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Possible explanation for LBP2 items not carrying over?

Archive: 6 posts

So I think it's trying to import LBP data instead of LBP2 data, because both screens say they're importing data from LittleBigPlanet (not LittleBigPlanet2) and after it finishes, there is no data from 2.

Just a little theoretical bug squashing.
2014-11-19 23:28:00

Posts: 217

Mine carried over some but not all of my LBP2 items2014-11-20 00:20:00

Posts: 36

Same. I noticed a lot of things that carried over from LBP2, but not everything did. For example, I have my unlocked Alvin costume but not Sofie.2014-11-20 02:33:00

Posts: 252

Moved to Everything Else.2014-11-20 14:50:00

Posts: 3458

Moved to Everything Else.

Why do you keep moving posts?

This IS the correct forum for these posts. Looks like you're trying to hide any post that's the least but negative. Are you the forum police?

2014-11-20 15:03:00

Posts: 144

Why do you keep moving posts?

This IS the correct forum for these posts. Looks like you're trying to hide any post that's the least but negative. Are you the forum police?


When posts are moved it's to place them in the most appropriate area.
I am not hiding the thread as you say and negative posts are not removed unless they are against site rules.
Am I "the forum police?" Yes in a manner of speaking I am.
If you would like to discuss what I do as a mod I suggest you pm me or jw as any further discussion derails this thread.
2014-11-20 15:20:00

Posts: 3458

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