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Show me your samurai! (or ninjas)

Archive: 14 posts

I've been making a series of Japanese themed levels (Here (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=t=9118)) so it made sense to try and make a samurai character to go with it. Previously I just had a ninja that I modeled on Ryu from Ninja Gaiden.


Here's what I used.

Raiden helmet (MGS pack)
Teeth decorations for the horns and jewel.
Then just black stickers to cover the hair and a black sticker on the face to make the mask.

Motorcross gloves
Cowboy boots (stickered black)

Armour from the Islands level. Chest and legs stickered black.
the sun crest and another jewel decoration for the chest and tunic and some tassly things on the arms.
The sword is one of the decorations from the MGS pack. The ones that look like strips of armour or machinery.

Then finally a roman cape on the back.

This is my first real attempt at making a custom sackboy and I'm sure samurais and ninjas must be popular so I'd love to see other peoples take on those designs.
2009-02-26 14:12:00

Posts: 146

Nice costume and great levels. I played through the first three and hearted two of them. I live in Japan myself so it was nice to see authentic custom content in your creations. I will post further comments on your thread when I get a chance 2009-02-26 14:21:00

Posts: 1536

Wow, that looks awesome. I'm totally going to be able to make a Gilgamesh costume following your guidelines. 2009-02-26 14:28:00

Posts: 2536

Awsome i would like to make that but its not that clear perhaps u could make a tutorial or add me and i will make one2009-02-26 18:14:00

Posts: 41

Wow! That's an amazing costume! I myself am terrible in stickering costumes.. And it makes me sad that most of the "detailed/complex" costumes takes at least 2 controllers to make, since you mostly need to sticker the back as well. I myself can't get a whole lot further than using standard clothing and making them a different colour. ANd then there's the issue that i do not have nearly enough Costume DLC. But that has to do with me not having a creditcard myself, but have to get the DLC via a friend of mine.2009-02-26 19:06:00

Posts: 440

Wow, really detail costume!
Very ninja-like, I love it
2009-02-26 19:08:00

Posts: 2645

Wow! That's an amazing costume! I myself am terrible in stickering costumes.. And it makes me sad that most of the "detailed/complex" costumes takes at least 2 controllers to make, since you mostly need to sticker the back as well. I myself can't get a whole lot further than using standard clothing and making them a different colour.

my thoughts exactly
2009-02-26 23:26:00

Posts: 345

MM needs to allow saved costume prizes in a future update so we can enjoy and share costumes!2009-02-27 04:25:00

Posts: 102

MM needs to allow saved costume prizes in a future update so we can enjoy and share costumes!

Yes, this really needs to happen. Great costume man, now if only we could win it for finishing your series.
2009-02-27 05:00:00

Posts: 713

Speaking of samurais... you should see the samurai NinjaMicWZ has hiding on his moon, blew my mind.2009-02-27 17:21:00

Posts: 1465

Your samurai looks fantastic, Sosaku!

I'm not much of a costume buff, but here's my friend santagun's "musashi" costume.
I took the photo in a supercool level in a japanese setting.


I have to apologise for the poor picture that doesn't do his fine work and the astonishing attention to detail justice.
2009-02-27 18:14:00

Posts: 150

Wow this got quite alot of responses. And if you like the costume please check out my Mukashi Mukashi level! I put a link to another thread in my first post.

Yeah hopefully at some point they'll let you put costumes in prize bubbles or will let you force a costume on a character when they play your level.

To OCK have you heard of a site called Gaijin Gamers? It's a great forum for foreign gamers living in Japan. It's great community and lots of info things like region compatibility, languages etc. Also, mind if I add you on PSN? It's always nice to have friends in the same region and time zone.

ThommyTheThird. It's pretty simple to make and you don't need 2 controllers. I'll post a detailed tutorial soon and maybe some step by step screenshots to make it easier. I'll go back and check the proper names of all the decorations, clothing etc as well.

tameturtle. That musashi costume is cool. The little topknot at the back is a nice detail. I was trying to make a version of the samurai without a helmet but couldn't find anything that worked well. I might give that a try. I'm hoping the Killzone 2 costumes appear soon. I really want Sev's stubly beard. (KZ2 is awesome by the way.)

And yes I'll have to give NinjaMicWZ's samurai a look. I was also wondering how he made his ninja sackboy.

Oh and P.S. Go play my levels! I'll bump the level showcase thread.
2009-02-28 05:49:00

Posts: 146


I was going to post mine but after seeing yours...
2009-02-28 17:39:00

Posts: 1318

i thought you guys meant samurai as the car in burnout. LOL
2009-02-28 18:20:00

Posts: 545

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