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Sackboy WALL-WALKING (Z-AXIS) sighted!

Archive: 5 posts

I am very hyped for this game and since there aren't any new infos out yet (i'm not counting the Youtube videos of Tutu Tango & Crumbling Crypts titled as "new gameplay footage" >_>) i started a thorough search in all available trailers for any new details/materials/decorations/objects. This is what i FOUND in the GAMESCOM Create & Share Trailer (Link below):


At 0:46 you can see a Sackboy in his Adventurer/Archeologist costume on the left side (near the pink tank) facing towards the screen. At 0:49 you can clearly see him WALKING down the "street". It looks great! His arms and gear are swinging! It looks like it SHOULD and not like some workaround-boogie-woogie!

If this has been already posted, my apologies (i found nothing using the search function). Oh and sorry for my English i'm from Austria
2014-10-11 18:38:00

Posts: 9

Only just noticed this. Nows the question how easy is top down to use and implement, will we have to build the logic for it ourselves.2014-10-11 23:57:00

Posts: 175

I don't think it will be that difficult to make. Character Rotation Tweaker + Charakter Animation Tweaker = Top Down Epicness! And don't forget to add a horde of rabid Oddsocks in wolf costumes to chase down some tasty Sackfolk.

The only thing i wish for now is the option to tilt the camera just a little lower...
2014-10-12 00:41:00

Posts: 9

I don't think it will be that difficult to make. Character Rotation Tweaker + Charakter Animation Tweaker = Top Down Epicness!

Pretty much how it's done.
2014-10-12 09:42:00

Posts: 1799

At 0:46 you can see a Sackboy in his Adventurer/Archeologist costume on the left side (near the pink tank) facing towards the screen. At 0:49 you can clearly see him WALKING down the "street". It looks great! His arms and gear are swinging! It looks like it SHOULD and not like some workaround-boogie-woogie!

Very good spot. I'm so excited myself! This will undoubtedly be used in my new levels... I've been waiting for this for a long time! 36 days to go I believe as of now!!!?!?!!?!?!?!? AHAHAHHAHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!

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Very good spot. I'm so excited myself! This will undoubtedly be used in my new levels... I've been waiting for this for a long time! 36 days to go I believe as of now!!!?!?!!?!?!?!? AHAHAHHAHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!

I just found out that LBP3 is no longer coming out in 36 days but due to a delay, it is now 44 days. Not happy....
2014-10-12 10:30:00

Posts: 637

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