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Release date for the rest of the world?

Archive: 41 posts

Its been like two weeks since it released in New Zealand so I was wondering when it will release in other parts of the world2014-10-14 13:41:00

Posts: 35

I'm really interested in giving this a go. Been wondering myself when it will be released globally hopefully soon 2014-10-14 14:58:00

Posts: 15

We only have 3 Weeks left of October so... One those weeks Run Sackboy Run could be release around the world soon. 2014-10-14 20:59:00

Posts: 524

My crystal ball says it will be out next week.2014-10-17 13:45:00

Posts: 3378

The apple never lies.2014-10-17 18:15:00

Posts: 38

Good news, Run Sackboy Run maybe release worldwide next week, Bad news for vita people you have to wait to November to get the game.

2014-10-17 20:29:00

Posts: 524

oh no thay dont i better be geting some thing in retern for not haveing it on my vita
and it better come out befor lbp
2014-10-18 05:26:00

Posts: 162

I've been checking like every day this month for RSBR lol, and I can't find it does anyone know the exact release date?2014-10-22 12:53:00

Posts: 181

I've been checking like every day this month for RSBR lol, and I can't find it does anyone know the exact release date?

Moved to existing thread.
2014-10-22 13:06:00

Posts: 3458

Makes sense. Release a product on all non-Sony devices before the Vita because the games are generally exclusive to PlayStation. This infuriates me beyond... Fanboyism!

And I just turned my Vita on to see if I can download it yet!
2014-10-24 19:37:00

Posts: 637

Makes sense. Release a product on all non-Sony devices before the Vita because the games are generally exclusive to PlayStation. This infuriates me beyond... Fanboyism!

And I just turned my Vita on to see if I can download it yet!
i dont under stand wut who are you replying to? and is it rilly on the store
2014-10-24 21:04:00

Posts: 162

i dont under stand wut who are you replying to? and is it rilly on the store

I don't mean to offend but it's really difficult to read what you wrote and have previously. So I'm going to assume what you wrote and reply from that. I wasn't replying to anyone specific, it was a general comment stating my opinion. Which by the way, was sarcasm and I don't think you interpreted that because you asked me whether it's really on the store. And no, it's not on the PlayStation store yet.
2014-10-24 23:40:00

Posts: 637

Just wondering if an official date has been released for "Run Sackboy! Run!" to come to the app store in countries other than New Zealand. (Mainly England I'm talking about.) I just don't see why it is released in NZ but nowhere else!2014-10-26 15:13:00

Posts: 35

Just wondering if an official date has been released for "Run Sackboy! Run!" to come to the app store in countries other than New Zealand. (Mainly England I'm talking about.) I just don't see why it is released in NZ but nowhere else!
Merged with existing thread.
2014-10-26 15:17:00

Posts: 3458

I've heard mobile store releases are on the 22 and 29 of each month, so possibly tomorrow? I'm not sure if that information is accurate but even if it's not it will be released in the next three days.2014-10-29 00:09:00

Posts: 6

I've heard mobile store releases are on the 22 and 29 of each month, so possibly tomorrow? I'm not sure if that information is accurate but even if it's not it will be released in the next three days.

we cant say it will be out this month thay did say that ther is a slite chanes i will be relest the frest week of november but thay also sead that that probly woant hapen but we cant say it will be out in the next 3 days
2014-10-29 19:12:00

Posts: 162

Interesting, the playthroughs I have seen of it look like a complete game so the late release must be a hype thing.2014-10-29 23:45:00

Posts: 6

IT IS OUT TODAY GUYS oops sorry caps was on sarry 2014-10-30 23:32:00

Posts: 26

IT IS OUT TODAY GUYS oops sorry caps was on sarry

*hug* you better not be prenking me
2014-10-31 02:14:00

Posts: 162

IT IS OUT TODAY GUYS oops sorry caps was on sarry

On Vita? I'm going to check, if you lie I will join Newton on his wrath on Bunkum!
2014-10-31 14:58:00

Posts: 637

On Vita? I'm going to check, if you lie I will join Newton on his wrath on Bunkum!
Its not on android store yet unfortunately
2014-10-31 20:25:00

Posts: 6

Its not on android store yet unfortunately

Theres not any information on a release date for the UK anywhere.
2014-10-31 20:26:00

Posts: 637

Its not on android store yet unfortunately

It was only released on iOS yesterday.
2014-10-31 21:13:00

Posts: 2333

*hug* you better not be prenking me

i am not
2014-11-01 00:48:00

Posts: 26

ok ples do me a faver the game isent fuly relset yet becuse it not on the ps vita or on android
so ples stop saying it is on evry thing now it not
2014-11-01 03:22:00

Posts: 162

@cuddelbunny Please type that again, but in English this time.2014-11-01 12:32:00

Posts: 35

@cuddelbunny Please type that again, but in English this time.

