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Archive: 3 posts
Yes reading these forums is a great way to get new ideas for levels. But why not take it to the next level and actually become a member and register on this forum? That way you can share your ideas and get great feedback on questions or problems you might have. It's fun and easy, the best way to improve is to get support from your fellow players. After I registered, it took a couple days to get 'verified'. but once i was verified, I was able to post questions and comments. Dont let yourself be only a guest, get registered and join the community. Ideas are worth sharing, so become connected. Join now, you wont be disappointed. Hope to hear your ideas soon. | 2014-09-21 10:47:00 Author: valious2corvus ![]() Posts: 171 |
Yes reading these forums is a great way to get new ideas for levels. But why not take it to the next level and actually become a member and register on this forum? That way you can share your ideas and get great feedback on questions or problems you might have. It's fun and easy, the best way to improve is to get support from your fellow players. After I registered, it took a couple days to get 'verified'. but once i was verified, I was able to post questions and comments. Dont let yourself be only a guest, get registered and join the community. Ideas are worth sharing, so become connected. Join now, you wont be disappointed. Hope to hear your ideas soon. My sentiments exactly and one of the main reasons for me starting the Halloween Competition was to try to get some 'guests' to register and join in. Over 800 Sackpeeps have now viewed this but still only a couple created/published levels so far. Maxxammo has done his best by publishing a DLC level with halloween props already built to be won and used if wanted plus an 'advert', if you like, of the fact this competition is going on, on LBPCentral. I'm not sure we can do much more really. | 2014-09-26 21:29:00 Author: Scorpio1357 ![]() Posts: 460 |
If your reading this, take the next step and join the community. It's the best way to communicate ideas and learn. Just register,1,2,3. Be the next, not the last. | 2014-10-02 04:09:00 Author: valious2corvus ![]() Posts: 171 |
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