Move Zombies!
Archive: 7 posts
Hey everyone, do you feel in the mood for fighting zombies? Finding out secrets? Or go even further and use the motion controller to eliminate the enemies? Then you don't want to miss out on Move Zombies! The best part about Move Zombies is that you do not need a move controller! Survive as long as you can, collect as many points as possible and become king, or queen of the leaderboards. You can even invite your friends to help defeat the undead. All you have to do is get as many points as possible, open up doors that are locked then decide where your future lies! An outstanding update is also coming soon, we'll introduce the all new air-mover, you can travel across the sky to other places! However for now, those places are classified so get down to this amazing level and defeat the undead! Are you 5:star:'s? Incase you don't see a link, goto: https://lbp.me/v/qsznxzf http://lbp.me/v/qsznxzf | 2014-08-20 11:01:00 Author: reece8765 ![]() Posts: 30 |
Well, there's a room and one zombie... I shoot at him with my paintinator - he doesn't die. I can't outrun him (since the room is really small). I die - game finished. Where is the fun in that? I tried it twice - alone, without a move controller. Maybe you'll find more capable players. Otherwise I would suggest to add a few player lifes, or there won't be an exploration at all. | 2014-08-21 10:40:00 Author: Lumina ![]() Posts: 641 |
Hey, thanks for the feedback, I'll get working on the issue as soon as I can, look out for an update within 2 - 3 hours, everything should be sorted. Thanks again for the feedback - - - - - - - - - - Hey, just to keep you informed about the latest news, I've just loaded up my PS3 and about to fix the issues, sorry I'd have done this sooner but I had places to be D: - - - - - - - - - - Hey, quick update: the fixes will be available after the next addition has been made to the level, so it's like a two-in-one update if you know what I mean? Also, you can go further than the "tiny room" if you use your points to open doors. Just to let you know, it takes 8 hits towards the zombie at the start to destroy it, the next update will change the count and bring it down to 3 hits. Make sure you're accurately hitting the zombie, until the update is released. Good luck! - - - - - - - - - - Oh I forgot one thing: The game gets harder for each door you open as more zombies spawn. I've spotted a few bugs but they'll be sorted in the next update | 2014-08-23 13:08:00 Author: reece8765 ![]() Posts: 30 |
Just to let you know, update 2.25 has been published, changes have been made and I took your suggestion of lives; players can now buy a perk - costs 500 points and adds 7 extra lives. users can buy this as many times as they like however there will be a maximum of 7 lives (if you die 6 times and you want to refill your lives, you can.) I hope this has improved the gaming experience! Have fun ![]() | 2014-08-26 00:02:00 Author: reece8765 ![]() Posts: 30 |
I played your game, and found a bug in the latest version where zombies didn't spawn. I also noticed that the background music and lighting was all wrong for a zombie game. You want more sinister sounding music and a darker theme to the level really. I left an honest review on the level, and I'm more than happy to help you in the future in any way shape or form. ![]() - temple1997 | 2014-08-29 21:28:00 Author: temple1997 ![]() Posts: 36 |
Confusing to say the least... I spawned and promptly died a few times without understanding what was going on. I then shot a zombie and then tried to shoot another, it was caught up on some decoration and I ran out of ammo. The idea that points unlocks the door is nice, but you need to have a little bit of lead up to this... like maybe a simpler section where you can shoot down into some zombies from a safe ledge, and when you run out of ammo, you are forced to dump over them and run to the power up to reload... the number of zombies you kill should be a guaranteed enough amount to unlock a lower points door, that then opens out into your main level. This way a player (that has no idea what is expected of them) will load in, shoot a few zombies, score an (almost guaranteed) chunk of points (like 200+), run out of ammo, and then see that there is more ammo that was activated by having something like 50 points... they run over and trigger this, and then boom... the level concept makes sense, and off the gad to kill more zombies, aware that there is limited ammo, and they need to make points to unlock sections. You teach the core concept within a minute of gameplay and the player is happy because they learnt it in a fairly safe environment. | 2014-08-30 04:00:00 Author: Mr_Fusion ![]() Posts: 1799 |
Thank you for advice and feedback, I am listening to all of you however I'm also working on another project so it may be a few days up to a few weeks before the next update. Whilst you wait for this update, you have a choice between beating your high score and trying to complete an almost-secret challenge or offering suggestions on what you would like to see in future updates. Please also be aware that a new level of transport is also coming to the level and this may please a few people. There will also be a poll added to this thread that will offer you the chance to say that you either liked the update or disliked the update. Once again, thank you for your feedback! | 2014-08-31 21:50:00 Author: reece8765 ![]() Posts: 30 |
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