. I think it's the medal you get after earning 8 ribbons for not getting any minus points.

Yep I'm definitely a tactician!

Normally with my medic 30-40 points.

Tactician is now 70-80 points.

How do you manage that!?! I've newer gotten more than 54 points (after x1.5 multiplier) and i don't seem to get any extra points from healing so i presume it's the same for spawn points. I usually get among the top 4 players so i'm not a hopelessly noobish player either...
Whats your secret...
2009-03-03 19:24:00

Posts: 458


Well it only seems to be on the non-small maps but when you call in help (it seems everyone hates tactician so I'm always on my own, as it should be) I suddenly have the entire team helping me and I'm just guessing that 'a guy with a funny helmet' is less of a target than every other class because everyone is so unfamiliar. I loved almost breaching the 100 mark after my multiplier but I fell a few points short.

I think the perfect team should be a mix of all the classes and then only a single tactician. That one tactician should have a very clear idea of how to play and know the maps etc. (not like a nooby one I found who didn't know how to play assassination when he was the target ). This is because they should have to direct the whole team; multiple tacticians means competition for what to attack and it doesn't work and you just get scattered spawns and not a united team effort.

So when the clan is up I shotgun tactician if someone else wants a go I'll be covert ops (I mean saboteur ). Which reminds me; someone came up with a brilliant way to wreak havoc amongst an enemy team. Go cov. ops and simply talk to the other team and say stuff like 'One of the engineers is a saboteur' or 'No don't go that way, go flanking there aren't any there!'. Since they think you're a team mate (unless they notice you don't have any lights) they will follow your directions, and remember it's proximity chat even for enemies, so you can massacre an otherwise unstoppable team.


Also I just finished single player and even though I knew that *Blanky blank blank* happens I still got blown away. Plus I noticed what I hope is a little easter egg showing the survival of my favourite character you can probably guess who from reading my posts if you're on the ball.
2009-03-03 19:58:00

Posts: 1330

How do you manage that!?! I've newer gotten more than 54 points (after x1.5 multiplier) and i don't seem to get any extra points from healing so i presume it's the same for spawn points. I usually get among the top 4 players so i'm not a hopelessly noobish player either...
Whats your secret...

Submachine gun on mediumish maps. Once I switched from a shotty to a submachine gun, I was mowing them down left and right. I jumped from 5th and ended up in first with 80 points and at least 50 kills.

Also, that chirp is GODLY. So addicting.
2009-03-03 20:28:00

Posts: 218

Submachine gun on mediumish maps. Once I switched from a shotty to a submachine gun, I was mowing them down left and right. I jumped from 5th and ended up in first with 80 points and at least 50 kills.

Also, that chirp is GODLY. So addicting.

the little bleep when you get a kill? yeah i love that!
2009-03-03 21:13:00

Posts: 1082

Lol important discussion: chirp or ding? (http://boardsus.playstation.com/playstation/board/message?board.id=killzone2&thread.id=226283)2009-03-03 21:18:00

Posts: 1330

Omg, I never noticed having a wired ethernet cable going to your router, instead of going wireless makes sooo much more of a difference.

Trust me people... Go wired.

Yesterday was my first time using an ethernet cable instead of the wi-fi, and omg I was getting all my shots to connect, I was seriously racking up about 50 kills A GAME, even tho my deaths would be around 30-35 still, it's crazy. And I'm all about medics, I usually get 60-70, I'm also good with the engineers I believe, or whatever their name is.
2009-03-03 21:25:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

any news on the clan glitch?

also, anyone wanna play a game now?
2009-03-03 21:41:00

Posts: 10882

Omg, I never noticed having a wired ethernet cable going to your router, instead of going wireless makes sooo much more of a difference.

Trust me people... Go wired.

Yesterday was my first time using an ethernet cable instead of the wi-fi, and omg I was getting all my shots to connect, I was seriously racking up about 50 kills A GAME, even tho my deaths would be around 30-35 still, it's crazy. And I'm all about medics, I usually get 60-70, I'm also good with the engineers I believe, or whatever their name is.

How does it make such a difference? Ive noticed that it almost always takes 2 or three seconds for the dying animation to start, which is annoying becuase it usually ends up in me and who im shooting at being dead.
2009-03-03 21:53:00

Posts: 1082

Trust me, IT MAKES A HUGE DIFFERENCE, for example.

On my computer, I use wi-fi as well, I checked my speed, it was about 7 mb/s. Very slow, I wired it up.

Now I'm getting 30 mb/s.

Also, for my PS3 I have a bluetooth headset, and if you use the wi-fi, the bluetooth interupts with the wi-fi, thus giving you lag. But when it's wired, it's perfect.
2009-03-03 22:14:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

Trust me, IT MAKES A HUGE DIFFERENCE, for example.

On my computer, I use wi-fi as well, I checked my speed, it was about 7 mb/s. Very slow, I wired it up.

Now I'm getting 30 mb/s.

Also, for my PS3 I have a bluetooth headset, and if you use the wi-fi, the bluetooth interupts with the wi-fi, thus giving you lag. But when it's wired, it's perfect.

Sweet, Ill see If I have an ethernet cable long enough xD
2009-03-03 22:18:00

Posts: 1082

Sweet, Ill see If I have an ethernet cable long enough xD

Trust me, it's sooo different, not only can you actually use a blootooth headset, but your shots are so much more accurate since they almost always connect right.
2009-03-03 22:24:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

i'll play now if anyone wants to2009-03-03 22:45:00

Posts: 1246

What Class Combo does/will anyone use?

Im planning on using a Sabo/Assault, and Scout/Tactition.
2009-03-04 02:29:00

Posts: 1082

I'm thinking of using them all, strictly because I'm a well rounded gamer, I always have been, Halo 2, 3, Gears of war 1, 2, Socom... You know name it, I can probably use it well.2009-03-04 04:33:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

one statement:

HALO and Gears of War just got KILLZONED.

i have it, EPIC. Campaign, EPIC (a little short but the EPICness makes up for it). Online, EPIC (air support is lame and weak, and turrets can be hard to get kills with at first)

2009-03-04 05:10:00

Posts: 1101

Actually it is Killzowned...

I just unlocked the Scout and I am getting better every match I play with it. It just takes a while to unlock the 5x and the spotting badge thing.
2009-03-04 06:01:00

Unknown User

Woah wait, 105 kills!? Or 105 points? Cuz if you get 105 kills, I don't what you did or what you played for that long...

105 kills. 214.5 points.
25 minute round.

did it twice in a row, also i took pics i'll try and get them off my phone
2009-03-04 07:53:00

Posts: 380

Wow, I just played with a group of people, a clan rather.

Let's just say I've never been butt hammered that hard before, ever...

Like seriously, I was at like 800-450 K/D Ratio, and I played with them for 2-3 hours, and I check.

I'm at 1100-800 K/D Ratio.

These kids were amazing, they knew what to do on every map and with every gametype, bodycount, they spawn trapped us, and omg it was ridiculous like there was literally only 5 seconds to do something when you spawned, and if you were to try to peek out of ledges to get some easy kills, bam sniper kills you.

It was sooo much fun though, and I think my skills increased by like a billion, since I was always the one on top.

And I got 100 kills in one game.
2009-03-04 08:12:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

Wow, I just played with a group of people, a clan rather.

Let's just say I've never been butt hammered that hard before, ever...

Like seriously, I was at like 800-450 K/D Ratio, and I played with them for 2-3 hours, and I check.

I'm at 1100-800 K/D Ratio.

These kids were amazing, they knew what to do on every map and with every gametype, bodycount, they spawn trapped us, and omg it was ridiculous like there was literally only 5 seconds to do something when you spawned, and if you were to try to peek out of ledges to get some easy kills, bam sniper kills you.

It was sooo much fun though, and I think my skills increased by like a billion, since I was always the one on top.

And I got 100 kills in one game.

What do you play as?

My K/D is 1936 to 1950. But I played as a die hard medic until I hit general.
2009-03-04 08:36:00

Posts: 380

Has anyone tried to access the stats from their homepage? For me no stats or like shows up, it says that i'm on the first rank and that i've never made a kill...
Thats the link.
Is anyone else experiencing this?
2009-03-04 14:42:00

Posts: 458

Has anyone tried to access the stats from their homepage? For me no stats or like shows up, it says that i'm on the first rank and that i've never made a kill...
Thats the link.
Is anyone else experiencing this?

yeah they have been having problems with their site with the amount of traffic they have been getting. I think they shut it down till they can find a fix for it, not really sure why the took the stats off of it though.
2009-03-04 15:14:00

Posts: 873

Yeah i noticed that they had some problems with it but now it seems to be up and running so i thought that they might have fixed the issue.
Its good that they have so advanced stats in game so that we don't depend so much on the site, especially when they have so many problems with it.
2009-03-04 15:23:00

Posts: 458

Got my assault class and I'm whizzing through it because I hate just running and dying after 3 shots with ma pwnshot.

