Previous Voices & Voice Custom
Archive: 3 posts
Previous Voices It would be awesome to see every voice of every protagonist/antitagonist from all LBP games (including the ones on PSP & Vita) to be put on LBP 3, so we'll have more option available. Voice Custom The ability to create your own voice through using a similar tool that's like the music editor which allow the player to fully tweak their music, but with a voice editor we can tweak a premade or creator made voices. Now in addition to that we should be able to use a mic to speak with our own voice then it'll come out as the customize voice we created. http://s3.zerochan.net/K-ON%21.240.66271.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b4/Sound_wave.jpg All this would help creators who are like you & me to make great projects with phenomenal voice acting, so you can do it either solo or with a team. | 2014-10-07 22:31:00 Author: TheFourKings ![]() Posts: 45 |
As nice as this would be, the quality of the recorded voices in-game aren't good. I myself have a set of Turtle Beach that cost a pretty penny and yet the quality remains not-so-good. Still a nice idea and I would support it but until we can get some good quality voice recording, I wouldn't want the developers from my opinion to spend time on this feature. | 2014-10-08 00:46:00 Author: SEWO97 ![]() Posts: 637 |
As nice as this would be, the quality of the recorded voices in-game aren't good. I myself have a set of Turtle Beach that cost a pretty penny and yet the quality remains not-so-good. Still a nice idea and I would support it but until we can get some good quality voice recording, I wouldn't want the developers from my opinion to spend time on this feature. You won't need good quality voice recording because the voice editor will allow to tweak the voice enough to make it sound better then a poor quality mic. Also it's the developers decision if they want to include the suggestions or not or do it later. | 2014-10-08 04:31:00 Author: TheFourKings ![]() Posts: 45 |
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