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Warhammer 40k - Waaagh!-Slayer [1p]

Archive: 6 posts

Heyo guyz, heyo gurlz!

i wanted to share some information about my newest project with you and maybe hire some beta testers. It's gonna be a sidescroller, but a little bit different from the normal sidescrolling shooters you might be used to in Little Big Planet.

First of all, the level takes place in my most favourite Sci-Fi setting, the Warhammer 40k Universe. (Speehs Mareens, aw yea!) As always as the Orcs start a new Waaagh!, the Imperium of Man sends out their biggest freaks, human war machines: the Space Marines. Armed with armour-breaking bolter-canons and chain swords they are dropped in war zones to do the beastly job before the army arrives.

Secondly, it's more focusing on melee combat than on ranged weapons. Like mentioned, you're also armed with a bolter gun, but due to your ammo is mostly very limited you have to use your Jump Pack and Chain Sword to accomplish deadly drop attacks.

The result of this is a, erm, let's call it a very "mature" Look and Feel.
i know that LBP is also played by kids, so be sure there won't be any flying bodyparts in the level.

Here are some pics of the current and relatively final state of progress:
If someone might be interested in beta testing, just tell me and i will send you the key as soon as possible

Release date is set for this friday evening 18h GMT, given that there are no more game-breaking bugs.

have a nice day!
2014-09-03 22:51:00

Shaggy Vinci
Posts: 969

cool cool , i havent seen any like this beffore i like the dirrection your going.2014-09-04 04:00:00

Posts: 184

I can't believe I missed this level! I've just queued it and I'mma play it right now! Looks brilliant! Had to reply!!!!!!!?!?!?!?!?!2014-10-06 00:16:00

Posts: 637

Hi Shaggy Vinci.
That looks outstanding mate. Great work
2014-10-06 13:41:00

Posts: 662

Thank you guys! And of course, the level has already been released: https://lbp.me/v/qt7p366

And here is the link to the level showcase thread: https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=91449-Warhammer-40k-Waaagh!-Slayer-1p
2014-10-06 20:28:00

Shaggy Vinci
Posts: 969

I love space marines 2014-10-19 22:53:00

Posts: 94

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