Can't wait for saboteur; when I get it I'm going to plug in my headset and completely screw the teams I play against.

We really need to play together, I recently have been playing with crap medics who never heal and I know it's charged because they just spawned. Literally I died throwing a spawn and 5!!! medics come out and I don't get a revive after 1 whole min. No enemies around, just makes you wonder.
2009-03-04 19:02:00

Posts: 1330

What are the other guys like apart from the Machine guns from the demo? (Third time asking ;(.)2009-03-04 20:18:00

Posts: 3701

There is a shotgun, rocket launcher, gernade launcher, a few sub machine guns, and some heavy machine guns, theres snipers, pistols of course, and rifles.

As for answering your question pinkcars, I play as everything. But I'm mostly better with the medic and engineer (I think that's their name, the guys with the shotgun and bots.)

It all depends on the gametype and map for me really, close quarters. I take out a LMG or shotgun, but if it changes up to something like assassination or search and destroy, I change to my saboteur.

So yeah.
2009-03-04 22:02:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

Actually there is two rocket launchers, a heavy one and a lighter one...:kz:2009-03-04 22:29:00

Unknown User

not going to be able to play a lot for a little check out the blog for why. It's school related and it's just one of those weeks i guess.

Tell me when the clan glitch is fixed. Thanks just wanted to let everyone know.
2009-03-04 23:15:00

Posts: 1246

one statement:

HALO and Gears of War just got KILLZONED.

i have it, EPIC. Campaign, EPIC (a little short but the EPICness makes up for it). Online, EPIC (air support is lame and weak, and turrets can be hard to get kills with at first)


Air support is definitely weak. As for turrets... it really banks on where you place them that will get you a good amount of kills. Tight corridors are best, but make sure you place them well back out of the opfor's grenade throwing distance if possible and not near where a corridor turns a corner.

There are other great places too, but you'll have to do some experimenting.
2009-03-05 00:15:00

Posts: 1737

Air support is definitely weak. As for turrets... it really banks on where you place them that will get you a good amount of kills. Tight corridors are best, but make sure you place them well back out of the opfor's grenade throwing distance if possible and not near where a corridor turns a corner.

There are other great places too, but you'll have to do some experimenting.

I usually put them at a height advantage, that way they have a higher chance of getting a headshot. It usually works, I get 3-4 more kills when they're on stairs above the battle then on the ground.
2009-03-05 00:18:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

I usually put them at a height advantage, that way they have a higher chance of getting a headshot. It usually works, I get 3-4 more kills when they're on stairs above the battle then on the ground.

Okay, let's not give away ALL our secrets now... it's Killzone - not LBP. lolz

Yes.... height definitely is another tip. Few players tend to look up when playing so they often get taken out by a well placed turret on high ground. Even if they do spot it, there's usually such a cluster f#*@ going on that there isn't even time to aim up to try and take it out as they are concentrating on getting kills on the enemy.

Luv it!
2009-03-05 00:30:00

Posts: 1737

Air support is definitely weak. As for turrets... it really banks on where you place them that will get you a good amount of kills. Tight corridors are best, but make sure you place them well back out of the opfor's grenade throwing distance if possible and not near where a corridor turns a corner.

There are other great places too, but you'll have to do some experimenting.

I think the turrets and air support could use a small boost in health and power. Getting those 5 turret kills around 8 times is a pain IMO.
2009-03-05 03:42:00

Posts: 218

I was playing on that really big map that has all the dust blowing around and I put a turret behind an enemy spawn point and two in front and I got about fifteen kills... Sort of cheap but it works. Yeah, the flying sentry bots don't do anything except annoy the people on the other team and the turrets, I think are under powered or get destroyed too easily because if the turret is in the back of a corridor, someone could just toss a grenade down and BOOM! It's gone. I put one where the big fire fight was going on and I only got one kill when it was firing half the match. It just seems to weaken the enemy and give other people the kills. Guerilla Games should also make it so you can upgrade the turrets like in Team Fortress 2...

Oh, Whaaaaale, I was playing with you for like half a match and then I got error 8001 or something like that... So, yeah.:kz:

And I have gotten like eight kills in a match with the turret about ten times, which bugs me because I want that repair thing.
2009-03-05 03:44:00

Unknown User

dude omg the only gun i don't like is the flametrower also i'm also on lvl and omg2009-03-05 12:31:00

Posts: 1576

Saboteur is hard to get the ribbon sometimes I swear I've just hit a streak of completely rubbish teams where no medics ever revive (I stalk them on both teams), the engineers all glitch (there is an auto-aim bug on the shotgun) plus the tacticians are complete idiots who don't do a 180 before throwing the spawn; I always just die with my back to the enemy.2009-03-05 18:36:00

Posts: 1330

Saboteur is hard to get the ribbon sometimes I swear I've just hit a streak of completely rubbish teams where no medics ever revive (I stalk them on both teams), the engineers all glitch (there is an auto-aim bug on the shotgun) plus the tacticians are complete idiots who don't do a 180 before throwing the spawn; I always just die with my back to the enemy.

That's all I need to say, and this just happened to me last night, I swear the medics are just like right next to me, just fighting, and then I sit there for about 20 seconds, and the medic leaves, I'll even be screaming in my mic ( MEDIC! MEDIC! OMG JBlue92 BEHIND YOU!

So annoying, when I'm a medic, as soon as I see that + on my mini map, I'm there to help you up, and if it's recharging I'll tell you to wait until I can get you back up, they usually wait but some don't...
2009-03-05 21:07:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

As for Medics.. don't forget that you can't always see what he's seeing. There's been times when I can't get to a downed team mate because there is one or more enemy heading down a hallway or across the map firing at me. There's no point in both of us being dead.

Just saying because I've been in this situation a few times where people have *****ed at me without even seeing what I'm seeing.
2009-03-05 22:06:00

Posts: 1737

No I fully understand that, but when I'm sitting there for 20 seconds, calling out your name, and your about 3 feet right next to me, shooting someone thats about 200 feet on the other side of the map, I would like a revive please.2009-03-05 22:41:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

Oh wait... i am just about to unlock the assault class... BOOST BABY (i did both of the Medic medals, but instead of being able to combine (no one else to combine with at the moment) i got another second ability that i have been able to use. I can use the boost ability on my medic SO useful, you can just run past EVERYTHING and almost no one can shoot you because you move so **** fast.

Anyway... There is an auto-aim glitch on the Shotgun? i just try to put as much of the guy in the circle, be patient and pull the trigger only when i can get a one hit (sometimes depends on the situation so i go for 2 if i can not get the one) and i do this because if you miss... you are doomed. the other guy that waited with the shotgun just blows you away because you missed because you rushed your shot. Oh and thanks for the turret tips. I will try them out.

Medics can be... annoying >_> you can just rush in and heal a teammate and get a plus one which is sometimes easier than actually killing a guy for plus one >_> so if you see someone down... HEAL you can rack some serious points this way.

2009-03-05 22:47:00

Posts: 1101

YouTube - KILLZONE 2 - Helghast Cupcake Invasion!

Hahahahahah. I want a cupcake. And a Helghast costume.
2009-03-06 02:12:00

Posts: 1603

YouTube - KILLZONE 2 - Helghast Cupcake Invasion! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OlKI053gczc)

Hahahahahah. I want a cupcake. And a Helghast costume.

Lol! great!
2009-03-06 03:21:00

Posts: 3154

Stats at Killzone.com are back up! (Click My Killzone and log in with your PSN name and password)

2009-03-06 05:43:00

Posts: 218

Stats at Killzone.com are back up! (Click My Killzone and log in with your PSN name and password)


I can never ever get into this site because I entered my birthdate wrong and now it has locked me out. It seems to remeber my IP address.
2009-03-06 08:21:00

Posts: 380

The weapon cloud thing doesn't make sense to me, I've used the rocket launcher about 10 times, and it says 83%? What's that mean? I've never even touched the sniper and yet it says 58%, like I literally haven't used the scout yet.

So confused....


By the way, has anyone received an honor rank? If you have, which one? I got mine last week, which was the Lieutenant General badge ( Rewarded to the top 4-6% players once a week )

I felt pretty proud of myself when I got that, anyone got higher? The 1% one anyone?
2009-03-06 08:28:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

The weapon cloud thing doesn't make sense to me, I've used the rocket launcher about 10 times, and it says 83%? What's that mean? I've never even touched the sniper and yet it says 58%, like I literally haven't used the scout yet.

So confused....


By the way, has anyone received an honor rank? If you have, which one? I got mine last week, which was the Lieutenant General badge ( Rewarded to the top 4-6% players once a week )

I felt pretty proud of myself when I got that, anyone got higher? The 1% one anyone?

