Archive: 15 posts
We have pictures, but we dont have videos yet! Dont you wish you were able to just take a video, then share it with friends? It would be right next to the photos section, and you could tape anything! then after the video is made, you could add special effects, and cut it into different parts. It would basically be a moving sticker.![]() - - - - - - - - - - or it could be in a different section, like how stickers have their own pop-it menu, videos would get their own part aswell! - - - - - - - - - - LBP vita fans will remember of the few, yet very awesome, animated decorations. They were very cool, but again, were very limited. - - - - - - - - - - If decorations could be animated aswell, that would be kewl. | 2014-08-15 23:46:00 Author: XX_sonicfan_XX ![]() Posts: 265 |
I like the idea. It could be very helpful for making your own tutorials for things that are difficult to explain. | 2014-08-16 01:56:00 Author: Bladex61 ![]() Posts: 348 |
Oh, so it would be like taking a photo in the game except it would follow sackboy and record motion and sound? | 2014-08-16 16:10:00 Author: ZNBJ ![]() Posts: 181 |
I would make teasers of my levels with videos because I'm so full of myself ![]() (But yeah I like this idea also) | 2014-08-16 16:32:00 Author: chronos453 ![]() Posts: 175 |
Oh, so it would be like taking a photo in the game except it would follow sackboy and record motion and sound? How I see it is you get the box thing, just like with photos, and you press play/X, and you wait 3 seconds, then a red dot with the words "REC" show up in the top right corner of the box. Do what ever you want to record, and press X to stop it again. Viola! You have your own little video. You then select it and place it as a sticker where ever you want (preferably sticker material), and it moves! But then again, the videos would have to have a time limit, and you would have to have a limited number of videos. | 2014-08-16 21:22:00 Author: XX_sonicfan_XX ![]() Posts: 265 |
How I see it is you get the box thing, just like with photos, and you press play/X, and you wait 3 seconds, then a red dot with the words "REC" show up in the top right corner of the box. Do what ever you want to record, and press X to stop it again. Viola! You have your own little video. You then select it and place it as a sticker where ever you want (preferably sticker material), and it moves! But then again, the videos would have to have a time limit, and you would have to have a limited number of videos. I think it would be better if it was like recording with a sackbot, so the camera followed you around. This would allow the player to showcase a jumping puzzle, and then go on to demonstrate it. | 2014-08-19 20:49:00 Author: dyna ![]() Posts: 260 |
Well technically they have already said we can do this. Where we can create trailers for our levels, we record it. edit it with their custom build video editing software and then we have our video. Who knows it might not be just for trailers ![]() | 2014-08-19 23:45:00 Author: raptor42694 ![]() Posts: 89 |
i never heard of level trailers. can u explain how they are made and wat they do. | 2014-08-20 01:15:00 Author: XX_sonicfan_XX ![]() Posts: 265 |
i never heard of level trailers. can u explain how they are made and wat they do. Basically, we can create trailers to pin to our levels. So, if you're making a really cool level you want people to play then you can make a trailer by recording parts of your level and editing it into a trailer. Then with that trailer you can add it to your level so people can watch that and decide whether or not they want to play your level, it can also be put onto LBP.me which is actually being re made for the release of LBP3. It's essentially just like film trailers, you watch the trailer before you decide to watch the film. ![]() ![]() ![]() | 2014-08-20 12:26:00 Author: raptor42694 ![]() Posts: 89 |
I hope we can also make videos within a level as well. Don't get me wrong, the trailer thing is awesome. But I think it would be cool if we could also make videos to add within the level for tutorials or story telling and all that fun stuff. | 2014-08-20 16:56:00 Author: Bladex61 ![]() Posts: 348 |
This sounds like a great idea. It would greatly assist in creating tutorials, or creating trailers for levels. Although I'm not sure if this would be a hindrance if you're creating a cinematic level. | 2014-08-20 17:27:00 Author: terablaze4925 ![]() Posts: 21 |
Basically, we can create trailers to pin to our levels. So, if you're making a really cool level you want people to play then you can make a trailer by recording parts of your level and editing it into a trailer. Then with that trailer you can add it to your level so people can watch that and decide whether or not they want to play your level, it can also be put onto LBP.me which is actually being re made for the release of LBP3. It's essentially just like film trailers, you watch the trailer before you decide to watch the film.![]() ![]() ![]() | 2014-08-21 09:49:00 Author: XX_sonicfan_XX ![]() Posts: 265 |
I hope we can also make videos within a level as well. Don't get me wrong, the trailer thing is awesome. But I think it would be cool if we could also make videos to add within the level for tutorials or story telling and all that fun stuff. I have wanted this since forever. I wonder how they do it in the Tutorials. | 2014-08-21 20:05:00 Author: Menen101 ![]() Posts: 74 |
Does it take time for the trailer to load? Also, what if the trailer is bad but the movie is good? And vice versa? I'm not entirely certain if there is a loading time. With PS4 I highly doubt it but on PS3 maybe. With the second thing you'll just have to make an amazing trailer along with an amazing level and hope that everyone else does too! | 2014-08-22 01:42:00 Author: raptor42694 ![]() Posts: 89 |
With the second thing you'll just have to make an amazing trailer along with an amazing level and hope that everyone else does too! Key word is hope | 2014-08-22 03:17:00 Author: Bladex61 ![]() Posts: 348 |
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