Ability to make your own costume pieces?
Archive: 7 posts
Before you ask, I don't mean with just stickers and decorations. I mean with a program of sorts that you can get for your computer if you have at least some experience with modelling. Also, we could maybe share them with other people through prize bubbles or a new menu of sorts in the game, like what The Sims 3 did with user-made sims and houses. At least, I think this could be done, but I don't know coding and that techno confusion, so it might not be. ![]() But if it is, then I thought that it would be a process similar to this: I will use a male hairstyle for this example (Because there's just no hairstyles for guys on the game for some reason, asides from DLC items.) 1) You download the model-making program (which I shall now nickname as "Sackboy's tailor parlor" because why not) 2) Load up a template of sackboy's head or an existing hair piece, or wig if you want to call it that, then edit it to the way you like it. 3) Create the textures for the hair (If people can take the time out of their lives to basically revamp Minecraft to look like a blocky version of reality, then I'm at the least 75% sure someone can take the time to make a pair of jeans or a hat, right?) 4) Save the hair in a format LBP could load (perhaps make it a .lbp file or something) 5) Upload to your lbp.me profile for use in-game. 6) Enjoy the hair on your sackthing! (Possibly, unless I forgot about 50,000 little details that could serve as a problem) Again, this idea can be a hit or miss in terms of possibility, whether it be from technical problems, or time restraint problems. (Which might not be a problem in the end, because they could maybe add this in as an update later in the next year) I just think that this would be neat and would add a new chance to customize your character more to your tastes than what you can do now with simple stickers and decorations, right? Well, either way, if you see any problems of flaws in this idea, feel free to point them out. Maybe we could manage to fix them to make this a real thing! ![]() | 2014-10-16 02:45:00 Author: ZombieTV32 ![]() Posts: 13 |
i would like to see this but not on a computer what about in the game it self | 2014-10-16 03:09:00 Author: nintenguy ![]() Posts: 26 |
i would like to see this but not on a computer what about in the game it self I mean, to make the models themselves. Because wouldn't it be kinda hard to make some good looking steampunk pants with an analog stick? I can see it now: "Okay, now for the pant leg.... *thumb twitch, makes sackboy look like he has a swollen foot* NOOOOOOO!" xD | 2014-10-16 03:26:00 Author: ZombieTV32 ![]() Posts: 13 |
I've been hoping for this idea to come true since before lbp2. I really hope it gets added. Fingers crossed! :hero: | 2014-10-16 11:58:00 Author: ZNBJ ![]() Posts: 181 |
Nice idea, but I don't really see this being implemented. If they did I could see others recreating rares and just giving them away to other players. Then you would see a whole bunch of players with crowns and beta vests ![]() | 2014-10-16 19:27:00 Author: LJRobey ![]() Posts: 122 |
nice idea, but this would devalue DLC extremely, that alone is reason enough why it wont happen. I can imagine it would pose Copyright issues to, similar to why we cant import stickers/sound. And thirdly, I dont think it would really fit in with the theme of LittleBigPlanet. LBP is meant to be accessible to all ages and modeling is very difficult. I am not sure if you could practically create a tool that fits in with this and still provides the level of detail you desire. | 2014-10-16 20:38:00 Author: samalot ![]() Posts: 591 |
nice idea, but this would devalue DLC extremely, that alone is reason enough why it wont happen. I can imagine it would pose Copyright issues to, similar to why we cant import stickers/sound. And thirdly, I dont think it would really fit in with the theme of LittleBigPlanet. LBP is meant to be accessible to all ages and modeling is very difficult. I am not sure if you could practically create a tool that fits in with this and still provides the level of detail you desire. Dang it :l you're right. (I KNEW I was going to forget a major detail or two! Just knew it!) | 2014-10-16 22:32:00 Author: ZombieTV32 ![]() Posts: 13 |
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