I got the 3% and am currently in the 1% now I just have to hold it.
2009-03-06 17:09:00

Posts: 380

The weapon cloud thing doesn't make sense to me,

Huh? Do you mean the Tactician's spawn grenade ability?
2009-03-07 08:02:00

Posts: 1737

Huh? Do you mean the Tactician's spawn grenade ability?

No on his stat tracking site. It displays your weapons and how much you've used them. They aren't accurate to what he has used.
2009-03-07 08:14:00

Posts: 380

I got the 3% and am currently in the 1% now I just have to hold it.

same for me
2009-03-07 14:11:00

Posts: 345

Wow, I can finally view this game with positive eyes now that the aiming is patched up a bit 2009-03-07 16:23:00

Posts: 805

Wow, I can finally view this game with positive eyes now that the aiming is patched up a bit

Really? What did they patch up, omg I'm about to get on and see.
2009-03-07 21:36:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

Really? What did they patch up, omg I'm about to get on and see.

They fixed the latency problems people were having so the controls are more 'cod-like'; if you didn't have the problems beforehand however then there shouldn't be a change. My only change was single player but I fixed that by lowering the sensitivity, online fore me didn't change.
2009-03-07 21:39:00

Posts: 1330

They fixed the latency problems people were having so the controls are more 'cod-like'; if you didn't have the problems beforehand however then there shouldn't be a change. My only change was single player but I fixed that by lowering the sensitivity, online fore me didn't change.

Hmm, I'm about to check it out, I didn't have any problems, but that's only because I learned to adapt to the new style, so we'll see.
2009-03-07 21:43:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

Is it impossible to combine secondary abilities with the assault class?
I've unlocked the second medic medal and i can combine the sprint ability with the medic but i can't get an assault with med packs .
2009-03-08 11:00:00

Posts: 458

Is it impossible to combine secondary abilities with the assault class?
I've unlocked the second medic medal and i can combine the sprint ability with the medic but i can't get an assault with med packs .

Yeah the badges work the opposite to the way they should. Instead of the secondary badge being shared with everyone else it means everyone else can share with you. So to get a assault with med's you don't need to get the health pack for other classes badge, just get the revive 5 fellas badge then with the assault get the boost ten times badge and you can then combine any other secondary ability with the assault class.
2009-03-08 13:53:00

Posts: 1330

Aaah, that explains it, thanks. But isn't that a very weird system and doesn't it say that you can combine the secondary ability with any other class that has it's secondary unlocked when you unlock the second medal? 2009-03-08 14:41:00

Posts: 458

Aaah, that explains it, thanks. But isn't that a very weird system and doesn't it say that you can combine the secondary ability with any other class that has it's secondary unlocked when you unlock the second medal?

Yeah, on the plus side it means that if you like a class then all you have to do is play that one class to get everyone else's abilities; the downside is if you're a tactician (me ) then the sentry bot badge is nigh on impossible to get.
2009-03-08 15:33:00

Posts: 1330

Yeah, on the plus side it means that if you like a class then all you have to do is play that one class to get everyone else's abilities; the downside is if you're a tactician (me ) then the sentry bot badge is nigh on impossible to get.

I hate air support, they are pretty useless for kills, they are only good for revealing scouts and sabos, maybe they should change the ribbons to get 1 or 2 kills by sentry, or reveal 1 or 2 sabotuers or scouts
2009-03-08 19:21:00

Posts: 1082

I hate air support, they are pretty useless for kills, they are only good for revealing scouts and sabos, maybe they should change the ribbons to get 1 or 2 kills by sentry, or reveal 1 or 2 sabotuers or scouts

I still think the turrets and air support need to be a bit more powerful.

Turrets own air support, and 3 shot gun hits will own a turret.
2009-03-08 19:43:00

Posts: 218

I still think the turrets and air support need to be a bit more powerful.

Turrets own air support, and 3 shot gun hits will own a turret.

I agree, if they averaged out the health and power between the Killzone sentries and TF2 sentries, it would be ideal.
2009-03-08 20:46:00

Posts: 1082

I think I'll be picking this up this week

Are the bots back in multiplayer yet?
2009-03-08 22:24:00

Posts: 2278

I don't think so, you really don't need the bots, as my games always are maxed out, and if they're not you just give the match 2 minutes or so and you'll have yourself a full 16 on 16 match.2009-03-08 22:39:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

i definitely agree that air bots need to be better (pretty useless, even in groups) but i'm not sure about tweaking the turrets. if you put them in a group, they can do quite a bit of damage2009-03-09 00:21:00

Posts: 345

I don't think so, you really don't need the bots, as my games always are maxed out, and if they're not you just give the match 2 minutes or so and you'll have yourself a full 16 on 16 match.

Well that's good to know!

Can you still play through the MP maps alone though, with bots?
2009-03-09 01:01:00

Posts: 2278

Well that's good to know!

Can you still play through the MP maps alone though, with bots?

Yes you can, with up to 15 bots. the mode is called Skirmish
2009-03-09 01:06:00

Posts: 1082

Yes you can, with up to 15 bots. the mode is called Skirmish

Awesome, thanks!
2009-03-09 01:17:00

Posts: 2278

Got the Brigadier General ribbon thing! (top 7-10% each week)

2009-03-09 03:30:00

Posts: 218

Airbots seem to be a good distraction, if you want to charge in with a well-coordinated Squad.

Anyhoo, I seem to be pretty good with Engineer. I always seem to find the strangest, yet most effective spots to place the sentries at. Unlocked Scout(sniper) a bit ago. Still have to get used to it; gotta find good sniping spots. So far so good, though. Diggin' it. :]

Regarding sentries and their hp/attack, I don't think they should be increased. Maybe allow them to continuously fire instead of doing it in slow bursts. That'd be nice. But make them any stronger and they'd be unbalanced, I think. I seem to do just fine the way they are now. Consider the Repair ability repairs them in about 1.5 seconds.
2009-03-09 07:59:00

Posts: 1603

Just played my first online session (about 4 games) and got me'self up to 1.63 K/D.
Got headshotted 6 times in a row xD that annoyed me a bitty.
I thought I was doing terrible till I looked at the scores o_0
Still only the third badge though... when do you unlock the first specialist? like medic?
2009-03-09 20:23:00

Posts: 805

I believe you unlock the medic at the 4th badge. So your next one, I think... I'm 90% sure though.

EDIT: You can also go to Warzone page, then click "Statistics" and go to the "Unlocks" category, it shows you all the badges and medals and what they unlock.
2009-03-09 21:26:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

I believe you unlock the medic at the 4th badge. So your next one, I think... I'm 90% sure though.

EDIT: You can also go to Warzone page, then click "Statistics" and go to the "Unlocks" category, it shows you all the badges and medals and what they unlock.

Nearly got it then
I'm sick of there being NO medics at all. Time to do some damage (well.. the opposite)
What's a med's second ability thing?
2009-03-09 22:43:00

Posts: 805

Nearly got it then
I'm sick of there being NO medics at all. Time to do some damage (well.. the opposite)
What's a med's second ability thing?

I haven't used it myself, but I believe it's "Health Packs" dispensed on the floor.
2009-03-09 22:53:00

Posts: 1603

ya, the medic secondary is a health pack that you put on the ground. it heals you or your ally to full health and it recharges very quickly too (10 seconds tops).

very useful for assassination
2009-03-09 23:45:00

Posts: 345

this game is amazing. I find that most of my LBP buddies play this, Wierd hey!!!
Anyway I have a clan running, so far we have won 2 out of 2 and we have 20 members and are very active. we want to join more matchs but we need more players. If ya wanna get into the whole clan thing add me to ur PSN. Judderjud is my I.D.

############### LOOKING FOR A CLAN?? ##############
2009-03-10 01:23:00

Posts: 35

Oh wow. I think I just managed to go on an 88-15 run as a sniper in 3 rounds today!:kz:

Be afraid.... Be very afraid.....
2009-03-10 04:22:00

Posts: 218

Every time I go onto Killzone online, I will get an error code right in the middle so I haven't completed many matches recently.2009-03-10 04:25:00

Unknown User

I earned my top 1% trophy. It was alot of work so i'm gonna probably take a break for a bit. maybe wait til I'm done with resident evil 5.2009-03-10 05:20:00

Posts: 380

i earned my top 1% trophy. It was alot of work so i'm gonna probably take a break for a bit. Maybe wait til i'm done with resident evil 5.

congrats! :d
2009-03-10 05:35:00

Posts: 2278

just got it today.....got first place in my first game! the slower controls / clunkier aim compared to COD are really going to take a little bit to get used to2009-03-10 05:39:00

Posts: 2551

just got it today.....got first place in my first game! the slower controls / clunkier aim compared to COD are really going to take a little bit to get used to

Play about with the sensitivity for a while
But you do get used to it
Better trying a bit of Skirmishing before online to get used to the controls a bit more..
2009-03-10 18:23:00

Posts: 805

I got to the rank where I got the SMG and shotgun last night....I just jumped right in w/o learning controls first and got first place my first game as I already said lol...

they arn't terrible were i would have a whine fest over them...it just seems the aiming was difficult to get really precise thats why i said it was clunky...but i got better at it
2009-03-10 19:36:00

Posts: 2551

just got it today.....got first place in my first game! the slower controls / clunkier aim compared to COD are really going to take a little bit to get used to

If you're playing single player, then keep it default. They click and it makes sense.

