HUD Mode in Create (With Pictures)
Archive: 7 posts
HUD Mode for LittleBigPlanet 3 Today I wiped the dust off of Photoshop and devised a way that could possibly work in order to bring a HUD creator to LBP3. I've seen many post about creators wanting to create a legitimate HUD in LBP3 and I'm right there with them. Most of the creators that I have come across wanting this feature plan on making an RPG. I'm also making an Action-RPG for LBP3 since the thermo restriction is gone. For you sackfolk that tackle different genres (Mini-games, Cinematography, Shooters, etc.), I'm presenting this on behalf of you all too. Having an actual HUD creator could make level more immersive. I've played only a handful of levels that have actually taken me out of LBP and placed me in an entirely different game. The Score Display residing in the top-left corner should be able to be toggled on/off, as in some cases that is the only thing that is holding the level back from being truly immersive. Giving creators the freedom to display information in their own format is yet another way to boost creativity and make levels unique. http://i.imgur.com/v45KSHf.png Image from CopherMC's (Modular Level Design Tutorial) Activation Above is how one would active the "HUD Mode" In order to customize a HUD for their level. It is activated just like you would active Preview or Front View. After you have checked HUD Mode and close the menu, you will be in HUD Mode. http://i.imgur.com/BPeXo4w.jpg Materials The HUD Mode in my demo is restricted to using HUD Matter, Hologram, and Sticker Panel as materials, as these materials are weightless and can be toggled to change colour, opacity, brightness, animation speed, and input action. Which provide more than enough freedom to pimp out your HUD. But we can still go further. Stickers & Decorations Stickers and Decorations can both be used in HUD Mode. They can either be used on a material or they can be pasted right to the Grid (think of HUD mode as a thin layer of Invisible Material). Gadgets (Logic) Now let's take it over the top with gadgets. Gadgets can be used to make HUD's go wild. Movers, Rotators, Simple Logic, Advanced Logic, Emitters ( thin, one-layer material only), and Object Tweakers are able to be used in HUD Mode in order to allow movement and special effects. Material that stray too far out of the HUD mode grid (only possible by using movers) will be destroyed. In order to prevent material from floating off-screen would require that you place 0% opacity material around the outermost grid and program the material to stop or change direction on impact. The grid area within the caution line represents the entire screen in play mode. This allows for objects to pop out into the grid area and back off or rotate an object onto the screen and back off again. The possibilities are endless. You will need to use Tags and Tag Sensors in order to transfer data from your 16 layers to your HUD. Wires will not be used for organization purposes and because the 16 layers is separated from the HUD Grid. Feel free to comment and tell me your opinion or if you want me to add anything in particular. | 2014-09-10 04:28:00 Author: Shadenmonk ![]() Posts: 61 |
Would aspect ratios or different TV sizes be an issue? Not entirely sure as to how that works. | 2014-09-10 20:12:00 Author: Devious_Oatmeal ![]() Posts: 1799 |
Would aspect ratios or different TV sizes be an issue? Not entirely sure as to how that works. I should think the screen-size settings in the options would account for any ratio differences, as it does in just about any game with an HUD. | 2014-09-11 04:25:00 Author: Ryuhza ![]() Posts: 355 |
Hmm... The 'going out of bounds then getting destroyed' thing. Why not give the HUD mode an area to work in, and then a 'caution zone' or gray area, where the things can go before finally hitting the destroyed zone? In an art or animation program, there's the stage, where anything shown in the stage is what's going to show in the final view; and the free room around it that gives the creator the freedom to put things on the outside that may later show up in the animation. | 2014-09-11 10:47:00 Author: Devious_Oatmeal ![]() Posts: 1799 |
Hmm... The 'going out of bounds then getting destroyed' thing. Why not give the HUD mode an area to work in, and then a 'caution zone' or gray area, where the things can go before finally hitting the destroyed zone? In an art or animation program, there's the stage, where anything shown in the stage is what's going to show in the final view; and the free room around it that gives the creator the freedom to put things on the outside that may later show up in the animation. I actually did think about that after I had finished the demo. That'll be the next thing to do on my to-do list. Thanks, Cryogen. Also the aspect ratios would be accounted for in the games screen settings as Ryuhza mentioned. | 2014-09-12 18:35:00 Author: Shadenmonk ![]() Posts: 61 |
LittleBigPlanet on the PlayStation 3 already is letterboxed when the aspect ratio is set to 4:3 mode. As for screen size, you may want to set the screen size setting to full when creating to make a safe region. | 2014-09-16 23:06:00 Author: EleoMod ![]() Posts: 122 |
LittleBigPlanet on the PlayStation 3 already is letterboxed when the aspect ratio is set to 4:3 mode. As for screen size, you may want to set the screen size setting to full when creating to make a safe region. Sorry for the delay, I've been busy trying to settle into college. I've added a space outside of the grid -- the safe area. | 2014-09-22 17:54:00 Author: Shadenmonk ![]() Posts: 61 |
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