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Trophy Help.

Archive: 8 posts

I'm very sorry, I've used the search and didn't find a Thread like "Heart me" or "Trophy Help".

It sound's weird, but it's the fact: I'm such a lowbie on creating own stages - rather I don't even have the time for creating them, if I could - that I'll probably never make it to the "A level you published was hearted by 50 or more people and you were hearted by 30 or more people" - Create Trophy.

Again, if this posted in the wrong thread, please move it.
Or redirect me to the right one.

If not, I have simple one asking, heart me, heart my dump *** level.
I'll reward it and heart your level/account back, 'cause I need to get the Share Trophy aswell.
2009-02-24 19:48:00

Unknown User

Hmmm..... a lot of people are not happy to do H4H here - and I'm one of them. All I can do is offer you some advice;
Come up with a good idea and follow the advice I gave on the "What makes a good level - Definitive Thread." Should be somewhere on the help page.
2009-02-24 19:53:00

Posts: 2645

Well, actually you didn't read probably, hmm?
I would do my own stage, I would create something that stunning, that it even get's me a lot more than 50 plays / hearts and 30 hearts on my account.

But I can't.

I'm somewhat not-creative, that making a chart house out of cards would be the best I can do.

But I've paid a lot of money for the game, so I believe it's not wrong, asking other people to help me out, to get trophies ...

So, if anyone wants to help me out, I would be somewhat of thankful.
2009-02-24 20:43:00

Unknown User

I am intrigued as to why you brought the game if you didn't want to create anything fun to play......
I think it is much better to earn the trophy than to get it just advertising on sites that you want hearts.
As I mentioned earlier, you won't have much luck here because of the strict "unwritten" rule. Again, I would suggest you made a decent level when you get time. Even if it is just taking a clich? and making it better-ish
2009-02-24 21:08:00

Posts: 2645

If you thought that people here would actually do what is ruining the game, then I must express my shock.

The fact that you can't earn a trophy doesn't mean that a community of people who spend months to create their own works of art would actually work for what is poisioning the community.

I mean, really :/.
2009-02-24 21:43:00

Posts: 10882

I am intrigued as to why you brought the game if you didn't want to create anything fun to play......

im totally against H4H

but at the comment above i bought it and didnt except to create much and i havent created much yet ether i like playing Other peoples levels.
2009-02-24 22:10:00

Posts: 6419

1. Search for heart on LBP
2. Go through all the heart for heart levels and do what they ask for
3. Wait for them to return the favour
4. *ding* Trophy
5. Remove all the heart for heart levels to declutter your hearted page.
2009-02-24 22:12:00

Posts: 6728

Yeah, I think you're on the wrong forum for H4H. However, people will help you to make a good level.2009-02-25 02:45:00

Posts: 542

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