IF you're playing multiplayer, try adjusting x-axis 2 clicks up and y-axis 1 click. It worked wonders for me and a couple others I know.
2009-03-10 20:12:00

Posts: 218

If you're playing single player, then keep it default. They click and it makes sense.

IF you're playing multiplayer, try adjusting x-axis 2 clicks up and y-axis 1 click. It worked wonders for me and a couple others I know.

sweet man thanks ill give it a shot. im sure i could get used to it but i know i would tear it up a lot better if i had more comfortable aiming
2009-03-10 20:56:00

Posts: 2551

Actually i think the best settings for multiplayer is to have the sensitivity on max, or at least very close to max. It takes a (pretty long) while to get used to but it is undoubtedly the best setting as you get much faster on aiming etc.

BTW i got almost 80 kills, 45 deaths and 50 mission points in a game recently O.o! but then the connection died and i got disconnected , i had about 100 points when i disconnected and that was before 1.5 multiplier ( i hate it when team kill is enabled, got about 30 points less for team kills :blush!
2009-03-10 21:26:00

Posts: 458

ah that sucks....i though the same thing...one of my friends plays COD w/ maxed sensitivity....i figured it would be a pain in the but to get used to but once you are you would think you would have an advantage over everyone else2009-03-10 21:38:00

Posts: 2551

Ye.. I'm considering trying this.. huge advantage

Does it seem a bit odd that my shotgun accuracy is 123.7%? o_0
2009-03-10 21:38:00

Posts: 805

Well I guess if you shoot a shotgun your bound to hit something at least once 2009-03-10 21:50:00

Posts: 3701

Um... 123%... Yeah that's a bit odd. if you've only used the shotgun once or twice then it might be explained by that you've hit multiple people with the same shot...

Why does the helghast team always loose?
I hate it because i always have to choose ISA as they win, but i want to choose helghast...
2009-03-10 21:51:00

Posts: 458

i can't get on it won't sync with the servers2009-03-11 02:32:00

Posts: 1246

Um... 123%... Yeah that's a bit odd. if you've only used the shotgun once or twice then it might be explained by that you've hit multiple people with the same shot...

Why does the helghast team always loose?
I hate it because i always have to choose ISA as they win, but i want to choose helghast...

I doubt fractions have anything to do with it, but I agree, whenever I'm Helghast, the good communitive people always seem to be on the ISA...
2009-03-11 02:40:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

i played the demo and i liked it a lot. but get eventually so i can rub it in his face when ever he comes over. he is a HUGE killzone fan but he has a 360! that gonna cool since he did the same to me with halo 3.2009-03-11 03:27:00

Posts: 267

I doubt fractions have anything to do with it, but I agree, whenever I'm Helghast, the good communitive people always seem to be on the ISA...

Maybe it has to do with that alll the newer players choose helghast as they are coolest and all the pro players know this and choose ISA instead, so that they don't need to be in the same team as all the noobs.
2009-03-11 08:05:00

Posts: 458

Maybe it has to do with that alll the newer players choose helghast as they are coolest and all the pro players know this and choose ISA instead, so that they don't need to be in the same team as all the noobs.

Something like that; the majority of people want to play helghast so they go ISA so there is more chance of their friend being on the team.
2009-03-11 08:06:00

Posts: 1330

I still haven't played this lol FAIL!2009-03-11 08:19:00

Posts: 3154

Am I slow at getting up ranks or something?
I've played about 4 hours and I'm just on the medic badge =
Getting loadsa kills.. what am I doing wrong?

And I'm a bit annoyed with the headshot death streaks I get.
When I look to see how I died bottom left, theres an 80% chance it's a headshot spray death.
Sure I wouldn't mind if they headshotted me with precision, but if they spin around and headshot me, that REALLY annoys me.
I've recorded a 6 headshot death streak before. Gets depressing.

Nobody is ever online when I am... =
2009-03-11 20:38:00

Posts: 805

i had a pretty epic moment last night...me and this one guy were in a small room and it was getting zerged by like 5 ISA....I was killed first...he healed.. me I got up and he was down already and i immediatley healed him and they killed me and he actually killed like 3 guys that were in the room lol2009-03-12 00:14:00

Posts: 2551

It's funny when you get the sniper and keep killing the same guy over and over again... Then you here him like swearing in the mic., I love it. I unlocked the 5x, spotting system, and the advanced scope for the sniper and it is awesome. The spotting system is actually really useful.2009-03-12 05:59:00

Unknown User

Ooh, so that's what the advanced scope does.
Sadly i suck with sniper , i prefer to be in or at the edge of the battle, not just sitting 2 kilometers behind it..
That's why i loved the sniper in battlefield bc so much, you could actually go into close quarter combat and own people with the overpowered middle eastern revolver. And you could almost always see where all people close to you were so that you could sneak up on them and knife them in their back . I actually came first in my team once without firing a single rifle shot, had about 15 melee kills and some more with the handgun . And the best part is that i died only twice that round!
But the killzone sniper can't really be used that way...
2009-03-12 07:53:00

Posts: 458

Just putting this out there, because maybe some people don't know (like me.)

But I just recently found out, that when you cloak with the sniper, it NEVER goes away, until you hit/kill someone. I never knew that so I would be thinking "Hmm let me just get a little closer to this person, then cloak up and kill him," which would end up being fail as I would always die, but now that I know it never runs out, I always spawn, turn it on, and move on out!
2009-03-12 07:57:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

Just putting this out there, because maybe some people don't know (like me.)

But I just recently found out, that when you cloak with the sniper, it NEVER goes away, until you hit/kill someone. I never knew that so I would be thinking "Hmm let me just get a little closer to this person, then cloak up and kill him," which would end up being fail as I would always die, but now that I know it never runs out, I always spawn, turn it on, and move on out!

You do become more visible when you move, though.
2009-03-12 13:37:00

Posts: 1603

Man, I've just been too busy to give this game the play is so rightly deserves. Have to find more time in my schedule I guess.2009-03-12 13:59:00

Posts: 1366

I might be getting this today. 2009-03-12 17:23:00

Posts: 2278

Managed to get a friend to 'help' me get my air support badge so now my dream combo of tactician/sniper lives! I love being able to find all the enemy locations to guide my newly spawned troops.2009-03-12 19:11:00

Posts: 1330

But I just recently found out, that when you cloak with the sniper, it NEVER goes away, until you hit/kill someone. I never knew that so I would be thinking "Hmm let me just get a little closer to this person, then cloak up and kill him," which would end up being fail as I would always die, but now that I know it never runs out, I always spawn, turn it on, and move on out!

Yeah it's the same with the saboteur, i've always thought it would only be on for a few seconds, or maybe half a minute so i was extremely careful with when i should activate it and not etc. until i recently discovered that every other saboteur cloaked right when the game began...

Could you tell me exactly how the tag thing works? It has something to do with those flashing things that you can see lying about on the ground sometimes, that's about how far my knowledge about them goes :blush:.
And what is that limiting thing for classes in clan matches you talked about earlier?
2009-03-12 20:24:00

Posts: 458


Do not face in a corner and throw a spawn point there. Turn around so that people will go with the flow.

Also, spot and mark is awesome.
2009-03-12 20:26:00

Posts: 218

Managed to get a friend to 'help' me get my air support badge so now my dream combo of tactician/sniper lives! I love being able to find all the enemy locations to guide my newly spawned troops.

I've never understood people who abuse the system like that.. (if you're talking about what I think you are)
Like in COD4 people getting golden shotgun in a one-on-one mindless h-shot match.
Who knew games were meant to be fun and things like that were meant to be actually acheivements you could take pride in..
2009-03-12 20:28:00

Posts: 805

But in all fairness, those two badges are the toughest to get in the game. Since air support and turrets are incredibly underpowered, it's irritating at best.2009-03-12 22:07:00

Posts: 218

I've never understood people who abuse the system like that.. (if you're talking about what I think you are)
Like in COD4 people getting golden shotgun in a one-on-one mindless h-shot match.
Who knew games were meant to be fun and things like that were meant to be actually acheivements you could take pride in..

