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Ammunition Logic

Archive: 4 posts

Ever wanted to PEW PEW PEW in a level, but the amount of PEWs to shoot at a certain speed, and be limited to a certain amount of PEWs?

now you can PEW professionally!

http://ie.lbp.me/img/bl/dbe914e0b961e3cd3c1f723a9e02f0908755e781.png (https://lbp.me/v/qthv7vd)

Please report any bugs, and add on any suggestions in the comments/reviews

enjoy your PEWing!
2014-10-06 07:44:00

Posts: 664

Cool, I will have a look into it, it sounds interesting...2014-10-06 20:40:00

Posts: 73

Your logic is insanely awesome. I saw you test it in my moon and I didn't understand a lick of it from a logic standpoint. I'm going to play this tonight!2014-10-06 22:35:00

Posts: 23

Your logic is insanely awesome. I saw you test it in my moon and I didn't understand a lick of it from a logic standpoint. I'm going to play this tonight!

haha well I hope it's simple enough to use, that was my intention with the design of it
2014-10-07 16:00:00

Posts: 664

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