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Killzone 2 Browser Webgame

Archive: 17 posts

You probably heard of the promotional thing for the launch of Killzone 2. A browser-based game where you get "attacked" by Helghast randomly as you browse. If you've heard about it, it's here. If you haven't, take a look.

2009-02-21 23:32:00

Mark D. Stroyer
Posts: 632

Nice, that'll bring a bit of excitement to my web-browsing.

EDIT: Oh fiddlesticks! they don't have a Google Chrome one
2009-02-21 23:36:00

Posts: 1341

avoid google chrome it has more of a chance to give you trojan in downloads then IE6/7 or FF2009-02-21 23:53:00

Posts: 1232

avoid google chrome it has more of a chance to give you trojan in downloads then IE6/7 or FF

Firefox and IE are quite slow on my computer though.
2009-02-21 23:55:00

Posts: 1341

ok just watch out for what you download2009-02-21 23:59:00

Posts: 1232

o_0 Wow... Tis' kewl. And odd. But mostly awesome.2009-02-22 14:36:00

Posts: 10882

Well I downloaded it and have had one helghast encounter, ive been on multiple sites and pages and have been on the internet for hours, they dont seem to be coming a lot2009-02-22 15:17:00

Posts: 1082

Well I downloaded it and have had one helghast encounter, ive been on multiple sites and pages and have been on the internet for hours, they dont seem to be coming a lot

You have to "accept" them to fight you. When they appear, the killzone 2 status bar turns red, and you hace to click accept. Or it that not the problem?

Anywho, just had my third encounter, and am now a Corporal.
2009-02-22 15:20:00

Posts: 10882

You have to "accept" them to fight you. When they appear, the killzone 2 status bar turns red, and you hace to click accept. Or it that not the problem?

Anywho, just had my third encounter, and am now a Corporal.

No thats not the problem at all, I know to press the button when it turns red, it just constantly says "Checking For Helghast"
2009-02-22 15:59:00

Posts: 1082

For me, it took a couple encounters for it to actually happen for me, at first I got the same experience, not showing up. May want to try restarting Firefox, and/or your computer. It apparently worked for me.2009-02-22 20:39:00

Mark D. Stroyer
Posts: 632

Check it (http://www.killzonewebgame.com/stats?tagname=MARK%20D.%20STROYER). Inside the top 100. YouTube and the Wikipedia seem to get good hits.

Anybody else got any scores to show, yet?
2009-02-23 19:58:00

Mark D. Stroyer
Posts: 632

REgistering doesn't works for me.
I press register and it does nothing.
2009-02-23 20:03:00

Unknown User

Check it (http://www.killzonewebgame.com/stats?tagname=MARK%20D.%20STROYER). Inside the top 100. YouTube and the Wikipedia seem to get good hits.

Anybody else got any scores to show, yet?

I have noticed that most of my attacks have been from youtube :/.
2009-02-23 23:43:00

Posts: 10882

I started playing this on Saturday, it was fun for the first 4 hours or so. But then it got tiresome and hard might I add..

It was fun for a bit, only 4 more days though. ( For me )
2009-02-24 01:26:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

Finally got attacked on Wikipedia; thanks for the direction, Mark...2009-02-24 15:43:00

Posts: 1366

Quick notes for those who're playing:

Recoil isn't nearly as bad as you might think it is.

Facebook is also a fairly good contender if you use it, although sometimes technical issues. Just overall Google stuff seems to be better, with YouTube specifically. You will never come into contact on any of the Killzone sites. I haven't really run into anything else consistent.

Headshots. Normal run-in: 1 hit. Rope drop-in: 2 hits. Shock trooper: 3 hit.

For that robot sentry that'll pop in occasionally: Bullet spam. It'll take around two magazines, so just spam it when it pops up. Be prepared to take a couple of hits if more Helghast run in. Also, if you can, time it so you take it down when it's right nearby other Helghast. You can get a chaining bonus and take down a couple more. Notice that if you hit it, you can keep it from shooting, so if you get overwhelmed, make sure to keep the flak up.

Twitch reload, every time. Up is better, since it's closer to headshots, and (at least I've found) it's more comfortable than dragging down.
2009-02-24 16:52:00

Mark D. Stroyer
Posts: 632

Firefox and IE are quite slow on my computer though.

yeah, Google Chrome doesnt have as many features, so its really light
2009-02-24 17:24:00

Posts: 160

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