The Sinkhole
Archive: 1 post
(Ctrl-V) So... I made some levels 6 YEARS AGO. Since I came here with a LBPK level to share, I reluctantly (there are some really impressive levels lurking out there) thought that I'd share these oldies but goodies (at least, in my opinion) with you all. I know they aren't any where near the visual tour de force you can find on here, but fun, if not challenging nonetheless. Without further ado... The Sinkhole v2.0 (https://lbp.me/v/q6fqhs) This was my second attempt at a level. You're in the middle of a mountain top excavation and started to head back, but the ground gives way and then suddenly you're falling. Now you have to find your way back up through a conveniently located cavern. A lot of hours were spent constructing this mostly platforming (LBP style) level. Lots of jumps that require very precise timing and tricky maneuvering. Quite a few secrets and scenes to find and see in this perhaps charming level. Hope you can find the time to queue it up and give it a shot. http://i6.lbp.me/img/bl/9268a9c280c22a1f98e51283a69b1d6ddf864798.png http://ic.lbp.me/img/ft/1cc50920cddd1dc6818350803195166e6cbc8c1c.jpg This is the latest version which was a little more polished and toned down in difficulty since the difficulty was the biggest complaint (I tended to make my levels very challenging). You can get keys to the more challenging versions when completing this one. Sorry about the lack of screens since I was having trouble with posting images. http://lbp.me/v/q6fqhs | 2014-09-10 20:51:00 Author: phalanxgtr ![]() Posts: 10 |
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