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Insane side levels

Archive: 5 posts

Anyone else find some of these side levels to be crazy ridiculous to complete? Particularly the egg toss one and the monster "truck" one. In the monster one, I spend more time spinning out from the mines than I do from chasing the trucks, there are so many of them, and the trucks actively avoid your location. It's incredibly frustrating.2014-09-26 14:10:00

Posts: 388

Anyone else find some of these side levels to be crazy ridiculous to complete? Particularly the egg toss one and the monster "truck" one. In the monster one, I spend more time spinning out from the mines than I do from chasing the trucks, there are so many of them, and the trucks actively avoid your location. It's incredibly frustrating.

Couldn't agree with you more StJ.

The egg toss level drove me mad, nearly had that 'controller thrown through tv' moment.

I have to admit now though that I have a deeper appreciation of that particular level with the logic going on behind it, after my own creation efforts!
2014-09-26 21:17:00

Posts: 460

I found the Egg Toss level to be more challenging than frustrating.

However, both side levels involving mine-dropping trucks can go wade in a pool of salt and barbed-wire. >:1
2014-09-28 03:23:00

Posts: 194

For the Egg Toss, once you understood that you have to press up with L3 before throwing your egg, it' s not that difficult, because you can put your egg in the target from very far on that way.2014-09-28 09:18:00

Posts: 408

For the Egg Toss, once you understood that you have to press up with L3 before throwing your egg, it' s not that difficult, because you can put your egg in the target from very far on that way.

Realizing that made a huge difference, but it was still quite frustrating, mostly because you would get hit by the fireballs even when they didn't hit you, making you still drop the egg.
2014-09-28 14:19:00

Posts: 388

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