Runaway Town!
Archive: 4 posts
Supernatural surprises, a teamwork effort to survive everything from the un-dead, suspicious voices and even mysteries that have been unsolved, can you beat the game? http://lbp.me/v/qs1rpyb - - - - - - - - - - Update: V1.01 A few bugs were spotted during testing, after the original release so we have fixed all of what we spotted. If you spot any issues, bugs or glitches, please comment here! Thank you and enjoy playing this level! ![]() | 2014-08-20 11:35:00 Author: reece8765 ![]() Posts: 30 |
http://ie.lbp.me/img/bl/47e08e115a69e9f47933ad837c0ccc7132af8560.png (https://lbp.me/v/qs1rpyb) You're welcome & queued. ^^ Edit: I've played it - but I can't say it has been fun. It's one of those levels that punishes the player and adds a ??? to every corner. Levels that play with the players mind are all good and well, but don't have them restart a level, when she/he touches the wrong button. My instincts where right at first, but since moving to the back layer seemed impossible after a few tries, I thought there must be another trick to it. But well, there wasn't. The balancing act was also difficult. I made it with my last life (no checkpoint afterwards), just so I could die by the hands of a few zombies that kept respawning. (I've got 3 or 4 zombies which took a lot of damage, but there was always a new one and outrunning three of them didn't really work out for me.) There's also a building and a message in it "no further clue given - do it yourself". But what exactly? The building just exploded at some point - but why, I don't know. But maybe some other players can beat the level. ^^ | 2014-08-20 12:14:00 Author: Lumina ![]() Posts: 641 |
Hi, thanks for your opinions about the level, the questions in your edit was exactly what I was hoping for because part 2 explains everything that you've just questioned, however part 2 is no where near finished and may take some time to even announce anything further at this point. Once again, I appreciate this type of feedback. | 2014-08-23 18:42:00 Author: reece8765 ![]() Posts: 30 |
queued ![]() | 2014-08-31 13:40:00 Author: avundcv ![]() Posts: 2526 |
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