Level Tabs!
Archive: 14 posts
Admit it, you have hearted levels, but thats just a bunch of random levels, and its always hard to find the level you are trying to play! So what im thinking is creating "level tabs". Its where you sort any levels into one file, and then name it. You could create a level tab just for mini games. Or hangouts! Any level could go into the tab, and it you could customize it your own way. If you dont like the name, just tell me, cause level tabs just doesnt fit to me. ![]() | 2014-08-17 02:33:00 Author: XX_sonicfan_XX ![]() Posts: 265 |
Maybe like how you can make playlists on LBP.ME, but directly in LBP ![]() | 2014-08-17 02:35:00 Author: amiel445566 ![]() Posts: 664 |
That would be great. Especially for showing friends levels based on their tastes. Let's say they like free-roam levels, then you could easily show them the levels you've compiled in a free-roam level folder. This is a great idea! | 2014-08-17 06:17:00 Author: Bladex61 ![]() Posts: 348 |
Maybe like how you can make playlists on LBP.ME, but directly in LBP ![]() Exactly what I was thinking when I saw this. | 2014-08-17 06:46:00 Author: Tynz21 ![]() Posts: 544 |
I can't believe I never thought of this before... genius! Level Categories, similar to how there are Popit Categories...? | 2014-08-17 17:38:00 Author: YungDaVinci ![]() Posts: 61 |
I am going to keep wishing for a better search function within any LBP lists (hearted levels, hearted creators, team picks). Being able to file levels under lists would be a great addition to or replacement for increased search functionality. | 2014-08-17 17:53:00 Author: piggabling ![]() Posts: 2979 |
I think as the community grows, the amount of levels will rise to new heights. Our lists will just seem to become endless, and (in a way) stop you from re-visiting old levels you hearted a few years back, due to the amount of time it will take to get there. I think there needs to be a custom labeling option, so you can divide levels the way you want them to be designed. And also, why is this a poll? Seems kind of unnecessary. | 2014-08-17 18:01:00 Author: dyna ![]() Posts: 260 |
And also, why is this a poll? Seems kind of unnecessary. opinions mayun. gotta see the flow n vibe of every sack being. - - - - - - - - - - also i hope the filter adition makes a come back in LBP 3. man im just so hyped up for it! I cant wait!! | 2014-08-19 03:06:00 Author: XX_sonicfan_XX ![]() Posts: 265 |
So, in essence, sorting your favorite levels? Sure! | 2014-08-19 03:29:00 Author: Ryuhza ![]() Posts: 355 |
opinions mayun. gotta see the flow n vibe of every sack being. - - - - - - - - - - also i hope the filter adition makes a come back in LBP 3. man im just so hyped up for it! I cant wait!! Most opinions can just be written, you didn't need a poll for this. | 2014-08-19 18:43:00 Author: dyna ![]() Posts: 260 |
still, just wanted to see if everyone liked the idea | 2014-08-19 19:57:00 Author: XX_sonicfan_XX ![]() Posts: 265 |
Most opinions can just be written, you didn't need a poll for this. There's no reason to argue whether there should be a poll here. Polls are on here to quantify opinions rather than going through and counting the replies as positive, negative, or whatever other vaguely defined area there is. You didn't have to comment about the poll's presence. There's no reason it can't be here. Please move on. | 2014-08-19 20:02:00 Author: piggabling ![]() Posts: 2979 |
There's no reason to argue whether there should be a poll here. Polls are on here to quantify opinions rather than going through and counting the replies as positive, negative, or whatever other vaguely defined area there is. You didn't have to comment about the poll's presence. There's no reason it can't be here. Please move on. I would like to highlight the fact I did contribute to this thread, and did not just come here to argue. | 2014-08-19 20:34:00 Author: dyna ![]() Posts: 260 |
Funny, so did I. Please, for the sake of this good idea, back on topic. | 2014-08-19 20:46:00 Author: piggabling ![]() Posts: 2979 |
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