Pixel-Artist Friendly Tools
Archive: 3 posts
Hello, as a creator who uses mostly pixel art in levels, there are many tools that I, and many others, would most likely benefit from. They are as follows: 1. A sticker creator that allows grid function, just using controller joysticks. 2. The ability to scale stickers on the actual grid, (This would be extremely handy for placing stickers onto sprites) 3. Allowing creators to actually import files from their consoles, (Would reduce the time needed to make sprites, especially larger sheets) There are probably many more ideas that I can't think of at the moment, but the previously mentioned ones would really make creating easier. Please comment any thoughts or ideas you have. <3 | 2014-09-28 19:14:00 Author: Dobbed ![]() Posts: 40 |
That would be wonderful. The more grid and grid options, the better! | 2014-09-28 20:07:00 Author: Ryuhza ![]() Posts: 355 |
Allowing creators to actually import files from their consoles, (Would reduce the time needed to make sprites, especially larger sheets) Although a great idea and has been discussed a many. This won't be implemented. There are a lot of immature people who would rather exploit this and publish levels containing inappropriate images. I agree that they still should but they won't. I'll feel dumb if they do. | 2014-09-28 20:39:00 Author: SEWO97 ![]() Posts: 637 |
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