If the game worked as it should I shouldn't have needed to do that; but because I have to do the air support badge to then change it to spot n mark rather than the other way round (as it should be) I am forced to use 'alternative' methods; even when he was helping me I still struggled to get the kills because they blew themselves up! and they still missed him when he was standing still right underneath. They are pathetic.
2009-03-12 23:07:00

Posts: 1330

That's not the point I'm getting at =
If they're rubbish, so what? Let them be rubbish, eventually you'll get the badge you want, I just personally think theres absolutely no point in cheating to get the badges.. No matter what the rewards.
But that's just kinda who I am = Never used cheats in games.. so I guess I'm just not being very understanding..
Sorry if this has seemed like a personal go in any way = It was just a neutral comment based on people doing things like that
2009-03-12 23:20:00

Posts: 805

is killzone2 online class based? so far as i've listened it sounds like it is.2009-03-12 23:21:00

Posts: 267

is killzone2 online class based? so far as i've listened it sounds like it is.

Do you mean leveling up badges and stuff?
Or like choosing what kind of character you are?
Well you get to choose what class you are yes, like medic or technician, but you have to unlock them all in turn
2009-03-12 23:22:00

Posts: 805

i meant classes like team fortess 2 is.2009-03-12 23:29:00

Posts: 267

Yeah. It's a mix of TF2 with Call of Duty 4, I'd say. It has classes, but they are customizable like in CoD4, although not as in-depth. Very fun, as you can "mix and match" class abilities.2009-03-12 23:32:00

Posts: 1603

ok thanks. can't wait till i get or rent it.2009-03-13 00:31:00

Posts: 267

That's not the point I'm getting at =
If they're rubbish, so what? Let them be rubbish, eventually you'll get the badge you want, I just personally think theres absolutely no point in cheating to get the badges.. No matter what the rewards.
But that's just kinda who I am = Never used cheats in games.. so I guess I'm just not being very understanding..
Sorry if this has seemed like a personal go in any way = It was just a neutral comment based on people doing things like that

I honestly don't think I'll ever get it, because at the rate games finish, your bot may end up with 4 kills ( if your lucky ) and bam. It's over, they need to make the badges for them slightly easier.

And it has happened to me countless of times with the turrets. With the air support, I've never gotten one kill, pretty sad...
2009-03-13 03:18:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

The turrets are just slightly underpowered, it's still so that you can get the trophy (if you have problems, go to a pistols only game and choose engineer ) they should only be a little better to make them more useful in combat, the drones however are completely underpowered, you can just ignore them and they wont do any harm. I think they should be much stronger, so that they can take out a single person on their own but at the same time slower and noisier so that if you are alone you'll almost need to run away from them to survive.
As it is now theres no chance whatsoever to get that medal...

EDIT: Jay, my 300th post!!!

EDIT2: Exactly how does the spot and mark ability work? i know it has something to do with those flashing things you can find lying about on the ground but that is as far as my knowledge about them goes...
And could someone tell me about that class limiting thing for clan matches i've heard people talk about?
2009-03-13 07:44:00

Posts: 458

can anyone tell me why my internet won't sync to the servers2009-03-14 15:11:00

Posts: 1246

can anyone tell me why my internet won't sync to the servers

Maybe because you're getting the clan bug, but I don't seem to have that problem anymore.
2009-03-14 15:17:00

Posts: 1330

I wouldn't say the turrets are underpowered, I'd say the badge should be 5, instead of 10.

Anyway, got to the last level of the carreer today! The boss battle is nails on Veteran...
Stuck at the bit up on the balcony, anybody got any tips for simply surviving?
Story on this game is epic.
2009-03-14 17:58:00

Posts: 805

The badge already requires 5 kills , and they are underpowered IMO the turrets should be more powerful, i don't care if it's because of higher accuracy, longer bursts or higher damage per bullet, and at the same time they should completely remove that turrets can get headshots, thats just completely random and doesn't and random one shot kills are newer a good idea X(. If the turrets get more powerful people would care about them more and then it would balance itself.
The same thing should be done to the flying sentries, no random one shot kills and they should be powerful enough to get people to take cover and actually care about them.

And btw Pinchanzee (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/member.php?u=1805) in non racing/music games it's called campaign not career
2009-03-14 19:04:00

Posts: 458

Yeah, you really don't get any good saves, once you reach this point. You've got to go a long, hard way to the next part. I advise this:

Grab a grenade launcher. Spray grenades into groups as they come, and refill when you run low. Flank a side, come back, flank the other side... Once they start pulling out the rocket launchers, you should be out of ammo. Grab one of the dropped flamethrowers. Run around the right side and to the back wall to take out the rocket troops. Grenade corners first so they don't blast you as you come around a corner. Then, sweep up with the flamethrower.

Radec's fun. Best to have a shotgun, because there's loads of ammo in the arena and he's always right up on you. Also good is to run back to the balcony, grab a sniper, and use that, because you can pop him while he's behind cover. And then just see how well you can shoot from the hip if he's next to you.
2009-03-14 19:42:00

Mark D. Stroyer
Posts: 632

The badge already requires 5 kills
And btw Pinchanzee (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/member.php?u=1805) in non racing/music games it's called campaign not career

3 or 4 then, the damage/ accuracy should not be overly messed around with.. They've probably balanced it well, so that they give you an odd kill here and there, but they also don't flood you with kills to make it unfair

And don't be picky

Yeah, you really don't get any good saves, once you reach this point. You've got to go a long, hard way to the next part. I advise this:

Grab a grenade launcher. Spray grenades into groups as they come, and refill when you run low. Flank a side, come back, flank the other side... Once they start pulling out the rocket launchers, you should be out of ammo. Grab one of the dropped flamethrowers. Run around the right side and to the back wall to take out the rocket troops. Grenade corners first so they don't blast you as you come around a corner. Then, sweep up with the flamethrower.

Radec's fun. Best to have a shotgun, because there's loads of ammo in the arena and he's always right up on you. Also good is to run back to the balcony, grab a sniper, and use that, because you can pop him while he's behind cover. And then just see how well you can shoot from the hip if he's next to you.

Thanks! I shall try it...
2009-03-14 20:28:00

Posts: 805


Just picked this up today! I was gonna wait till I got a lend off my mate... because he isn't playing it for some stupid reason.
But I saw it in the shop and just decided, might as well!

I'm happy I did.

Anyone wanna add me?? I'm no n00b I swear
2009-03-14 21:05:00

Posts: 779

How does Killzone.com work?
I just created a sub account.. but didn't have to say anything about my main account? Played since then and it's not recorded anything on the site.. probably because I've done it wrong
Urgh, it's so confusing
2009-03-15 21:47:00

Posts: 805

You only needed to log in with your PSN id, every sony/playstation linked site does this now.2009-03-15 22:12:00

Posts: 218

i really need this weird clan glitch thing i think is happening to my killzone 2 online. I really want to play it online again2009-03-18 02:47:00

Posts: 1246

i really need this weird clan glitch thing i think is happening to my killzone 2 online. I really want to play it online again

As far as I know, that was fixed with the last patch released.
2009-03-18 02:48:00

Posts: 1603

Just letting you all know I ordered this last night.

Expect to catch be being cannon fodder within the next week or two!
2009-03-18 03:06:00

Posts: 2278

As far as I know, that was fixed with the last patch released.

I haven't been able to play online since the last update
2009-03-18 03:11:00

Posts: 1246

I haven't been able to play online since the last update

...That's weird. I haven't heard of anyone else having problems... Maybe new bugs were introduced with this new update? Have you tried leaving your clan? Or can you just not log online at all?
2009-03-18 03:12:00

Posts: 1603

...That's weird. I haven't heard of anyone else having problems... Maybe new bugs were introduced with this new update? Have you tried leaving your clan? Or can you just not log online at all?

It is different all the time sometimes i can get online others i can't even get online
2009-03-18 21:40:00

Posts: 1246

This thread is a little dead right now, to much boring bug discussion (sorry kmills11 i don't think we can help you) and to little single and multiplayer discussion.

So am i the only one who's general but hasn't even completed singleplayer? :blush:

Whats your highest multiplayer score (after multiplier), personally i've managed to breach the 200 mark, got 201 points.

And am i the only one who doesn't hate the assault class?
2009-03-19 09:03:00

Posts: 458

I played the demo for this game, I liked it. The graphics are amazing, I didn't like the way the cross hair moved sluggishly though. The song at the end of the demo was tight haha a big fan of Flower Duet now, it kinda got me into orchestral music this past week.2009-03-19 12:11:00

Posts: 335

GG really needs to add some sort of status indication for sentries and airbots. Seriously. I'd like to know how my sentries are doing without having to look at them every 5 seconds. It would also be nice to see them on the radar, too...2009-03-19 13:35:00

Posts: 1603

I agree, that would be really useful.2009-03-19 14:39:00

Posts: 458

Working on my Engineer badge now and it's brutal just like most have been saying. Not tempted to cheat at all, but I know it's going to be a long road of trail and error to find the best spots to get my numbers up. At this point I'm not even sure what I'm going to enjoy playing once I unlock everything. Tons of hours ahead.2009-03-19 14:52:00

Posts: 1366

So am i the only one who's general but hasn't even completed singleplayer? :blush:

Whats your highest multiplayer score (after multiplier), personally i've managed to breach the 200 mark, got 201 points.

