If the layer glitch is in LBP3...
Archive: 6 posts
What would that mean when now we have more seamless transversal between layers now. (See Sackboy) http://i.imgur.com/i4WvTQv.gif Would we able to access those layers? If so could that possibly mean we could have actual 3D levels? | 2014-08-17 17:10:00 Author: Remark ![]() Posts: 3 |
I'm unsure about if the layer glitch works the same as the official tool because if you could simply move to those layers, then that would break a lot of levels and I'm sure they won't let that happen. | 2014-08-17 21:01:00 Author: Bladex61 ![]() Posts: 348 |
A different way to move between layers doesn't mean we get access to layers we couldn't reach the old-fashioned way. My guess is you'd still be stuck in the new 16 playable layers even if you import a 100 layer level. Just like in LBP1&2 you're stuck in 3 levels even if you're on a 100 layer platform. | 2014-08-17 21:59:00 Author: Rogar ![]() Posts: 2284 |
Maybe there's an option to allow use of all 16 layers or just the 3 we're used to. Maybe for LBP2 and LBP1 levels, the option is automatically set to 3 layers. Just a guess... | 2014-08-18 03:35:00 Author: Bladex61 ![]() Posts: 348 |
It is mentioned in another thread that the default way to move (the small hop between layers) is still the same. But there is an advanced, advanced mover chip that people have noted, it's icon of arrows pointing in multi directions, and comments after the twitch feed suggests that the above image is using this tweak. If this is the case and it behaves like the in-out mover, then I would guess you can choose a range of layers that you can move between. Which would make sense with you being 'locked' to 3 layers in older levels, but also means that when creating newer levels you may be able to set it up so that you can naturally walk between whatever number of layers you want. | 2014-08-18 03:47:00 Author: Mr_Fusion ![]() Posts: 1799 |
It is mentioned in another thread that the default way to move (the small hop between layers) is still the same. But there is an advanced, advanced mover chip that people have noted, it's icon of arrows pointing in multi directions, and comments after the twitch feed suggests that the above image is using this tweak. If this is the case and it behaves like the in-out mover, then I would guess you can choose a range of layers that you can move between. Which would make sense with you being 'locked' to 3 layers in older levels, but also means that when creating newer levels you may be able to set it up so that you can naturally walk between whatever number of layers you want. That seems like a good way to have it all work. Some people may not want to have all 16 layers accessible in some of their levels-- Which could easily be done anyway with some invisible material, but this would save time I suppose | 2014-08-19 17:45:00 Author: Bladex61 ![]() Posts: 348 |
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