Archive: 1 post
As silly as it sounds, I rather like Demi-Devs (Demi-Developers). Seeing as how we didn't develop the thing we are using to make levels on, but we ARE making levels and even games and concepts that others enjoy, it seemed fitting enough. Sure it sounds silly, but I rather enjoy designing and making the levels I make. Perhaps not nearly as intricate as actual game development, it's a fun way to get a feel for it. Anyways. Figured I'd slap some stuff in here that has helped me design and make levels. Although some of these are recent, so my old levels are old. Working on much better stuff now! Word of noting- These may or may not help you. They helped me in some stuff, so I figured they'd help others. Not everything that is said in these videos should be taken to heart, as goes with anything really. Always question with moderation. Anyways. Here's a fun web show thing that talks about game development. Lots of fun stuffs in here and they may even help with level building. Though these are mostly guidelines. https://www.youtube.com/user/ExtraCreditz Here is some Philosophy on the arting! Not really a game-centric site, but the lessons it talks about help outside of art as well. http://doodlealley.com/ (http://doodlealley.com/) I may put more, but for right now, this is all I can think of off the top of my head. If anyone has anything else to add, leave a reply and I'll add it to the list. | 2014-09-10 22:20:00 Author: Devious_Oatmeal ![]() Posts: 1799 |
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