And am i the only one who doesn't hate the assault class?

Hehe... I've played the first 3 missions in campaign and Yup I'm a general as of yesterday ^^

And what's there to hate about ROCKET LAWWNCHER and boosting!!

I'm definitely gonna get through story mode at some point though. Its not bad.. I'm just not huge into big testosterone fueled story modes like halo/gears of war. I'd say I'll still enjoy it though.
2009-03-19 20:03:00

Posts: 779

This thread is a little dead right now, to much boring bug discussion (sorry kmills11 i don't think we can help you) and to little single and multiplayer discussion.

So am i the only one who's general but hasn't even completed singleplayer? :blush:

Whats your highest multiplayer score (after multiplier), personally i've managed to breach the 200 mark, got 201 points.

And am i the only one who doesn't hate the assault class?

I'm a general and I haven't even started the campaign.
2009-03-19 20:08:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

To be honest you don't need to pad the engineer badge, it's just hard until you unlock the repair badge to keep your bots alive so it's all about placement.

Tactician bots are still useless; I use them as distractions but I'd never dream of ever getting a kill with one.

The assault class is meant to be over powered. This is a team based game and so you need a class that can just wipe the floor with everyone so you can break through turret nests and C4 traps.

Class Breakdown
Infantry - Should use their LMG's to mow down enemies from a distance but make sure you aren't the main target otherwise you'll go down easily.

Medics - keep people alive, don't worry about kills; everyone else should be getting them, your second badge should be sprint or health packs.

Engineer - Fortify areas and allow for a place for people to know that they are safe to recharge health, secondary can be anything but sprint (C4 is nasty with turrets since you can just use 1 to soften the enemy and turret finishes them off).

Tactician - Guide the team to the correct pathways and objectives and for gods sake do a 180 before you throw the spawn! Secondary is spot and mark or sprint; if you're going to guard your new base take repair or C4

Assault - Break through defences so tacticians can plant their nades. Be a human shield for assassination targets. Sprint is great to overcome the heavy armour slowing effect (not sure if they took it out, I'm 50/50); but health packs are amazing for survivability.

Saboteur - Complete screw over the enemy teamwork; disrupt communications and cause them to lead ineffective charges. This is the only time you're allowed to yell ' can you hear me?' down the mic . C4 for ambushing ammo dumps or sprint to infiltrate easily. Spot n mark can also be used to reveal enemy positions when you can't use a mic.

Sniper - Kill the campers and take down assassination targets (they normally stand still). You should have spot n mark or C4 so that you can do your job efficiently (with SAM you can find targets and C4 means you don't have to watch your back).
2009-03-19 20:18:00

Posts: 1330

Couldn't of said it better, though I'd rather get kills as a medic as well, of course if there's time to revive someone/heal someone. I'll do it, but I do worry about kills.2009-03-19 20:22:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

COD4 ftw...
This really isn't anywhere near as good online as I thought it would be =
It's just a mash-up of death that's down to luck and nothing whatsoever to do with skill..
Then you get the idiots with the RPG's... and the turret headshots...
And the whole "put me in games of my rank" was too good to be true.
Before I know it I unlock medic and I'm suddenly playing with Snipers, Sabatouers and god knows what else...

Oh well, back to LBP..
2009-03-19 20:27:00

Posts: 805

Couldn't of said it better, though I'd rather get kills as a medic as well, of course if there's time to revive someone/heal someone. I'll do it, but I do worry about kills.

Well yeah I'm not saying you should run around with your med gun but if you see enemies in the distance and a dead assault class with a grenade launcher next to you it's pretty obvious to revive him since he's more likely to kill the enemy.
2009-03-19 20:28:00

Posts: 1330

COD4 ftw...
This really isn't anywhere near as good online as I thought it would be =
It's just a mash-up of death that's down to luck and nothing whatsoever to do with skill..
Then you get the idiots with the RPG's... and the turret headshots...
And the whole "put me in games of my rank" was too good to be true.
Before I know it I unlock medic and I'm suddenly playing with Snipers, Sabatouers and god knows what else...

Oh well, back to LBP..

Really? I have to disagree 90%, and not just because Killzone 2 is suppose to "live" up to the hype. I really think it does, the online is sooo fun, I haven't even started the campaign, and I probably won't for a while.

How is it a mash-up of death? It seems like your just being biased, I always get a game K/D ratio of 3-1 or 2-1 maybe sometimes if I'm doing really bad 1.5-1.

You just have to get good, when your a general everything becomes sooo hard. And with competition, comes better gaming, more teamwork, and less 'mash-up deaths.'

And I don't know anything about the "play with my own ranks" thing, since I never really care, if you can kill me, good job, I don't care whether I can only use this weak assault rifle from 200 yards away and you have the sniper. If you can snipe me, you earned the kill.

The only thing I agree with you about is the turret headshots, but that barely even happens, and when it does it's because the turret is probably above you, and when you look up to shoot it, there's a very high chance it will get a headshot.
2009-03-19 22:16:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

I'm a general and I haven't even started the campaign.

Yep, I havent touched it, either. The multiplayer is just that good.
2009-03-19 22:24:00

Posts: 1603

COD4 ftw...
This really isn't anywhere near as good online as I thought it would be =
It's just a mash-up of death that's down to luck and nothing whatsoever to do with skill..
Then you get the idiots with the RPG's... and the turret headshots...
And the whole "put me in games of my rank" was too good to be true.
Before I know it I unlock medic and I'm suddenly playing with Snipers, Sabatouers and god knows what else...

Oh well, back to LBP..

KZ2 > COD4 all the way.

this one guy wrote this in a KZ2 VS COD thread.


Killzone is much more realistic and the environment is so detailed and immersive. The maps are much larger, Phyrus anyone?

2 nights ago I tried to get back on COD4 to see how things were, the first match was a mess for me. The sensitivity was WAAAY too high, you barely tap the joystick and the person goes spinning out of control, it takes little work to get a kill. I havent played COD4 since KZ2 came out and when I played COD4 the other night I got 19:8 first match, 24:2 2nd match. I think having the realism of KZ2 creates a hightened level of senses, actually covering from fire and working as a team. COD4 you can rape an entire team by yourself which is rediculously lame, even if I am the one doing the killing. I agree COD is fun, mostly because everyone has it, but KZ2 is better in ever way.

Also KZ2 never has lag because it matches people within your region, no more matches with people from Brazil or Europe! KZ2 allows you to customize every detail about the match as host, you can play multiple game types in 1 match, several classes that make sense in a war game, MEDIC! geeze when have you been in war and not had a medic.

The grenade actually has 2 indicators, sound and light so you don't kill yourself as much. Although COD4 grenades seem more accurate and realistic...thats the only thing though.

Sorry, but if you prefer COD4 over KZ2, you're lame...imo.
no offense.

@ Shermzor: "Infantry - Should use their LMG's to mow down enemies from a distance but make sure you aren't the main target otherwise you'll go down easily.
M82 > LMG.
2009-03-19 22:25:00

Unknown User

KZ2 > COD4 all the way.

this one guy wrote this in a KZ2 VS COD thread.

Sorry, but if you prefer COD4 over KZ2, you're lame...imo.
no offense.

@ Shermzor: "Infantry - Should use their LMG's to mow down enemies from a distance but make sure you aren't the main target otherwise you'll go down easily.
M82 > LMG.

Let's not get hasty now, it's his opinion, calling him lame for thinking COD4 is better than KZ2 is lame in itself.
2009-03-19 22:29:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

KZ2 > COD4 all the way.


Sorry, but if you prefer COD4 over KZ2, you're lame...imo.
no offense.

Did I miss something there? Did you just contradict yourself, or...?

EDIT: Don't mind me. I just woke up. -_- Sorry about that.
2009-03-19 22:31:00

Posts: 1603

wow, both of your posts popped up.

@ Whale: That's my opinion, let's not bash it

@aer0blue: wot.
2009-03-19 22:32:00

Unknown User

@aer0blue: wot.

Nothing, me being stupid. -_- lol.

Anyway, does anyone actually like large-scale games? If so, why? By this, I mean the 32-player games.

Personally, I think they're way too chaotic for me. I rather play on medium-sized ones.
2009-03-19 22:54:00

Posts: 1603

KZ2 > COD4 all the way.

this one guy wrote this in a KZ2 VS COD thread.

Sorry, but if you prefer COD4 over KZ2, you're lame...imo.
no offense.

@ Shermzor: "Infantry - Should use their LMG's to mow down enemies from a distance but make sure you aren't the main target otherwise you'll go down easily.
M82 > LMG.

