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Assorted Foofles bits and blobs.

Archive: 2 posts

Well, I figure now that I learned how to upload things to youtube I might start uploading videos of all my creations that wouldn't exactly be levels. It'll get me in the mood to complete levels in my series!

For starters, here's a video of a boss sequence I made for The_Lil_Joker's level Hazard Factory (Video before integration in level, level is uploaded now)
YouTube - Short Robot Boss battle for LittleBigPlanet

I will eventually have vids of my levels in youtube as well.
2009-02-21 22:29:00

Posts: 2278

lookin' good bud, any chance you could film other people's levels? (hint hint nudge nudge)2009-02-22 02:21:00

Posts: 431

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