Boss AI Tutorial by dcf
Archive: 3 posts
Alright, all those people out there who love to make the most epic insane bosses you can imagine need to check this out. There is actual basic AI this guy sets up with basic AND and OR gates, and movement devices to make your boss never repeat the same movement twice, or repeat it exactly, depending on what you want! Check out Boss AI Tutorial @dcf | 2009-02-27 06:19:00 Author: LuckyShot ![]() Posts: 713 |
I very much agree.. and if you wanted to see his boss in action in a level without the tutorial its called Little Big Galactic Frontier: The Icarus Project - Part 1 i even made a review in it in the review league, and overall it was a good level and i tagged it briliant for its gameplay and most of all its Boss complexity and mechanics. go right ahead i recommend this to everyone. | 2009-02-27 06:47:00 Author: graygoose ![]() Posts: 371 |
Thanks guys, I'm very happy people have found it useful/game-play enhancing. You can also see bosses that use these tools on LuckyShot's 3rd Dr. Rocket stage and some of the bosses in Maraz_Matari's Seeing Red. (These are the ones that I know of, if anyone else has used the tools let me know!) | 2009-02-27 12:48:00 Author: dcf ![]() Posts: 468 |
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