I suppose a translation is in order!

'Okay, please do me a favour. The game isn't completely released yet because it's not on the PS Vita or Android devices. So, please stop saying it's on everything now because its not!'

But I disagree with it. The game is complete, it's likely just awaiting testing or undergoing some other kind of product things.... that Sony do.
2014-11-01 15:59:00

Posts: 637

2014-11-04 17:40:00

Posts: 35


Theres a 'Reply With Quote' button directly underneath the posts. You don't need to '@' each time you post.
2014-11-04 19:29:00

Posts: 637

Theres a 'Reply With Quote' button directly underneath the posts. You don't need to '@' each time you post.

Never knew how to do that! Thanks again!
2014-11-06 16:30:00

Posts: 35

Never knew how to do that! Thanks again!

2014-11-06 17:28:00

Posts: 637

eney news on rsbr for psvita2014-11-07 20:03:00

Posts: 162

It got canceled i suppose?2014-11-09 20:31:00

Posts: 3378

It got canceled i suppose?

You shouldn't assume this conclusion based on the fact there is no news because the developers have not officially stated it.
2014-11-09 20:57:00

Posts: 637

You shouldn't assume this conclusion based on the fact there is no news because the developers have not officially stated it.
If no one cares to say why this game isn't out yet, why should they care about telling us it got canceled?
2014-11-10 09:27:00

Posts: 3378

If no one cares to say why this game isn't out yet, why should they care about telling us it got canceled?

I don't think the developers are going to leave us to keep speculating. Even if they did, I would assume Steven_I posts an official comment, you know, since it's his job I assume (I don't know his actual job, community manager?)
2014-11-10 09:41:00

Posts: 637


In the comments:
"You will be able to pick up Run Sackboy! Run! for PS Vita and Android at the end of the month!"

Super annoying that they only released the ios version before LBP3 launch.

I have some very choice words I wish I could say on this forum that they didn't first focus on the vita version before the bile version, let alone a single **** mobile version.
2014-11-13 21:38:00

Posts: 790


In the comments:
"You will be able to pick up Run Sackboy! Run! for PS Vita and Android at the end of the month!"

Super annoying that they only released the ios version before LBP3 launch.

I have some very choice words I wish I could say on this forum that they didn't first focus on the vita version before the bile version, let alone a single **** mobile version.

Run Sackboy, Run! the game with what a lot of people would say 'to advertise LittleBigPlanet 3' is to come out after the games initial release... hmmm. I was looking forward to the game and would have played it to keep my hype remaining high but why would I play what's technically a mobile game when I will be playing the console release? I'm sick of being disappointed by developers...
2014-11-13 23:04:00

Posts: 637

Cant find it on vita or google app store I wonder if they forgot about us hope not because I'm tired of the US getting everything. 1st qore cap then slushee T now run sackboy run. I'm not stating this as fact but kind of feels like they forgot about rest of the world, and would rather give them all the exclusive dlc. (except newzealand who are lucky)2014-11-14 22:25:00

Posts: 41

Cant find it on vita or google app store I wonder if they forgot about us hope not because I'm tired of the US getting everything. 1st qore cap then slushee T now run sackboy run. I'm not stating this as fact but kind of feels like they forgot about rest of the world, and would rather give them all the exclusive dlc. (except newzealand who are lucky)

Nobody has the Android or Vita versions. Only the iOS version is out everywhere. The Android and Vita versions are supposed to be released at the end of the month according to StevenI.
2014-11-15 10:46:00

Posts: 2333

Nobody has the Android or Vita versions. Only the iOS version is out everywhere. The Android and Vita versions are supposed to be released at the end of the month according to StevenI.
hmm guess I can hold on till then hope it is true though. thnx for the info
2014-11-15 12:26:00

Posts: 41

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