Trust me, in the majority of cases you are right, if you aren't being shot at the Isa Lmg is amazing for med range and in corridors the helghast one is better than a shotty provided you don't get into insta kill range; it takes one burst to knock em dead.
2009-03-19 23:06:00

Posts: 1330

I've put in about 12 hours into Killzone's online. It's been a bit of an addiction. The entire thing is based on this reward system. This idea that the full experience doesn't blossom until you've devoted a ton of time and work into it, and unlock all the classes. So I've been totally sucked in, playing and playing and playing to get everything unlocked. I have tactician unlocked currently. no assault, scout, or saboteur.

Also - I think I'm done with it. Yes. Done with it.

it's been so, so, so frustrating, far more often than not. With a system like this, a class-based team shooter, balance is a crucial issue. But if you make the stronger classes "unlockable" after more than a dozen hours of play, you're essentially throwing a wrench in the spokes of the entire balance of the game, and the enjoyment of many players takes a dive. And even IF all the classes were available from the get-go, there are so many issues of balance, small and large, that even the best matches are fraught with frustration. I think that to this day, the best matches I had were the very first ones, in the Noob servers, when nobody had any class unlocked, and everyone was equal.

I've had one or two games where the teams happened to have been equally-matched, but on a small scale, within the game, you run into a slew of problems.

The turret system, where an entire team of engineers shares 4 turret "slots", and can even destroy their own team's turrets if they want to get THEIRS up NOW.
2 shared slots of spawn grenades.
shared slots of aerial bots.
These introduce an inter-team competition that really doesn't help. Look at TF2 - Engineers look out for each other. They help each other's turrets. They complement each other's turrets. Each engy gets ONE turret to master and take care of. If he sees a buddy's turret doing badly - get in there and fix it up for him!

In THIS game, the repair skill is ridiculously difficult to unlock (again with the unlockables), as turrets are so woefully underpowered, that it's a complete crapshoot if they HAPPEN to land the final shot that kills an enemy. So again - it's dog eat dog, even on your own team.

From a combat perspective, you can unload half a clip into someone and not kill them unless you happen to land a headshot. I say happen-to-land, because we're dealing with dual-analog controls here. If you wanted to turn 180 degrees because an enemy is behind you - boy howdy - good luck getting him. Shooters on dual-stick controls are by and large castrated experiences. Even the biggest fan of console shooters knows this on SOME level, even if they deny it. Somewhere, deep down inside, you know that the controls are holding the game back. In a game like this, where winning in a one-on-one is dependent on who gets the first headshot (or who has a shotgun/missile launcher), it becomes a non-intuitive, frustrating, often-times dice-roll of an experience.

I've run into a room with 3 enemies PLUS a sentry in it that were watching the entrance who KNEW I WAS COMING, and I sprinted in, super-fast, right past them, and then blasted all 3 with a shotgun. That shouldn't have happened. There are 3 reasons this happened: 1. The dual-analog controls slowed them down. 2. The turret fire was like the buzzing of flies to me. 3. Shotgun.

Medics: That med-pack is almost useless. If someone gets shot-up, they're likely dead. And there's no way to TELL when a medic has a medkit, or is trying to throw one out, and the things themselves are almost impossible to spot in a game. As a non-medic, whenever I've been healed, it's been spontaneous and without my having any idea it occurred except for noticing my health jump up. As a medic, it's been unbelievably frustrating trying to heal teammates, who are running all over the place for fear of being shot up, and having to toss this rock of an item that nobody sees or cares about.

Tacticians: Oh dear. Oh dear oh dear. Those spawn points are troublesome things. They sometimes do mean the difference between victory or failure, but often, and almost always in larger games, they introduce a cluster**** of epic proportions. Everyone wants to spawn on the spawn point, get closer to the action, dive back in, but the enemy of course sees this as an opportunity to clean house, so you get death-festivals by the boatload on these spawn points.

Assault: haven't unlocked this, but I think we've all experienced the immense frustration of going up AGAINST this class. In TF2 you have the Heavy. They're tanks! Hard ******** to take down. But they're part of a very carefully-managed balance, and so they don't have any blanket advantage over everyone else. here, an Assault soldier is basically infantry but better in every conceivable way. It's so easy to replace your guns in this game. It's hard to deny that there's no reason to play soldier if you have assault.

Grenades: TF2 proved that you could have an excellent - EXCELLENT - class based team shooter with NO GRENADES. None! Who needs them? They're a pain in the ***! If I could have my way I'd do away with grenades in most shooters, they're abused so very very much. If anything, you should only be able to throw the occasional grenade. Here, everytime you die and spawn you get a new pack of grenades. Yippee! Asplodin' time!

All in all, the game is too chaotic, too messy, too unbalanced, and is built on a foundation on which it is ABSOLUTELY CRUCIAL to have a very delicate balance in place. There's nothing, anywhere, about this game that's delicate (except for the firepower that comes from turrets and aerial bots, that is).

I put in my 12 hours, I haven't even unlocked all the classes, but I've become convinced that there isn't a deeper experience hiding behind those remaining few locked classes. I'm not going to suddenly experience an amazing shooter when I reach General, the game isn't going to magically "blossom" into something better than it is.

I'm just very disappointed. It's a solid game, ambitious, I love that they're taking a lot of their cues from TF2 and having engineers and sentries, and I love the squad system except that I've NEVER seen a game where all 6 squads are used (they should be mandatory!). Deployable temporary spawn points is a cool idea too. Lots of cool ideas in place here.

Just... not delivered. My 2 cents. *looks back over post* Did I say 2 cents? 200 cents.
2009-03-19 23:08:00

Posts: 1937

The turret system, where an entire team of engineers shares 4 turret "slots", and can even destroy their own team's turrets if they want to get THEIRS up NOW.
2 shared slots of spawn grenades.
shared slots of aerial bots.

Communication is key. Play with PUGs (pick-up-groups), and you'll have slot problems. Play with a good team that communicates, and there will be no slot issues whatsoever. Unless you're eight Tacticians/Engineers/etc.


This isn't TF2.
Haha. Just messin' with ya'.
2009-03-19 23:24:00

Posts: 1603

Wow... I'm sorry your experience with this game so far has been so frustrating TeeBonesy

I think that Killzone will definitely only appeal to certain players.
Also it seems your heart lies in TF2! Which is a brilliant game, cause I have it on PC and ps3 (which was a really bad idea cause PC version is waaaay better)

I can see how.. after playing tf2, killzone can seem really frustrating to get into cause of your expectations and how its handled differently.

Personally, I'm loving the online so far. It does have its flaws.. but I think its mostly down to inexperienced players. I think they made a few sacrifices with the ranking/unlocking system. It'll turn a lot of people off, because of the amount of hours you have to put in just to get to use all the guns and classes.

But to me, the unlocking is just a learning experience. It gives you 1 class to work with at a time, and you can play this class to earn the points for your next rank.

Also, I think most people only start to fully master the tricks of the trade when they've maxed out their rank. Which also really cuts out a chunk of the more casual gamers... I think once you really "know" the online inside out, this game really happens for you. But if you've been playing other shooters, this can just seem all wrong in everyway....

I dunno... just what I'm thinkin' cause I've played loads of different online fps's. I'd compare Killzone to a cross between Counterstrike and DoD with analogue controls.

Btw do you have TF2 on pc? Cause I'll probably give that a shot since the scout updates out
2009-03-19 23:42:00

Posts: 779

I must disagree with the simple fact that the game does blossom when you reach General, you play with GOOD people!

You almost have everyone on your team with mics, well I do at least. There is almost constant communication, we have the medics, who heal ( and people are asking for it )

We have the snipers in the back, picking off those that decide to stand still, we have the saboteur which goes in there, messes with the team.

I can go on with all the classes and how essential each one is to the team.

I also disagree with the point that the game is unbalanced.

I haven't seen a game this balanced in a while. And by balance I mean, there isn't a overpowered class. Sure you can come back with the "The shotgun is too strong, and you can die from 15 feet away with just one shot!"

Yes but, it's pretty much a one-shot kinda thing, if you miss your shotgun shot, your pretty much screwed, which kind of balances things out.

I must agree that the assault badge is a bit overpowered, especially with the sprint ability that annoys me a lot (Shooting a full clip into a guy to take out his body armor, and almost all of his health, only to have him sprint away...)

But I have full confidence in GG to fix all these problems up. I can't wait until we get to see some DLC, you seem to be giving up on this game way too early.

Every single match I've played since I've hit General has been amazing and fun. I get teamwork, communication, and I always get a "OMGWTFTHATWASAMAZING" moment.

Everthing you have talked about, that supposedly has flaws only happens because there isn't any communication in your team, communication is KEY in this game. If you have a medic standing next to you, chances are he's watching the doorway, and not you. This is where a mic comes in handy, asking for a revive. Same with the healthpacks, you have no idea how many games I have won because I threw a bunch of health packs, near our assassination target, he would NOT DIE! I had about 40 assist points at the end of that game.

