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Rotating object demo ? Copyable

Archive: 5 posts

PSN: Trindall (Search for @Trindall)
Level name: Flipping object demo - Copyable

Because I was looking for something less time intensive after my last level and because I want to spread the ideas that helped me out I put together a demo level of the methods I used to flip objects in my levels. This level is copyable to your moon if you want to see the connections, play with the mechanics or just use parts of it for whatever is needed.

There are links to my two levels in my signature below but for those who may not be familiar with them here is a short description.

Welcome to the Flip-Side: I have made a level on a big wooden plank, as long as the level, that I flip over halfway through and have the player play back along the bottom half to the end.

Heart of the Flip-Side: I made a big wooden ?plus? shaped object that I rotate clockwise and counter-clockwise so that the player plays along all eight faces before reaching the end.

There are three segments in the demo, the first showing the 180 degree flip using a wobble bolt. This is the simplest of the three and has been done before a bit by others. I threw in a state switch to make the demo cleaner and repeatable rather than using a permanent switch.


The second segment covers the methods used to control a motor bolt to rotate an object clockwise or counter-clockwise by a user input. The stopping points of the rotation are defined by sensors so just about any amount of rotation can be set up by the builder. This method is inspired by the implementation that Tony2k7 used in his level, Save the Bunny, Save the World. (A great level.)


The last segment is a variation on the motor bolt concept and was something that NinjaMicWZ had mentioned in a post that I thought would be a good challenge. Three independently rotating rings with one ring inside the other inside the other. This is just an situation of applying the rotation method used earlier three different times and is a cool concept that I may explore in a much bigger scale in the future.


Well I hope that there is something in this demo that may help fertilize ideas or sparks a concept that becomes a great level from someone in the future.

I?m happy to answer questions or to help as I am able.

2009-02-26 16:43:00

Posts: 297

that looks cool. maybe i'll check it out2009-02-26 23:30:00

Posts: 345

hmmm pics look complicated but im sure its really not that complicated atall once you've tried it2009-02-27 00:10:00

Posts: 1232

It is a bit of a production figuring it out and coming up with the initial design but I'm hoping that if someone wants to do something similar that they won't have to go through the trial and error process but rather just copy something from this demo and just attach the wires to where they need to go.

I wanted the user input, when playing, to be as transparent as possible so the input actions are just simple switches but could really be anything, magnetic switches, proximity switches and so on.

I'm also sure that these same actions could be designed and built 30 different ways than I did and many of those probably better or more efficient et cetera. I'm not competing here but hopefully helping a person or two.
2009-02-27 00:55:00

Posts: 297

yo dawg! I herd you like wheels so I put a wheel in your wheel so you can rotate while you rotate.

Excuse the meme... good job!
2009-02-27 04:24:00

Posts: 102

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