Music Suggestion
Archive: 2 posts
PLEASE please let us import music through USB into lbp to use like a sequencer I'm not sure how that could infringe copyrights as LBP could simply put something like "ARR YOU KIDS, DON'T PUT IN COPYRIGHTED MUSIC" *disclaimer* and seeing as how they were able to do it with some other songs like rokkysopp and ferry corsten, it would be awesome if we got to be able to put music of our own likings in If you see any problems with this thread, please add onto it! | 2014-09-25 01:27:00 Author: amiel445566 ![]() Posts: 664 |
Even if they somehow did monitor copyrighted content, including an MP3 or some streamed music would take a bit longer to load. The closest thing I could see to this that would be efficient, would be MIDI importing. Even then, there is a risk of people importing commercial MIDIs, or stealing other people's music. Speaking of the music sequencers, being able to set a loop point (in any part of the song) would be nice ![]() | 2014-09-25 03:31:00 Author: Kur0 ![]() Posts: 18 |
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