One thing I do agree with though is the fact that the spawn gernade for tacticians is wack. When you have two spawn gernades next to each other, one from both team, there isn't really a point in spawning there, because you'll survive for 5 seconds, and your dead.

But this flaw is once again overlooked when you are playing with experienced players, because they DON'T do this! They know where to place the spawn points, and at what exact time. I'm still amazed at how many games I have won because we would have this amazing Tactician in our team.

This is just my opinion on things but I think you are totally misunderstanding the fact that without teamwork or communication, Killzone 2 is just another regular FPS.

The teamwork and communication is what makes this game different, to me at least, I haven't played any FPS games that needed this much teamwork, and to finally play one makes me so happy.

It can honestly only go uphill from here, I heard rumors about the new DLC map pack coming out. Which supposedly has a level that is filled with mirrors. Umm... Can someone say EPIC?

So this is just my 200 cents, once again, I think you are giving up too early on a game that has so much potential, which you stated yourself.
2009-03-19 23:50:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

I think that this game is more wolfenstein tbh but lots say Tf2. Killzone 2 is balanced because both teams can use the same classes, assaults are meant to kill, tactcians are meant to chuck spawns at sd objectives and infantry are meant to suck. Higher classes are not necessarily better, you can't win a game with all sniper or assault (assault will easily run out of ammo) but you still need them to help the other classes get on with their roles. It's not about k/d w/l or accuracy, it's about teamwork and just cus you can't stat track it don't mean it ain't important.2009-03-19 23:50:00

Posts: 1330

Good responses. Although I really can't feel like I'm giving up too early on it, I've sunk over a dozen hours into it - that's a chunk of change, and more than it takes to beat the entire campaign.

I can understand the game coming to life in clan matches and during games full of headsets and experienced players who communicate. But it's so hard to find that, particularly on the PS3. This is not a problem unique to Killzone, it's certainly the case on Warhawk as well.

But with Killzone, it seems that in order for the game to balance on a fulcrum, you NEED all Generals and a bunch of headsets. This just isn't that realistic, particularly before sinking tens of hours into the game to build up to that level. Once again I have to make a comparison to TF2, where the game itself builds in all of the necessary communication and class-balancing to make the game full of teamwork and strategy and balance, and works wonders even without headsets.

There are some great ideas at work here that are successful to a certain degree.

The idea that you have to unlock the classes is, in theory, sound. But they took it way - way - WAY overboard. What it SHOULD be: You play a certain number of matches as each class to unlock the next one. OR, each class has a training mission you have to complete before unlocking it. It gets you familiar with the unique aspects of each class, and teaches you how to best utilize them. You cannot unlock a class until you've gone through these training missions, or played a requisite number of matches as another class (should be a small number, for God's sake).
What they did: Force you to spend hours and hours and hours (and hours) playing the game before you can hope to unlock all the classes, and even then, your unlocked classes are only halfway-unlocked - you've got to sink another who-knows-how-many hours in to unlock the secondary abilities.

It's just so far overboard that it begins to negate the concept.

The Squad system is really, really cool. Although it needs to reward squad leaders a bit more I think. Squad MEMBERS are highly-rewarded by being able to spawn on their leader. But the leader doesn't see any kind of in-game reward like this. As a result, you don't have many people starting up squads, because they'd rather join a squad than be the leader! There's a huge problem in this!
And I don't see the squad system fully utilized, ever! Every game I play tends to have one squad - sometimes 2. Sometimes 2. I think ONE time in a dozen hours I saw 3 squads, but the third squad was just one guy.

Honestly, if the game hasn't taken shape and is still a castrated, half-version of itself at the 12-hour mark, something is wrong. I'm all about rewarding gamers the more they play, but this game is just too far. I honestly wouldn't be surprised playing this game if I got a badge that said "You've unlocked the ability to use the X button! Now you can jump!"
"Congratulations! you've unlocked the "Right Control Stick" badge! use the right control stick to aim left, right, up, and down!"
Oh Thank GOD! 6 hours of playing with just the left stick has been torture! Finally this game will come to life!
2009-03-20 00:54:00

Posts: 1937

Well... The squad leader does get the bonus of having people backing him up. I'd say generally there's only about 4 people on each team who are up for squadding up anyway.

I guess you should stick to the campaign teebonesy, maybe you'll come back to online in a new light another time. Or if you want a pc mouse game with "real" gun physics that doesn't have any unnecessary ranking/unlocking I'd go for CSS.
2009-03-20 01:09:00

Posts: 779

Definately some better stuff here that I can agree to.

Good responses. Although I really can't feel like I'm giving up too early on it, I've sunk over a dozen hours into it - that's a chunk of change, and more than it takes to beat the entire campaign.

Although I do see 12 hours as a lot of time, it only took me 14 hours to get to general, so I can't see were your coming from, since I can't really see myself in your shoes.

I can understand the game coming to life in clan matches and during games full of headsets and experienced players who communicate. But it's so hard to find that, particularly on the PS3. This is not a problem unique to Killzone, it's certainly the case on Warhawk as well.

I definately agree here, if Killzone 2 was on the 360, I would have way more fun, strictly because of the fact that almost everyone has a mic on the 360, since it comes with your purchase.

But with Killzone, it seems that in order for the game to balance on a fulcrum, you NEED all Generals and a bunch of headsets. This just isn't that realistic, particularly before sinking tens of hours into the game to build up to that level. Once again I have to make a comparison to TF2, where the game itself builds in all of the necessary communication and class-balancing to make the game full of teamwork and strategy and balance, and works wonders even without headsets.

I played TF2 for a day, I wasn't good at it, way too unrealistic and fast paced for me. People would just run at me, jumping around me shooting me and I could not shoot them at all. Though I do agree that you would need a bunch of Generals and headsets, this again comes to a problem with the ps3, which doesn't come with a headset with your purchase.

There are some great ideas at work here that are successful to a certain degree.

The idea that you have to unlock the classes is, in theory, sound. But they took it way - way - WAY overboard. What it SHOULD be: You play a certain number of matches as each class to unlock the next one. OR, each class has a training mission you have to complete before unlocking it. It gets you familiar with the unique aspects of each class, and teaches you how to best utilize them. You cannot unlock a class until you've gone through these training missions, or played a requisite number of matches as another class (should be a small number, for God's sake).
What they did: Force you to spend hours and hours and hours (and hours) playing the game before you can hope to unlock all the classes, and even then, your unlocked classes are only halfway-unlocked - you've got to sink another who-knows-how-many hours in to unlock the secondary abilities.

It's just so far overboard that it begins to negate the concept.

I don't really like this idea of going through some training, or playing with the class a bit, but I do agree that it takes way too long to get all the badges unlocked, then going through another however long amount of hours to get the second half, ( I've played about 32 hours, and I just recently got the ability to use med packs with other badges. ) But once again, it depends on how good you are.

I believe it was Pitcard that said this game is for more hardcore gamers, that get a great reward playing a game for countless hours to unlock everything, I would categorize myself in there.

The Squad system is really, really cool. Although it needs to reward squad leaders a bit more I think. Squad MEMBERS are highly-rewarded by being able to spawn on their leader. But the leader doesn't see any kind of in-game reward like this. As a result, you don't have many people starting up squads, because they'd rather join a squad than be the leader! There's a huge problem in this!

Couldn't of said it better myself man... The squad leader should gain a point everytime someone spawns near him, this would encourage him to stay alive, and for people to actually want to become squad leaders.

And I don't see the squad system fully utilized, ever! Every game I play tends to have one squad - sometimes 2. Sometimes 2. I think ONE time in a dozen hours I saw 3 squads, but the third squad was just one guy.

Again, I don't see this anymore since all my squads are filled nowadays.

Honestly, if the game hasn't taken shape and is still a castrated, half-version of itself at the 12-hour mark, something is wrong. I'm all about rewarding gamers the more they play, but this game is just too far.

All I can say is, when you reach General, you get this sense of achievement I've never gotten before, and it doesn't stop there, you're then rewarded with better games.

I honestly wouldn't be surprised playing this game if I got a badge that said "You've unlocked the ability to use the X button! Now you can jump!"
"Congratulations! you've unlocked the "Right Control Stick" badge! use the right control stick to aim left, right, up, and down!"
Oh Thank GOD! 6 hours of playing with just the left stick has been torture! Finally this game will come to life!

2009-03-20 01:09:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

Another thing I feel is worth mentioning here - I have had VERY FEW problems and issues with servers, lag, or the online experience in general. There seems to be MENU lag, which is a touch annoying, but otherwise the online experience has been pretty positive -

and it's free. We're not paying monthly for it. It's free, and it works.

I think Sony's proven that we don't need to pay premiums for online games. While Killzone's online experience could certainly include way more options and details in finding servers, we get that sort of detail in other games on the system which also work quite well. I don't prefer one system to the other, but I always, always prefer NOT paying for content than PAYING for content.
2009-03-20 01:24:00

Posts: 1937

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