Contest Suggestion
Archive: 9 posts
There's been no contests suggested for LBPK that I've seen and wondered if I might put one forward, not strictly my idea but an idea by Maxxammo, though I've just thought of a relatively easy theme to work to. We have approximately 8 weeks or so before Halloween and I wondered if any LBPK Sackfolk might want to enter a small contest, there's no prize as such, other than the appreciation of your fellow Sackfolk and maybe, just maybe, if a Moderator reads this or Members of the Spotlighting Crew, the winner could get a special mention or virtual award of some sort. The golden rule though: The level cannot have been published previously and preferably not a remake of one either. Prefix the level title with HW (so not to use too much space). Reply with a Yay if you're interested, if not enough Yays by the end of next week I'll delete the thread. *** If you're a 'guest' reading this, get yourself registered and join in!*** | 2014-08-22 23:22:00 Author: Scorpio1357 ![]() Posts: 460 |
I would like to join, granted I can finish my current project in time (shouldn't be a problem considering more issues don't pop up). I could probably throw together a basic track with a Halloween theme, I've already got some ideas. | 2014-08-23 17:23:00 Author: StJimmysAdiction ![]() Posts: 388 |
I would like to join, granted I can finish my current project in time (shouldn't be a problem considering more issues don't pop up). I could probably throw together a basic track with a Halloween theme, I've already got some ideas. That's two of us so far then. Don't start anything yet, unless you want to of course. I want to wait and see how many of us there will be by next weekend. If the uptake is too few there's not really a lot of point. | 2014-08-23 19:37:00 Author: Scorpio1357 ![]() Posts: 460 |
Yay, sounds like a great idea! Halloween is so much fun! Anyone have ideas on criteria for the contest? How it'll be judged? I think it should have Sharing of your Custom Object(s) as an important element. Maybe creative Sackpeeps can play on the "Trick or Treat" theme?? Anyone else have ideas? P.S. Everyone can call me Maxx as MaxxAmmo was from way back when SONY had PlayStation Underground and that was my Member name, it carried over when PSN was first created. Anyone remember PlayStation Underground? | 2014-08-23 23:45:00 Author: MaxxAmmo ![]() Posts: 82 |
Yay, sounds like a great idea! Halloween is so much fun! Anyone have ideas on criteria for the contest? How it'll be judged? I think it should have Sharing of your Custom Object(s) as an important element. Maybe creative Sackpeeps can play on the "Trick or Treat" theme?? All good Maxx, I suggest this is judged by all the entrants, with the only rule being, you cant vote for your own track....make sense? Update 24 August 14.30 This post is getting some views but no responses, if you are viewing as a guest, then please register with LBPCentral. If for whatever reason (and I can't think of one) you don't want to register you can send a message to my PSN so I know you're building a level. Start date for building is 1st September, we need to wait until then to see how many participants are interested, but you'll then have until midnight 26th October to publish your level. This gives us a chance to play them all, argue about it a bit, and pick a winner. | 2014-08-24 08:00:00 Author: Scorpio1357 ![]() Posts: 460 |
Oh, man. I am very interested, but I don't think I'll have the time to devote to it. My band is going into recording, have to work on the album art, a lot of work that month and a ton of other stuff going on. That's why it takes me so long to build a level; I have to pick at it a bit at a time. My wife would kill me if I added this to the list of deadlines. Crap. | 2014-08-24 19:57:00 Author: McGuinty_Deluxe ![]() Posts: 29 |
I'm in! I got some awesome and scary Halloween level Ideas. There are some awesome spooky movies I can recreate to keep true to my theme. Definitely count me in. I will have a late start however I'm on vacation for the first week of September. Regardless I will still have plenty of enough time to finish by Halloween! | 2014-08-24 20:06:00 Author: Whit3RaveN ![]() Posts: 84 |
Great idea! I don't think I'll have time to enter anything, but good to see a contest for Karting nonetheless. | 2014-08-25 12:37:00 Author: Rogar ![]() Posts: 2284 |
Contest now launched click here | 2014-08-26 17:50:00 Author: Scorpio1357 ![]() Posts: 460 |
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