Power Orbs
Archive: 6 posts
Just a thought. There could be some mystical orbs that sackboy runs into to gain magical powers for a period of time. It is probably too late for a suggestion like this, but I thought I would anyway. The orbs could have different effects, like fire and water and air. | 2014-10-28 09:04:00 Author: reecehodgson ![]() Posts: 35 |
I like your'e Idea and it would be super easy to create using the tools provided in LBP 3. Since you can make a sackbot, put logic on it, and then make your character into that sackbot, I suggest that you take a microchip containing the abilities you want your character to get. Put it on the sackbot chip. Then put a countdown timer and connect it to the microchip. Connect a tag or impact sensor to the timer. Ghost an object or a plasmaball and put a tag on it. Hope this will help you! | 2014-10-28 10:30:00 Author: Laxen333 ![]() Posts: 43 |
Something like that is very simple to make, after messing around for a while myself this would be extremely easy to create, so you should have no trouble ![]() | 2014-10-28 20:49:00 Author: raptor42694 ![]() Posts: 89 |
Hi Reecehodgson, This would be a nice idea, However, this can actually be done as it stands. You just need place a microchip on a score bubble or collectibell. On this have an impact sensor to a sequencer. On the sequencer have a 1 use sackpocket tweaker followed by a destroyer. Just with the logic that's in lbp3, it can be done mate. ![]() | 2014-10-29 00:38:00 Author: Sean88 ![]() Posts: 662 |
That's what the power up creator is there for so you can uses that. Also creating your own power up isn't going to be hard just experiment and play around with everything a little by little from camera, cinematic, tools, it doesn't matter what it is you'll learn it in due time. | 2014-10-29 03:40:00 Author: TheFourKings ![]() Posts: 45 |
Hi Reecehodgson, This would be a nice idea, However, this can actually be done as it stands. You just need place a microchip on a score bubble or collectibell. On this have an impact sensor to a sequencer. On the sequencer have a 1 use sackpocket tweaker followed by a destroyer. Just with the logic that's in lbp3, it can be done mate. ![]() In fact it could be done in LittleBigPlanet 2. ![]() But a Sackbot is mandatory in order to achieve it. | 2014-10-29 19:15:00 Author: SEWO97 ![]() Posts: 637 |
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